Please Note
New rules for running MR8/DR8 - due to Windows security features.
Hold down the Windows button and press E. Open the C:\ drive.
Right click on the MR folder and left click Properties. Click on the Security tab.
If you are the only one who uses this machine then select Authenticated Users press the Edit Button and then Full Control, then Apply and OK.
If you share the machine with other none MR8/DR8 users you might need to give just your user that privilege.
Many people don't!.
By default data (your week files) are stored on the C Drive in folder C:\mr\data,
unless you are running on a network and know where your data is stored, DO NOT CHANGE THIS!
Memory sticks are not designed to be used as primary storage where you have many (10,000's) of read/write cycles to the
same physical address.
The purpose of backing up your data is to protect you from Hard Disk Failure,
Fire, Your PC being stolen. All of which have happened to my customers in the past.
It is pointless backing up the the C: drive if that fails you loose your backup copy as well.
Ideally the data should be in at least two places. So as an absolute minimum do a Primary Backup to a USB Memory Stick.
Which if you keep it plugged in is likely to be stolen or damaged with the PC.
So think also about a Secondary Backup to the cloud using Google Drive or DropBox - as well.
Modification History
Most bugs reported here fall into the “slight irritation” class. Most are fixed in very short time. If you find a bug, or you find some aspect of the system particularly annoying, or we have fixed a bug incorrectly, please let us know! We will fix it and post an updated system on our web site:-
Some invoicing problems can be solved by installing the 32bit version of Thunderbird which you can find at:- (Opens in new Tab)
Make sure you click on Need a specific installer? and choose 32bit.
After downloading click open and during installation choose
Custom then continue with installation as usual.
4th December 2024
Long standing user notices an omission! - Thankyou Dennis!
2nd December 2024
Now Fixed - Thankyou Dennis!
21th November 2024
This was caused by window updates Now Fixed!
10th November 2024
This was the cause of blank .pdf files being produced. Now Fixed! Thanks Victoria!
This is to enable identification for email sending restart.
Added payment check to check for payment flag set to "P" and amount paid to 0.0.
To use the average_weekly_deliveries calculation (which is an simple approximation - see customer details).
13th September 2024
Never seen this bug before! The number of rounds became set to 118?? If above 30 now set to 30. Thanks - Lorraine.
10th September 2024
After previous mod 1-4 per page printing of receipt forms did not print correctly. Hopefully now they do! Thanks - Heather.
3rd September 2024
Customers without an active mandate status now have DD data deleted automatically, also, a search is made for active mandates that are not assigned to any customer. If you find any let me know!
19th August 2024
It is advised that all DD users do a Check for Updates ASAP as a (very rare) bug has been found which causes the web-based file which supports DDs to be corrupted .
11th August 2024
The website has been move to a new host and so Google will not be confused is no more! All references have been changed back to, and you no longer need the www. either.
10th August 2024
Barclays Bank Import, Other Lists - Text Output - Json.
15th April 2024
The system throws a page feed for all customers with no delivery that day. Doesn't now.
15th April 2024
The system throws a page feed for all customers with no delivery that day. Doesn't now.
10th April 2024
An error in Existing System no-one reported - they couldn't get Weights and Volumes to work (latterly me included). It has transpired that if stock items did not have an abbreviation weights and volumes could not be set.
To aid the setting of abbreviations when you click on Milk Round System - Weights and Volumes on the front page, if any abbreviations are unset they will be set to then item number (3 digits).
From there right click on the line and select milk type and volume from list.
To get column totals and weights displayed on delivery notes in Customer Data Edit Screen (Mon,Tues, Wed...) click on Edit Options - Show Column Totals.
21th February 2024
Added the following function to the Edit Options menu:-
Delete all Items in Standing Order and This Week
Delete All Special Prices
Set All Special Prices as Percentage of Selling Price (2 decimal places)
16th February 2024
Previously this defaulted to All Customers and only shown in the results page. It now enjoys All Round, Select Round as well a printing to Screen, Printer...etc.. Thanks Andy M!
15th February 2024
It has been brought to my attention that these imports were missing many entries. Sorry for that they are imported now!
15th December 2023
This happens due to a glitch in the windows system. It can now to corrected by holding down Cltr and pressing P.
In other cases of the system hanging hold down Alt and press Space, then click Maximise, then click and hold on top bar of window and move down.
On from front page click on Milk Round System - Bring Forward Delivery Days. The system now prints the dates on the days to move.
15th November 2023
It has been brought to my attention that Headers (titles .etc ) and Footers (Pageno) where not being printed when printing as directed here. Sorry for that they are printed now!
30th June 2023
Blank Invoices on incredit customers fixed unless you know different.
Co-op Bank Statement Import now allows .txt file format.
Select day of payment has been moved to after you answered yes to Set Payments?
10th June 2023
Several problems came to light now fixed unless you know different.
System crashed with Metatfile Error EInvalidGraphic when saving very large PDF file. I do not have an answer the best I can suggest is using MicroSoft PDF Printer, or, reducing the number of customers in the list.
29th May 2023
Invoices would not send by email. Sorry about that - they do now!
27th May 2023
This crash the system - does now. Thanks Andy Mann.
The back ground on some text was black - Fixed. Thanks Andy Mann.
Please Call Me on 07947 606635 if you have problems.
25th May 2023
Emailing Invoices from Edit Screen no-longer worked - does now.
Please Call Me on 07947 606635 if you have problems.
15th May 2023
Please Call Me on 07947 606635 if you find any listings that have:-
Blank pages at the end.
Listings that have pages missing.
Listings that are not printing properly or not at all.
Please make a detailed note of how the the failing list was created. I might want you to demonstrate it to me.
If you need tor revert to the last good version then use C:\MR\downloads\???_Installer_230107.exe
This is not asked when collection men are not used.
Please report any bugs.Don't send me an email - CALL ME
6th April 2023
I now think I have finally fixed these problems. Let me know!
This doesn't always show and may lie dormant. The screen does not show and nothing can be input.
Pressing Esc gets you back to the front screen.
Remedy - Click Print All Cust
hold down Alt key and press Space Bar. Click Maximise. That should display missing window. Then Left click on top bar of wiindow and drag down to resize the window.
7th Jan 2023
Thanks to the many people who flagged up (still more) bugs with printing. Also to those who took the time to show them to me. I think at last most of the problems have be overcome. Let me know!
2nd Jan 2023
There have been a few undocumented mods during Nov-Dec 2022, so please do Update!
The preferred method is to click Help - Get Update. Why? The new update installer file is saved in folder C:\MR\downloads so that if you find a bug you can easily revert back to an earlier version.
Thanks to the many people who flagged up bugs with print to pdf. I think most of the problems have be overcome.
Still in development but getting much closer to first testing with live users. Will keep you informed.
Just yesterday it was found not to be saving edits using the up/down buttons. Now fixed.
Happy New Year an thank you for your forbearance.
16th Nov 2022
The new link will launch MSP360-Connect if you have already installed it, other wise it will take you to the page with the download link. Make things much simpler.
Still in development but getting closer to first testing with live users. Will keep you informed.
29th Oct 2022
Sorry, last mod accidently hid the Grid in the Hoy-Sync Screen. Now it's back!
26th Oct 2022
If you haven't tried this you really should it could save you hours of manual work with bank statements.
HSBC Bank .csv file has been added .
12th Oct 2022
First line of .csv (xls) file showed Gross Vat Sales not Net in Net Amount - fixed eventually.
Bug when editing blank customers. My fault. Please report any bugs.
1st Oct 2022
Now does'nt display cost price if No_Viewing_Buyin_Prices chosen in Office System. Please report any bugs.
Bug when editing blank customers. My fault. Please report any bugs.
13th Sept 2022
This has changed to make editing stock data easier. Please report any bugs.
9th Sept 2022
This has been corrected.
