Milk Delivery Software
Android App Archive

First download the app you require saving it in a folder of your choice (where you can find it!).

Then follow link

I want to pay my bill by Direct Debit
Type Email Address =  
Then follow these actions:-

  1. Click Action 1 then browse for file file you downloaded
  2. Scan QR code with your bar code scanner.
  3. Follow instruction to install app!

Download Links:-

Milk_22_181022.apk (Beta). - for devices with Android 4.1+ and 6.0+ requiring Permissions.

Milk_22_180512.apk. - for Android version prior to 6.0

Milk_21_170912.apk - for Android version prior to 4.0

Requested Permissions in In Milk_22_180523 or later.

On phone please open Settings - Apps - Milk 22 - Permissions then please turn all ON (or OFF when testing).

App needs READ / WRITE access to the following data folders:-

To get a GPS fix for your customers and use this to get directions to that customer.

Even if your device has no SIM (don't ask) then you need:-

You need this to phone customers without dialling.

You need this to send SMS Invoices and Delivery Notes

When phone is set to business primary mobile - it needs this to add customers to your contacts - so you know who's calling.

You can also delete the contacts so added. However once deleted you cannot re-enter a deleted contact.