Hand Helds for Milk Round Software

NOTE - there is a one-off license fee of £115 per HH terminal. If you have one of these terminals please let us know. You can trial the system for free.

Android Devices

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View notes on using Android Devices with Milk Round Software

Better to get a Phone or Tablet with a SIM? - Recent additions to system allow "We called while you were out" and Delivery Notes to be sent by SMS and Email.

The system is now available on ANDROID DEVICES (version 2.1 Update 1 and above)!

Del List

Android Delivery List

Change Quantity

Change Quantity

Get Directions

Get Directions

There are numerous ANDROID phones and tablets from many suppliers which will run the system.

The app is now integrated with the following bluetooth, 58mm thermal printer which is small enought to fit in a pocket (not ruggedised, but available for £35-40 on Ebay) for printing Delivery Notes/ Invoices/Receipts.


Things you need:-

A wireless router as Hotsyncs are done via wifi.

Get the Milk 2.3 app by searching for "Milk Round Software" on Google Play. If you can't find it please call me.

You need to download the latest version of MR8/DR8 as the Hot-Sync functionality has been transferred to the main program.

Important - Do email Steve to get your self on the Andoid Users mailing List.

View Android App Mod History

View notes on using Android Devices with Milk Round Software

Palm Devices - Obsolete