After installing this version please check that changes done on the PC are correctly transferred to the HH/Phone/Tablet during Hotsync.
27th Aug 2022
This has been corrected.
Sorry it has taken sooo long.
25th Aug 2022
The addition of this function created a side effect where the Invoice Printing in the Scrolling List and The Customer Edit Screens - List to Screen did not work correctly. Should now!.
This feature can now be switched off from within the Invoice Options screen.
22th Aug 2022
It now operates as it should. Click the "Deliver to" edit box - An enlarged deliver to area opens where you can type up to 250 characters. Click again on Deliver to edit box - the enlarged area disappears.
This can be created from either Print all Customers - Summaries - End of Week - VAT Whole Business or whilst printing Print all Customers - Summaries - End of Week Summary - Whole Business. In the latter case there is an option to email the file.
17th Aug 2022
There was a occasional bug when printing to Microsoft Print to PDF. Print to Screen/Printer has been replaced by Print to Screen/Printer/PDF File.
To comply with Health and Safety requirements Delivery Notes now have a line where Delivery Temperature, Time, Driver Name, Received By, can be entered.
24th May 2022
Added search for customers with CYCLE, and Alternate Week items.
5th May 2022
They have changed again. In the mean time this should work.
23rd March 2022
They have changed and not for the better. I expect more changes soon. In the mean time this should work.
10th February 2022
This is a complete rewrite of "Raise/Lower/Insert/Reverse/Delete/Move Block" of customers in the scrolling list. It was prompted by a number of users having customers deleted/duplicated for no apparent reason. If you are moving a block of customers more than 20 places it is much easier to highlight the block, click Make Block then go to the destination, place cursor and click Move Block. Enjoy - thanks Richard!
6th January 2022
If you installed the 31st December 2021 update OR if you print invoices by Select Round then you need thisT update.
31st December 2021
Went to the wrong if there had been large changes to data is last weeks. Thanks Mr. McLintock
Added previously genereate a an array bound error.
When printing emailing invoices on Selected Round the first email was send correctly the rest to random customers. Thanks Adam! If you find faults please call.
9th December 2021
Warning meant for GoCardless Users removed! Thanks Mr. Stern
8th December 2021
Oops Again! In an effort to stop ME sending emails to your customers, it seems that I stopped it for everyone. The normal operation has been resumed! I Thought! It has now!
19th November 2021
Oops! In an effort to stop ME sending emails to your customers, it seems that I stopped it for everyone. The normal operation has been resumed!
18th November 2021
Back by special request - I have restored the old function to allow users to add an extra Alternate Week tab to each customer. This makes it easier to manually change customers orders over Christmas un-restricted by the two weeks in the operation of the Bring Forward function.
In the Change Special Prices function a Reset Special Price function has been added.
A trial implementation with 7000+ customers is being undertaken with editing from website. Whilst this is not the preferred solution it will give some much needed access. An update has been made to the system to allow that many customers to be accessed.
3rd November 2021
May contain bugs. Bug involving multiple payments of the same statement entry, cause found and fixed - I think!
Long standing bug which only manifests itself when rounds do not have a blank customer at the end. It was including last customer of previous round. Now does not. This may have resulted in double entires in DD bills and customers getting two emailed invoices.
I have seen this is two users data. It is thought to be associated with the bug above. I have included a test to stop that happening.
I have tidied this up deleting cancelled customers DD data from their data. Listings are now in customer order.
Someone reminded me that previously yoiu could type a message in the text box on the Select Advert screen. You can now do that again.
13th October 2021
These now print correctly.
This displayed a random customer number now we might be able to interpret the error message!
4th October 2021
Attempt to stop use of D and Fortnightly Flag when setting non-DirectDebit customers, resulted in not being able to reset the flag to blank.
May contain bugs. Bug involving multiple enties of the same entry cause found and fixed - I think!
Changes together with .csv export file.
4th September 2021
Now copies the text in big edit box to the Deliver To edit box. So you don't need to close the big edit box before saving data.
Bugs Corrected - thanks Severnfresh!.
Add a new version of Flag Group Single Day Invoice but for a week.
18th August 2021
You can now have upto 250 characters. Do check that it prints all the delivery lists correctly and the "Deliver To Text" does not overprint and obscure the Days/Quantities on the list for that customer.
14st July 2021
This ignores people owing less than 10.00. Thanks Andy!
Did not print with three/four to a page. If you use these invoices/receipt please check they print OK.
2st July 2021
I think due to changes in the windows memory management system.
When rolling forward displays multiple copies of "Apply Cancel" window - this was due to debug code being left in! The bug has been fixed.
The weekly totals not showing in edit screen. Fixed thanks Cookie!
29st June 2021
Strange Bug - I think ue to changes in the windows memory management system. The bug has been fixed. There may be other strange bugs crop up so watch out and REPORT!
Warning this system is not backward compatible with systems before 1st July 2019 - You must update all your computers.
8st June 2021
Modified to accept Co-op Business Accounts.csv File Import.
1st Sept 2020
Added SAGE .csv File Import. Thanks Alan!
This system is now backward compatible with systems before 1st July 2019 update your computers.
Warning this system is not backward compatible with systems before 1st July 2019 - You must update all your computers.
16th May 2020
Added STARLING BANK .csv File Import. Thanks Jason!
System was slow when exiting the hot sync screen - it isn't now! Thanks Lee!
You need to do that as a precursor to online customer editing. Some people have found this daunting! Now if you delete the file C:\mr\data\ItemStruct.txt a template file will be read, on the way in,which gives you a starter of how to classify stock items.
The manual setting of the "D" flag for customers without a GoCardless Mandate is now inhibited. It is set automatically by "Check DD Customers" for customers with active mandates.
5th May 2020
Crashed whilst Checking Bank Rules - Shouldn't now. I WOULD URGE YOU TO GO THROUGH CHECK BANK RULES.
DD_Short has been modified to take out unwanted text at start.
Some people have been signed up to GC but MR system did not reflect it. Now if you try to print a DD letter the system checks to see if the you are registered as a partner. If you are then the system sets this automatically. If not it tells you to try to apply for Go_Cardless Account again even is you have already done this.
1st May 2020
Check DD Commands not working due to change of directories as of 24th April - fixed!
24th April 2020
When GoCardless is enabled a new menu GoCardless DD has been added to the top menu line of front page.
In the Scrolling List right click on DD customer - left click on Check GoCardless Status and Payments has been rewritten to provide more information.
All DD files have been moved out of C:\data to C:\data\gocardless and all temporary files "should" now be created in C:\data\junk.
Please reports any problems.
Crashed when deleting customers with Bank Rules. doesn't now!
Created new addition XXDD_QUIKXX creates a much shortened version of the XXDD_LINKXX it is trialed in the standard lett DD_Short
Created new addition XXATTACHXX which is to appear on a single line followed by space and filename to attach to email.
9th April 2020
Small changes Single Click on Check DD Payments screen ment you could right click for lists. GoCardless List now works!
3nd April 2020
Turns out that my programming system uses slighly different color definitions. Butter is now Yellow!
2nd April 2020
Crashed after selecting statement to import due to recent mods. Shouldn't now.
Just what needed now trying collect money by phoning customers. List includes Phone Numbers - thanks to Susan.
30th March 2020
Fixed crash due to blank entry!
Rules deleted during checking now listed on exit!
File last updated date not corrupted after second display.
Added option Show Past/Semi/Skim/Butter colours on Invoice/Del Notes/Del Lists.
Added CSV Export button - let me know what you think.
26th March 2020
Some Added Customer cause Hotsync to crash. Fixed that bug!
18th March 2020
The correct positioning of adverts on two receipts per page was missing. Now there. - Thanks Eli!
15th March 2020
Changed the Date on the Log files to YYMMDD (200315) so that the directory list shows them in correct order. Added the extension ".txt" to the log files saved in C:\mr\data\Bank Statements folder to facilitate opening in NotePad.
11th March 2020
Added mods to properly extract both Name and Address from Statements and improve the matching with customer names and addresses.
Added functions to Bank Rules screen function to:-
Show NEVER PROCESS - to list all entries under the Never Process rule.
Show Multi Entries - check for duplicate rules to ease the checking/deletion of bad rules.
Check Rules - This does a line by line check of all rules. If you have a large number of Bacs payments it may take you some time but will be well worth it.
6th March 2020
Some entries in the .qif file only extracted the name. The mods now properly extract both Name and Address.
5th March 2020
Added Show NEVER PROCESS button.
Added Show Multi Entries button.
4rd March 2020
Added ctrl + B = Kill all Bacs Payments to the Keyboard Commands menu.
Added Reset Amount BFwd to Carried Forward from Last Week to the Options menu. Use with extreme care!
Statement Crashed when a names ended in a number as in "XY X1" . Doesn't now!
28th February 2020
Improved the matching of names and address to bank statement.
Since Gocardless generally has better names/address information this can be transfered into the system.
When the check boxes Cash on Delivery Notes and Show Vat are checked the Delivery Notes Title will be Invoice.
When setting Statement Options you can now select as Plain Paper Invoice. (Less assertive!)
13th February 2020
Alas the "Much Improved Checking" did not account for multiple payments - does now!
11th February 2020
Solved the problem of some bank rules not being saved properly.
Much improved the checking of reconciliation after the event. - Thanks Dennis!
6th February 2020
Crashed on file open error. Simple programming error made filename "week2020 4" rather than "week202004" - fixed - thank Gemma!.
3rd February 2020
Simple mistake in previous version disabled several functions in DDs.
28th January 2020
You can now choose to produce this for a flag set - thanks Andy!
You can now email a version of Short Form Monthly - Thanks Victoria!
Long standing bug - fixed thankyou - Jason!
In processing unfound customers it now shows amount paid at bank and the amount Bfwd for possible matching customers!
11th January 2020
Previously hot sync would stop with error - now continues getting the correct customer!
8th January 2020
Did not deal with December as a 6 week month and an end of decade too well. Does now. Thank you for reporting it Gemma!
Since the installation process asks if you want to over-write the existing system there is no need delete it causing Windows to delete shortcuts.
6th December 2019
Did not do the Cash/Cheque statement correctly. Thank goodness someone bothered to report it - Thanks Rhys!
Strange effects when adding multiple payments to multiday payers. Strange no one picked this up? Fixed (I think) Thanks Mr. Abbas
26th November 2019
Checks to see that the Default App for .xml files did not properly check for current user's Choice. - does now!
The time delay between hot-syncs and being able to move the tablet onto another round has been removed.
In some cases this led to the Hotsync looping needing a reboot to recover. - sorted thanks Ray!
You can now choose whether you want to print labels for Email Invoice customers or not. - Thanks Victoria!
I have had a few complaints about how long it was taking to return to the current week after viewing last weeks - Fixed I think?
Added XXUCNXX (print UCN) to standard letter codes. Also modified to allow more readable codes enclosed in curly brackets as
in {UNC}, {NAME} etc.. Thanks Victoria!
Have a look at Customer Details - Set Letter Names to see all of the codes.
17th November 2019
Checks to see that the Default App for .xml files is "Microsoft Edge","Internet Explorer","FireFox" or "NotePad" other apps may cause problems.
The time delay between hot-syncs and being able to move the tablet onto another round has been removed.
7th November 2019
Problem text too wide for page. Moved "You may Pay..." at front of text onto a new line - comments?
Searching for new DD customers is now done on selecting just the 'D' (or the DD_fortnightly) flag. This means that you always send DD bills for all available DD customers. DO REPORT ANYTHING STRANGE!
5th November 2019
Didn't display the names of unlicensed HH properly - does now!
27th October 2019 - Urgent Update
for all Systems updated since 27th September 2019
Previously changed the scrolling list background colour when in past weeks. This didn't so left user unsure if in past week. Revert back to past behaviour.
Had one customer who had rolled previously and had a file he was about to overwrite. The file was malformed this caused the roll forward to fail!? Now Fixed! - Thanks Ray!
24th October 2019 - Urgent Update
As a result of the trap set to find bug. It appeared when adding Customers via HH. It results in the Hot Sync hanging (not completing) or two customers with the same UCN. Now fixed!
When button pressed now opens then closes the weekfile to check file is openable.
11th October 2019
You can now invite people to pay by direct debits from your website.
Added Menu - Make DD Invite Code for your Website which generates your individual code to add to your website, and shows how it would look.
Added Menu - Post DD Links to Web which makes an encoded file cross referencing non-DD customers emails with there unique DD_Link code and posts it to the web.
Should a customer enter an email address not registered with you, they are directed to send you and email with their name and address.
Now has only one customer number - again.
27th September 2019
These listing did not have heading such as Round Name etc. They do now! Thanks Dave and Allison!.
26th September 2019
Now shows the start and end dates of week as it did before edits earlier in year - Thanks Eli!.
Did not have Telephone numbers or Vat Numbers displayed properly HH printed/emailed delivery note - Do Now thanks Eli!
.12th September 2019
Added option to do remote support via Google Chrome (you need Version 76.+) Click Help on Front Page.
Fortnightly DD saved in with wrong filename - fixed!
5th September 2019
Sending link letter to new customers caused the writing to customer 3500 error. Fixed Thankyou Victoria!
Fixed spacing bug - thanks Andy!
3rd September 2019
The maximium time has changed from 4 to 8 seconds.
Fortnightly Flag system changes input to Upper Case.
Check for existing DD requests failed for new DD users. Doesn't now thanks Victoria.
Recent changes regarding checking database integrity stopped this working.
The line spacing has reduced when note has more than 10 items. Fonts fixed on continuation sheet.
27th August 2019
When deleting DD info from customer details - Have you deleted Mandate? Yes did not allow DD info to be deleted! Does now.
When first sending DD to GoCardless if you answered NO to do youwant to send them now.. the system did not delete file so you could not reproduce them. Does now! - thanks Andy.
The system has been speeded up by not setting zero UCNs when opening files in past weeks.
The system goes faster if you do an Options - Tidyup Customer List now and again, in the Edit Cust customer list, BUT NOT IN PAST WEEKS! This will change customer numbers, if this messes up your operation you should be using Show UCN's on Invoice in invoice options. UCN = Unchanging Customer Number.
14th August 2019
Added checkbox on way into sending link letter to change "month" in letter to "two week". As in from "monthly" to "two weekly".
5th August 2019 (from 10th July)
Added Delete Mandate button the Customer Detail - Direct Debit tab.
Changed check for good email addresss which removed(reported cancelled) DD info.
System was not resending unsent Bills.
System now lists bills that have been manually cancelled.
Now shows average customer weekly spend. This is going to
Now shows daily vat sales.
Users with multiple databases can now give different port numbers to handhelds to ensure handhelds can't hotsync to the wrong datafile.
Added Get Flag from Last Week and Search Payment Log for Entries.
Menu - Edi Types - Show Email Customers will now list all corrupted email address if it finds any.
Now prevents you sending links to new customer with a UCN=0.
Changes to accomodate multiple data bases meant the system nolonger deleted cancelled customer data from DD active mandate data. Does now!
If the email address does not have an @ sign the Email Invoice flag is reset.
Much improved search for corresponding customer.
For users with Ordered Collection Lists doing raising/lowering customers. The causes of the bug have been corrected and a trap set in database routines for any reoccurence.
10th July 2019.
Some code changes - recommended update.
4th July 2019.
Due to Microsoft tightening their code a long standing error stopped working - Should now!
3rd July 2019. URGENT UPDATE
Some minor code changes.
Due to errors this will corrupt Token Payments during roll forward. Now Fixed. If you updated since 1st July You need this update!
2nd July 2019.
Changes to heading of the emailed invoice email Subject and Content (regarding Hi and Mr/Mrs) - thankyou Victoria.
The layout of Invoice Options has been changed. It was as a result of this change it was noticed that a modification made years ago to save changes to windows sizes, restricted the size of windows subsequently enlarged. This has been corrected. However, this change, may result in some windows not displaying properly so please notify of any occurrances.
Some minor code changes. You can now view your cancellations by from menu Check Mandates - Cancelled by You.
This is very important to Direct Debit customers and has just come to light. Before this update all files downloaded were CASHED which means that they are saved locally. If the file is then modified and re-downloaded shortly after, you get the old copy not the new. The system now uses NOCASH as the default.
1st July 2019 (Warning this system is not backward compatible so you must update all your computers).
Small change regarding multiple payments during week. Improvements to View Bank Rules.
You can now select all days you want deleting in one go. This makes it a whole lot more usable.
You can now sort all deliver lists to use the same order as items are displayed in Type/Subtype list.
BEWARE - If you have a Type/Subtype list you need to keep it upto date!
You will be asked if want to do this sort as the last question when rolling forward.
Now reset on Roll Forward. Thanks Andy M!
The system will now keep an "approximate" 8 weekly average value to be used later to actively show over due debts. Time will tell!
Further rewriting and simplifing of Check All DD Customers code. The checking for unused "active" and "missing" mandates has been speeded up. You can now cancel unwanted mandates.
4th June 2019
I have had a few reports of windows not displaying correctly or having to resized.
The actual display often depends on local screen resolution and text size settings.
Speed Buttons Not Showing on scrolling list.
Tabs Not Showing on Customer Details.
Please report any screens not display correctly. Make sure you are using the latest system, take a photo of screen and include the screen resolution being used.
Emailing Invoice headings Form Sizes Saving small sizes25th May 2019
Further rewriting and simplifying of Check All DD Customers code. Added checking for unused "active" mandates.
Sorry my fault due to change in List to Screen - fixed! - Thanks Lee and others.
19th May 2019
Sometimes displayed with very small text. Fixed? Thanks Andy C!
Added checkbox Requires Daily Order No. in customer details screen. Order number is added in customer edit screnn.
Daily Order Nos are now displayed on Delivery Notes as well as Pre-Printed Weekly Invoices. Thanks Andy M!
13th May 2019
In Customer Order Edit screen the Weekly Order Number was not displayed when you first clicked from scrolling list - is now.
Weekly Order No is now displayed on Delivery Notes as well as Pre-Printed Weekly Invoices. Thanks Andy M!
Todate invoices with zero Vat content did not show Vat. They should! They do now! Thanks Andrew V!
Sometimes displayed with very small text. Fixed? Thanks Andy C!
6th May 2019
The File Time Stamp used now uses the last updated date/time rather than the created date/time. Thank you Ian!
3st May 2019
Summaries have not been subtracting negative VAT from totals - Fixed! Thank you Eli who took the time and effort to go into detail! Sorry for the inconvenience.
2st May 2019
Jason, as eagle eyed as ever, has found recent mods have upset this - Fixed thankyou Jason!
1st May 2019
Having tidyed up the code I made one omission so some some things didn't print to screen. Now fixed!
Mr/Mrs has been removed from invoices by popular request.
Tidyed up some code so wait and see....?
30th April 2019
Edit Cust - (Scrolling List) Help - Setting Payment Status
Edit Cust - (Scrolling List) Help - Multi-Man Delivery Lists, and,
Edit Cust - (Scrolling List) - Customer Details - Help - Make Payment Files, which attempts to explain the Reconcile Invoices (No Collect) switch in customer details.
did not display correctly. Do now.
All DD users need to do update. Slight change in cases were not all Bills were sent. Not detecting cancelled mandates correctly - does now. Thanks Andy!
When no payment has been entered for the week A, P, F works the same as non multi-day payers. Thanks Paul!
When the system was first created it was common place for people paying by cheque to ask for cash back. For this reason you are asked for the check value separately. Is this still needed?
23th April 2019
Should now be correct as file LastSync.txt is deleted before each write.
Has been change to introduce a button on front screen for Check DD Payments. Also now resends bills not sent first time through.
You should now not be able to select a month that is not complete.
Gives a summary of where you are going and a quick view of age of debt. I have one customer who has an average age of debt of 2 weeks!!! - it is possible!
Added Sales on Day list, on second page, which must be available for HCMR but does need to be entered whilst entering VAT.
Crashed on a six week month - depending on year.
9th April 2019
Auto backup files were saved in the opened condition so difficult to list - fixed.
It is not a good idea to leave the system in the scrolling list. The system now returns to the Front Screen after 10 minutes of inacctivity..
The Auto backup counter has been moved to be more visable.
28th Mar 2019
Payments are now in the order appearing on End of Week Summary, and Cash is there too.
Now includes easy access to Downloads Folder. This is where the Check for Updates are saved.
21st Mar 2019
In cases where the user (that's you) did not have any cancelled Mandates the system did not check for payments correctly. Does now - Thanks Jason!
20th Mar 2019
In some cases this did not work correctly. F5 now searches through the last 18 weeks.
18th Mar 2019
Now includes Vat Sales per month. Feedback Welcome!
MOST IMPORTANT - if you notice any problems with this new system please call ASAP.
14th Mar 2019
The 150 day trial only allowed 15 imports fixed - thanks Dennis!
Small change to code.
12th Mar 2019
MR8 was not being built with the latest Check DD Payments software.
It should now PRINT!
9th Mar 2019
REMEMBER - You can now try out the Bank Statement Import. You get a 150 day free trial - GIVE IT A TRY! Anything you don't understand please call.
When imported statement has impermissable dates, the system now displays the dates not allowed.
A THOUGHT! - One user sends bills fortnighty. One half (of customers) one week the other the next week. He processes the invoices/DDs on a Monday morning for the previous week upto the end of the current week. This means that when he gets paidout is 100% upto date. This is cash flow at it's best! - Great Idea Jason!
One user now has over 800 customers on direct debits!.
7th Mar 2019
Note - files from HH are saved in file C:\mr\data\Phones\user\wk201906_0214_101403 where 201906 = weeknumber 0214 (date) = monthday 101403 (time) = hoursminssec. You can hot sync these files by clicking Hot Sync Saved File!
7th Mar 2019
Note - files from HH are saved in file C:\mr\data\Phones\user\wk201906_0214_101403 where 201906 = weeknumber 0214 (date) = monthday 101403 (time) = hoursminssec. You can hot sync these files by clicking Hot Sync Saved File!
Some users have been having problems with some invoice emails being designated as SPAM. After advice on this matter, the email Subject has been simplified and the email starts with the customers name and address. The body of the invoice remains un changed.
Check DD Payment has been rewritten to list the various states bills can be in at GC. There can now be more than one outstanding bill set requiring reconcilliation.
Check DD Customers nolonger add customer in the "pending_submission" or "submitted" pre-active states. This allows direct debits to got through without these bills having to resubmitted when they become active.
Sending DD Bills the system now does not submit bills for customers with still outstanding bills.
It also allows you to collect amounts below 5.00 (and over 1.00) when the BACSCode is set to "=19 Final Payment" in the Customer Details - Direct Debit section.End of Week Summary - DD payments are now subtracted from CASH.
Previously the system allowed processing when corrupt data was detected. A couple of users continued in this state for several weeks, digging a deeper and deeper hole for themselves. The system now HALTS allowing no further processing. Users affected should recover their data using Secondary Functions - Recover Auto Backup and choosing the latest date/time.
Thankyou for putting up with the current version. It has now been improved to only warn when the system starts, and nolonger warns when you roll forward before time.
Summaries have been moved out of the Loading List menu to a new Summaries menu.
This is still in development and will be usable to print a summary for each round, and include Vat Sales per month. Feedback Welcome!
MOST IMPORTANT - if you notice any problems with this new system please call ASAP.
7th Feb 2019
Some modifications + added shortcut to desktop!
When you are editing in a past week and an error occurs which crashes the system, when you reenter you will be in the wrong week! The system has been modified to recognise this has happened and ask you if you wish go to correct week.
I have noticed that after update the firewall entry for MR8_for_Win.exe is duplicated which stops HotSync working. Required Action -> Delete one of the entries and tick all boxes on the remaining entry.
1st Feb 2019
After 30 years someone found a bug! Total did not include payments made during week. Does now Thanks Andy!
This has been extended to 120 characters. Seperate multiple emails addresses by a comma.
Now displays the start and end dates of week.
Statements did not print if the balance outstanding was zero unless Invoice Option Print -ve Balance was set.
Small change to improve working.
18th Jan 2019
Only set this if your customer has told you not to send spam! Added hint to that effect.
You can now try out the Bank Statement Import. You get a 150 day free trial - GIVE IT A TRY! Anything you don't understand please call.
You can now view past DD history.
16th Jan 2019
Now allows for special chars.
8th Jan 2019
Sage Reference is now included in all text searches. This could be useful even if you don't use Sage.
You can now offer the Sage Reference as a reference for BAC transfers. (Shown on invoices)
1st Jan 2019 - Happy New Year!
Apologies to all new tablet users. The tablet name was not being read correctly from MR8_for_Win.xml settings file.
29th Dec 2018
Added Remote support to Help Menu on front page.
The first time you click it takes you to the CloudBerry
download page. Click on the right hand download button.
The second time you click it it should open up the remote support app showing User ID and password.
This will allow me to see your screen.
19th Nov 2018
The system now allows dairies with multiple data bases to use direct debits. If in doubt ask.
Now allows direct debits for fortnightly customers. You set the Fortnightly DD Flag in the GoCardless processing menu. Upon the fortnightly customer becoming a DD customer it will automatically given flag "D". You must then manually change the flag to the Fortnightly DD Flag.
MOST IMPORTANT - if you notice any problems with this new system please call ASAP.
17th Oct 2018
The minimum invoice value has been raised to 5 because of the 20p minimum charge.
The system now automatically adds a space to each line of the letter to prevent the compiler merging words at end of line and start of next.
17th Oct 2018
Items displayed after text string search have correct font and line spacing.
You can now import files with types:- *.Recpt_Advert, *.RTF (rich text file) and *.TXT (simple text file).
9th Oct 2018
Added the detailed transfer of invoice data to Xero Accounts Package!
Get trend information about business activities. Not fully worked up!
27th Sept 2018
Removed warning about encryping emails when sending "DD_Letter". Nolonger needed!
Not fully worked up! Now residing in Utilities but will be moved to Other Lists.
11th Sept 2018
Added aids to help finding stock item via Search and Type/Subtype (if present) - let me know what you think!.
Not displaying Card payments correctly - does now!.
I was reminded recently how poor the advert editing was for invoice adverts.
Added Rich Text Editor.
Not fully worked up but let me know what you think.
Have improved warnings for selecting Dot Matrix Printer for Speed.
17th July 2018
Letters to Customers can now have be a ".txt" text file , or a ".htm". Text files are added to the body of the email "as is" without any formatting. This should make sending letters with invoice simpler, for those who were having problems with send htm emails.
14th June 2018
Some observant user notice it was possible to click the Red Cross at the top RH corner whilst in a past week with uncertain results. This now reverts to the same behaviour as pressing the Exit button. !
OK the last effort didn't work this one should. Thanks Lee!
7th June 2018
Not saving GPS location data correctly during hotsync (NO ONE TOLD ME!!) - does now. Thanks Pete!
Google Changed the rules! - now works!
28th May 2018
You can now disable the Back buttons that allow changes to be done in past week.
You can now disable the use of Ctrl+F.
These settings may be lost when you change computer.
25th May 2018
Now ctrl+shift+F does a same as ctrl+F Search for text string.
24th May 2018
The problem is that some users press shift+F (Cheque Payment) instead of ctrl+F (Search for text string) when doing a search.
When cancelling out of the mistake (easiest way by pressing Esc button at top left) the payment is STILL LOGGED in the payments log in error.
The system has been modified to stop this logging - Thanks to Ongar!
20th May 2018
If the Type/Subtype has not been defined or has not been modified beyond it's default state then these tick boxes cannot be ticked.
Previousely these lists had to be fully popilated with no blank customers in the list. Now an Ordered List (from say customer =1 to 1000) can have blank customers in list. Previousely these lists had to be fully popilated with no blank customers in the list. Must be used with Milk_22_180520 or later.
3rd May 2018
Programming error for items numbers more than 80 - fixed!
Invoice top only moved header down. Now moves invoice body too - Thanks Eli!
24th April 2018
This did not work. It only listed items for all Men. Does now! Thanks Lee!
3rd April 2018
Entering a payment on clicking on the small payment (p) button it requests the cheque value? - Fixed - thanks Stephen
2nd April 2018
Cheque Value Input not working - does now. Thanks Dave and Andy!
23th March 2018
Rules for 100% match have been tightened but may fail in cases where you have the same address with "18 Random Road" and "18 Random Close". If matches have been found with 100% the system will now given you a chance to revise the rules - so check the 100%'ers and redo as necessary! - Thanks - David!
C = by Credit Card and X = by PayPal do check that the payment listings are correct. Thanks Lee and Andy!
17th March 2018
This did not work. It only listed items for all Men. Does now! Thanks Lee!
10th March 2018
You can now delete lines in bank rules. Also when customers are deleted their bank rules entry is deleted automatically.
3rd March 2018
A couple of lines of code creating the DD progress bar had disappeared? They have be restored. Thanks Lee!
2nd March 2018
22th Febuary 2018
Made adding new HH phones to Setup Android User a little bit easier by letting user type "UserName".
21th Febuary 2018
19th Febuary 2018
If the required checkbox is not set - now asks if you want to set it..
Added checkboxes to select the old way of entering goto customer number by pressing number keys.
6th Febuary 2018
Nolonger shows message on entering hot sync screen.
Data size extended to accomodate Tim's 12k ItemStructure file. If you have a large file (crashes during hotsync) please use abreviations.
5th Febuary 2018
For those people who deliver to customer who potentially can have lots of items but no fixed standing order this function makes all items be, printed on delivery notes, single day listings, and displayed on tablet.
Slight change to stop wrong files being transferred.
You can only set this by having setup a Type/Subtype list in Edit Stock Data and have Show Item Types ticked in the AddItem - Select Item screen in customer edits! i.e. You have a Type/Subtype list and are using it!
30th January 2018
For those people who send invoices by email you can opt to automatically set Email Invoice on all new and optionally all existing customers with an email address.
Now uses stream to display log file - streams have different error messages.
18th January 2018
When types and subtypes are enabled in system the tick box on the hotsync screen is automatically ticked.
For those people who only deliver to businesses you can opt to automatically set Show Vat on all new and optionally all existing customers.
6th January 2018
Bug fix for rare bug involving Day Cancel on Web.
31st December 2017
Modified to cope with cloud system being upgraded to Java 8.
Made Cloud Test Version menu visible to aid testing of new software.
22th December 2017
Added 0 = Reset to get back to original default state.
20th December 2017
Improved warnings, disabled public holiday instruction if none are set, and changed wording.
11th December 2017
This caused some unexpected problems - Please use Help - Check for Updates instead.
This has been changed to default type 0 to 8 as some users had problems.
Bryn Coal has a different delivery route each day. We now print out a list of post codes requiring delivery tomorrow, which is copied into MyRouteOnline. The resulting routes are then copied back into system for Delivery Lists in the Order of Delivery.
8th December 2017
Long Standing Oversight - other lists printed from an Ordered List allow the selection of flags to be included or excluded. Invoice printing did not - does now. Sorry it took so long. Thanks Ann W!
If after successfully searching for a string, when you search for another but enter a string that is NOT found, the top line of the previous list still shows. If you then click that row you get an empty customer which is a bit unsettling - fixed! Thanks Dave M!
The legacy API had small caps on the amount that could be requested by DD. The new API has a default of 5000. Alas the customers whose mandates were created under the old API still have those limits. If you demand more than the old limit the DD run will fail. The existing system does not tell you about the problem this one does! I better solution is coming! thanks Jim F!
22nd November 2017
Simplified Do Full Backup to Primary/Secondary Folders and Open Primary/Secondary Folders.
Provided the post code is in either the customers name or address, and has either no space or one space, the system should find it. Once found if the location is not present then the location is found from a Google service. The service is limited by number of trys so keep trying. I found Sunday evening is a good time to try. Locations can be useful on Phones for directions.
When Delivery Man is Set to A to Z (in Edit Cust - Options - Del Man Set.) You can now reprint a single man.
14th November 2017
Listings that support listing by Man that don't require selection of Day - being ask for Day - Fixed I Think please check! Thanks James!
Do check - Seven Day Deliveries, Seven Day Differences, Start of Week Collection List, End of Week Collection List.
13th November 2017
Error found the New Customer Links (those pesky links GGGrrrhh!) - now fixed DO TRY - Thanks Tim!
10th November 2017
GoTo Customer Number command is now Ctrl + G and now works!
9th November 2017
Delivery details not printing if first item in order has quantity of zero. Now prints correctly (after 17 years!!).
When Delivery Man is Set to A to Z (in Edit Cust - Options - Del Man Set. Provided to aid the loading of weight restricted vehicles) all other Delivery listings are now disabled until the man set is returned to 1 to 6.
You can now highlight all customers using Ctrl+A, then set all men with Ctrl + Alt + 1...6 or a...z.
It is better to do a Front Page - Help - Check for Updates than a download from website, as it keeps a copy of the Installer in C:\mr\downloads\. This can be useful if you need to revert to an earlier version.
6th November 2017
The system has been modified to adapt bank rules when the bank adds cross-reference text at end the usually name/address.
So if the rule changes each time:-
On first time defining rule refers to "NAME/ADDRES REFA123".
On next time defining rule using reference "NAME/ADDRES REFB456".
On subsequent times the rule would automatically be changed to "NAME/ADDRES REF").
When this happens you will have to confirm the identity
(Is "NAME/ADDRES REF" the same customer as "NAME/ADDRES REF678" ???YES/NO).
but you will not have to search for the customer again.
PLEASE NOTE - Existing users should carefully check the function is giving the correct results and that the NOT PROCESSED enries are printed in a readable manner following the these changes.
Command to set Man is now Ctrl + Alt + 1...6 or a..z.
Single Day Delivery List will now print a list for men A to Z.
GoTo Customer Number command is now Ctrl + G.
GoTo UCN Number command is now Ctrl + U.
1st November 2017
Now continues to process entries not requiring user action after pressing quit.
26th October 2017
Modified Check DD Payments when reconciled is YES then shows list of payments reconciled.
Modified Check DD Payments when reconciled is NO a review of state ofplay is shown before and after checking.
Now shows processed entries in customer order as well, also repaints scrolling list after recent modes.
17th October 2017
Modified Check DD Payments listing to handle cancelled Mandates.
17th October 2017
The Goto radio group on scrolling list was not saving properly (after 17 years!!!) does now - Thanks Victoria!
Modified Send DD Bills to allow for Mandates cancelled after checking for cancelled Mandates.
Modified links used in DD_Letter please check that works for you.
11th October 2017
One improvement removed another streamlined - Thanks Lee!
8th October 2017
The timeout period had been reduced in error - returned to original value.
7th October 2017
In an effort to detect a zero length mr?_for_Win.xml the system failed when loading on a new computer - fixed.
5th October 2017
Added the hotsyncing of dump data to allow HH operations to be checked for suspicious actions. Needs Milk_2.1 verion MR171003 or later.
Improved the showing of error messages during hotsync.
Made the renaming of HH easier.
Two per page printing total on left hand slips printed in error. Thanks Stephen Cook
Santander Bank Statements some entries on statement not being processed. Code changed but do check all entries are being processed and report any problems. (Thanks Bob!)
24th September 2017
Adding of new Mandates and Deleting cancelled Mandates had been disabled during testing of the new API and was not re-instated - is now!
Please Note - Disabling a Customer resets the ucn - you must check that the DD Data in Customer Detail has been deleted. If the Customer subsequently returns you must resend the DD_Letter to re-establish the (new) ucn-mandate relationship.
16th September 2017
Santander Bank Statements some entries on statement not being processed. Code changed but do check all entries are being processed and report any problems. (Thanks Andy)
14th September 2017
Not showing payouts already processed.
Not setting YES when all customers have been reconciled.
13th September 2017
One entry on statement not being processed. Code changed but do check all entries are being processed and report any problems. (Thanks Andy)
12th September 2017
Improved?? the listing of new categories of payment status.
Improved the listing and instructions for mandates found on GoCardless but not present in your data.
Added reminder that when DD_Letter is sent to your customers, the email must be Digitally Signed (google "comodo email certificate") and Encrypted, to ensure they will be able to click the link.
6th September 2017
The system has been updated to the new "Pro API" standard the old system will not work after 31st October 2017.
Added List DD (historical) payments from a single customer in scrolling list. Right click on D flag customer - then left click on Check GoCardless Payments.
In Scrolling List DD customers are checked on exiting for "D" flags with no DD data, and for DD data with no "D" flag. In both cases you can delay in dealing with these issues.
Standard Letter processing has been changed to remove spurious text being left over from optional paragraphs, and improve the display of the authorisation link in DD_Letter which might have left some people confused.
You can now select all customers by pressing Ctrl+A in the scrolling list.
You can now add multiple Cash Items (Cheese Weights) to the HH and have them hot sync correctly - thanks Andy!.
2nd August 2017
Add "Price" and "Service" to reasons for Cancel UTFN.
Last Invoice Value was not being be saved properly - due to an old modification - thanks Colin!
12th June 2017
Processing .csv statements can now handle blank lines.
In Scrolling List you can nolonger disable payment logging. When payments are displayed on editing the scrolling list and on pressing Log button no edits can be done.
When bringing forward delivery day for just Public Holday Takers all customer where given an alternate standing order even when they did not take public holidays. This sometimes caused cancel overlaps - doesn't now! Thanks - Lee!
5th May 2017
You can now enter select a reason for the UTFN cancellation. Thanks Lee!
This data is transfer to and from the Android App. so you need to update that.
The system now asks if you wish to reset the cancelled days in the current week.
21st April 2017
Windows 10 did it again! NotePad.exe is nolonger distributed with Win 10. So the Payment Log could not be displayed using the Log button at top right. Have resorted to my Results Window so can now.
If you find any other buttons that don't work please email me.
18th April 2017
From now on the addition (or removal) of spaces, commas and full stops, and changing case (Upper/Lower) will not invalidate your edongle. Apologies to all who suffered.
Added Lloyds Bank .csv to statements to be imported and processed. Call to find out how to save a lot of time.
5th April 2017
System crashed when the start of week day is Saturday - doesn't now! Thanks Eli!
4th March 2017
Added Help menu stating rules for statements to be imported.
Added Send Steve Debug Data to the Direct Debit menu in System Utilities.
System now lists all customers that exceed their credit limit (if non zero, set in customer details) - thanks Lee.
Use this when the price is likely to change during the week (typically for Fish bought at market). In Milk Round Utilities - Edit Stock Data put a "V" in the Ty column. Variable priced items cannot be stock managed. These items behave like Cheese Weights but the price for each item must be entered on each if it has not been previously added already for that day. In the Customer Edit screen prices can be changed by pressing F5 whilst the cursor is in the Day field. When a price is entered that price is set for all following days of that week.
You now cannot move cash items (to another day) that are none zero.
Once a a cash item has been set you must now confirm you want to change it. Warning given!
Crashed when Ctrl button pressed (used during testing) - doesn't now.
13th Jan 2017
Some recent changes done it error - rectified. Thankyou Susan!
9th Jan 2017
Some people cannot stop with Double Clicking of MR8 buttons These problems have been fixed in this form.
After Raising and Lowering Phones in the list the form was not properly redrawn - is now.
Checkbox added to Web Interface to allow disabling of Add Items.
Hotsync crashed when customer was added after checking Ordered Collection Lists - doesn't now. Thanks - Mark!
When printing Pre-printed Weekly Invoices for more than one week where there was no deliveries in the last week the invoice was not printed - is now! Thanks - Viv!
7th Dec 2016
These problems have been fixed...??
If this update causes problems then a safe version can be downloaded from http://www.MR8_Installer_161123.exe.
2nd Dec 2016
Historic mods crashed the system due to array bound errors. These problems have been fixed...??
7th Nov 2016
There was a problem with sending letters with invoices if the .htm extension of the letter was in uppercase. Now works with whatever case.
If your windows user has been setup with User Account Conrol you may not have read/write access to the c:\MR folder. This will result in files not being saved in the desired folders. Also windows will virtualise the MR folder in C:\users\your_user\AppData folder with unpredictable results. A new test has been added to detect this on startup. A possible solution is for you to rename the MR folder to MR_old recreate a new MR folder then copy the contents of MR_old to the new C:\MR folder. Make sure you have a full backup before you do this. You only need to do this ONCE!
Currency character for the Euro crashed the system now fixed! Thanks John H..
5th Oct 2016
This warning was issued in error. (In light of previous print problem). What had happened was the website that looks after Edongle and Direct Debit data was upgraded and some aspect to do with my ability to edit the edongle data was blocked. All appears to be back to normal now.
Listing of UTFN cancels added during week now shows amount owing and contact telephone numbers. Thanks Lee!
The function has been changed to account for businesses who want the holiday order on the next day if the quantity is higher. Do check it worked! It's very new. Thanks Viv!
28th Sept 2016
Error in code allowing me to clone users - fixed!
26th Sept 2016
Added code allow Hotsync (update) of cloud file from c:\mr\data\Cloud_downloads\ folder!
Fixed after attempts to circumvent Windows Update bugs.
12th Sept 2016
All names removed from emails via Outlook.
Use restored please test.
22nd June 2016
Added a bit more clarity perhaps.
The system does not allow you to set a Secondary Backup Destination if it does not exist.
22nd June 2016
Added code to aid the debugging of Web Based Ordering!
20th June 2016
One Step forward two steps back! This got screwed up by 17th Update - Thanks Eli!
17th June 2016
Added by popular demand!
Sorry folks! A side-effect of adding the Total Active Customers to the The of Week Summary was that the VAT totals were double the correct values. Sorry still got it wrong - have removed affending code and counted total active customers in a different way.
15th June 2016
Crashed whilst processing "ignore entry rule" - fixed.
11th June 2016
A side-effect of adding the Total Active Customers to the The of Week Summary was that the VAT totals were double the correct values.
Text sizes in list increased slightly.
9th June 2016
If you have a very mixed up stock list make one of these. Improvements:-
1- Click on Type/Subtype on LHS moves cursor to that item in the RHS list to aid checking. If it points to the wrong item then press Delete.
2 - Presssing the Delete key on keyboard deletes that entry in type/s list.
3 - Added the Search facility so the you can display all cheese (say) in one go.
4 - Improved saving so system crash keeps any changes made.
I have just been working in this (there are no right or wrong answers you make work for you) Type/Subtype List:-
Full Fat
Blue Pint
Blue 1 litre
Blue 2 litre
Channel Isles Gold
Semi Skimmed
Green Pint
Green 1 litre
Green 2 litre
1 Lt Lacto Free Semi
Red Pint
Red 1 litre
Red 2 litre
1 Ltr Skim Lactose
Semi Steri 1litre
Sterilised 1pint
Soya Milk
Goats Milk
ViVa 200ml milkshake
Double Cream 300ml
Single Cream 300ml
WW Thick Cream
Double Cream 300ml
Medium Eggs
6 eggs
Thick White
Medium White
White Rolls *6
Milk Roll Bread
Medium Whulemeal
Chocolate Shreddies
Fruit Loops
Frosted Shreddies
Weetabix x 24
Shreddies Large
Rice Crispies Large
Coco Pops Large
Multigrain Shapes PL
Golden Nuggets
Cookie Crisp
Hot Chocolate
Typhoo Tea Bags x 80
Tinned Fruit
Tin of Fruit Cocktai
Tin of Peaches
Tin of Pears
Corned Beef
Bacon Smoked
Lurpak Spreadable 30
Mini Marshmallows
Manor House Cake
Cookie Rocks
Cookie Shells
Cookie Brownies
Toffee Crisp
Damson Jam
Kitchen Rolls
1 Pint Orange Juice
Orange Juice 1 Litre
copella Orange juice
copella Orange juice
1 Pint Apple Juice
1 Litre Apple Juice
Copella Apple Juice
Cherry Juice
1 Pint Cranberry Jui
Tropical Juice
1 Pint Fruit Cocktai
Ocean Spray Cranberr
Alpro Almond Soya
Munch Bunch Squashem
Extra Light Philadel
Cathedral City Chee
Babybel light
Potatoes 2kg
Lemonades + Water
Coke 6 pack
Lemonade 1litre
Vimto (reduced sugar
Highland Spring 1.5
Robinsons Orange + M
8th June 2016
Bug searching off end of customer list - fixed!
5th June 2016
Modifications to allow customers to signup on your Android Phone/Tablet!
This is now operational for Nat West .csv format downloads. First time used it processed over 600 payments in a few seconds! Santander .qif format has not been fully tested. If you wish to try it out for another bank please send Steve your Weekfile and your bank statement download. There is a charge for statement with more than 40 payments. It will process 40 payments for free.
27th May 2016
Milk volumes columns totalled!
Total Active Customers added! Does not include deliveries which are fully discounted.
Payments log is nolonger an option payments will be logged!
27th May 2016
Problem when some customers had nothing - fixed!
18th May 2016
Now reports only differences where the cloud quanity was not transferred to the PC - which should not happen.
Still testing the setting up of rules to map payment references to customers. Do try it in scrolling list - see menu. Once these can be setup the actual setting of payments will be processed - BUT NOT YET.
10th May 2016
Changed the way the email Sendto address is set. Problems have been caused by customer data being initialised when files are closed (since 23rd March 2016).
9th May 2016
Simplification of code of when not to print invoices (to the printer)(Email/SMS). Also recent mods sent the email to the home dairy address.
5th May 2016
None goCardless Direct Debits crashing with zero ucn on disabled customers - Fixed!
When invoicing customer upto previous week the email address on invoice is blank - fixed.
30th April 2016
After adding a call to Check DD Payments after sending bills to goCardless the system crashed after trying to close file twice in error. Fixed!
29th April 2016
System not adding DD customers when you don't already have any - do now!
TESTING for Santander .qif import files
28th April 2016
To be used with Milk Version 160427. Improved the changing of Name/Address, EmailInvoice and SMSInvoice flags in Edit Cust Data on Android Devices.
Wrong Week with Changes being displayed in error - Fixed sorry about that!
System waiting for timeout un-necessarily fixed - I think!
Improved messages to tell the difference between when a Check DD Payments is needed immediately to ensure all bills were sent and when it is required in a few days time when the payments have been collected.
This has been changed - not clear whether it has fixed problem.
TESTING for Nat West .csv import files - no payments will be set. In tests with 580 entries, 420 processed almost automatically, of the rest 140 processed in about 40 minutes.
15th April 2016
The last invoice in the group was attached twice - now is'nt.
14th April 2016
In an attempt to find out what generates this error, please click yes to generate crash report so we can find out why. One cause has been removed.
Files downloaded from the cloud are now decoded and saved in folder C:\mr\data\Cloud_downloads with are kept for 2 weeks.
11th April 2016
Length has been increased to 15 chars.
Detele DD Details now removes the account connecting that ucn to the pre-authorisation.
In an attempt to find out what generates this error, please click yes to generate crash report so we can find out why.
The last fix for multi-page emailed invoice introduced a bug where customers with a zero balence were send an email with a blank, unprintable, invoice with the same invoice number as the last printable invoice sent to someone else. As the invoice was unprintable and the number was not saved aginst that customer no harm was done. It was a simple error and has been rectified in this version.
31th Mar 2016
This has been fixed.
Printing of multi page email invoices now works again.
29rd Mar 2016
A tick box has been added to allow you to choose to print zero and negative balances, or not.
Printing of Receipt Forms not printing 2/4 per page due to changes in 28th Feb mod. Have returned invoicing system back to 12th Dec 2015 date. Invoices now print but multi page email invoices may not.
Recent changes to improve error recovery caused crash - Fixed.
25rd Mar 2016
Files downloaded from the cloud are now saved in folder C:\mr\data\Cloud_downloads with are kept for 2 weeks.
Nolonger request flags sets, total and grand total are initialised.
Printing of Receipt Forms not printing 2/4 per page.
24rd Mar 2016
The message "writeslot" is displayed during use has been removed.
23rd Mar 2016
Low incidence DB bug fixed? Thanks - Joe!
Error when checking DD customers before DD Post to GC. Fixed - thanks Tim!
Not selecting ordered list correctly Fixed - thanks Andy!
21th Mar 2016
Increase since large amount weren't properly visible.
Disabled customers with zero UCN did not process properly. Do now.
If the customer to be disabled is a direct debit customer you will be asked to delete DD details before you are allowed.customers with zero UCN did not process properly. Do now.
19th Mar 2016
Previous version ignored customers that had been blanked out manually.
Disabled customers will NOT now retain their UCNs. They will be issued with a new one when they are reinstated. Don't go disabling customer unless you mean it!
16th Mar 2016
Bug fix in for problem deleting DD Bills that cannot be collected.
10th Mar 2016
What happens is that the Round Data gets deleted/reset. Why? I don't know but may be the result of power spikes, turning off mid edit, computer memory problems etc..
If the system detects that a reset Round Data is about to be written to the data base THE SYSTEM HALTS! This will allows us to discover what is causing the problem.
If the problem gets through the trap you can automatically repair the system by going into Edit Round Data.
This has been rewritten to ensure the correct files are presented. The new and the old versions are available.
4th Mar 2016
Small change to ignore DD Customers added via dashboard as the system cannot process them.
System crash when printing all from due problem updating progress bar.
28th Feb 2016
Complete rewrite of the Check DD Customers not adding new DD customers, Not checking for cancellations properly - fixed.
New addition a check for New DD Authorisations has been added to Direct Debit List function to stop it being forgotten.
Not working for invoices longer than 3 pages - now fixed. Thank you a Devon Dairy.
You can now enter required flags by keyboard followed by enter.
So low incidence that I have had only two examples. What happens is that the Round Data gets deleted. Why? I don't know but may be the result of power spikes, turning off mid edit, computer memory problems etc.. This problem is now looked for automatically on opening every file. If present you will get a message Your Round Data has not been found! followed by The please go to Edit Round Data. When you go to edit round data you will get those messages again - followed by the Round Data being copied from your last weeks file. You will then have to check the start and ends of rounds plus any other changes since last week. I hope this reassures you that the fault is survivable.
15th Feb 2016
Complete rewrite of the Check DD Customers missed one check - added.
11th Feb 2016
Sorry folks two steps forward three back. Now fixed again.
Only found it by accident - The second press of button caused system to hang. No one noticed???.
First page printed with the font set on the results page the rest printed in a different font - anyway fixed!
Menu has been renamed now includes output to Sage Line50, Xero and IDC transfer.
These now work the first entry in ordered collection list must be recipient of invoice and get no produce.
Complete rewrite of the Check DD Customers now much simpler.
The system now creates a command file which runs after the system closes which deletes the existing executable image then runs the Installer. This should stop windows preventing the proper installation. We shall see!
8th Feb 2016
Sorry folks one step forward two back. Now fixed
6th Feb 2016
Modified to include Vat on a seperate line.
Added MR-Cloud tab to Customer Details so that individual customers can use cutoffs for a different round. e.g. All customers in round 1 can order of Mon, Wed, Fri delivery except some customers who can order for 6 days Mon - Sat.. This should save a lot of juggling.
26th Jan 2016
Changes due to Android phone authorisation stopped Palms being authorised - fixed thanks Bob .
22nd Jan 2016
Recent changes to the operation caused a fault when first sending requests to goCardless - fixed.
Previous version did not cancel the Pre-Authorisations for customers who were deleted. This caused problems with pre-auths existing but not connected to any custonmers - this mod tidies up that condition. Also the listing of missing customer was not working properly - thanks Lee.
15th Jan 2016
Opening in wrong tab. Fixed!.
The positioning of adverts on emailed invoices has now been corrected - any problems please let me know.
The used in the same way as the transfer file to Sage Line 50 but for Xero accounts package.
7th Jan 2016
Stopped the system failing with File Not Found on Check DD Payment Status when no payments have been sent.
Added delete DD goCardless Pre_authorisation on Delete Customer when customer is a DD customer. this asks you to contact Steve as some adjustments need to be made.
6th Jan 2016
Added Reset STOP flag. to menu and merged with Send Files after Crash which has been deleted.
If Web Check/Upload fails with an exception then the files are automatically emailed for analysis .
30th Dec 2015
Dates showing the wrong date - now showing the file creation date.
Don't know when it occurred (change to Windows I think) but the installer was not installing the latest system - does now! Please do a Check for Updates.
29th Dec 2015
Alternate Order dates not showing for next year - thanks Roger!
28th Dec 2015
Added Send Files After Crash to the MR8-Cloud menu. To aid in debugging.
17th Dec 2015
In Web Check/Upload the routine that opens the list of changes in a browser now waits for that to complete before initiating the file download.
11th Dec 2015
Hot-syncs on Ports other than 55155 now work.
10th Dec 2015
Changes to Show Name/Address are now properly transferred from phone to PC during Hotsync.
9th Dec 2015
Moved the Delay Between Emails so that it is visible. If sending many emails this should be at least 3 seconds.
Display of changes was limited to 255 characters. Now no such limit.
Crashed if Item had been added then deleted. Doesn't now.
13th Nov 2015
Added Remove Selected Payments button to remove payments added in error.
6th Nov 2015
Modified the file types for Hot Sync Saved File and Check for Changes in Saved File to allow selection of the atypical file names produced by Android Phones backing up to Google Drive.
29th Oct 2015
Right clicking on the scrolling list in some cases refers the system to the wrong customer - this may explain why some of these functions haven't been working!.
The system now does an auto-backup, and copies the weekfile to the \atRollForward folder, when you roll forward. This is a record of state of the weekfile at roll foreward which will make debugging/support simpler.
26th Oct 2015
Now calculates "today" and "yesterday" of last hotsync time.
23rd Oct 2015
The system gives warning message about C: drive when none is required.
22nd Oct 2015
The system nolonger complains about primary backup being on the C: drive if DropBox or GoogleDrive
are used. I do contend that because the backup relies of the DropBox/Google Drive functionality working correctly it may not be there
should it fail without telling you. For that reason I maintain Cloud drives should be used as Secondary Backups.
Slight change in the functionality of the backup. Before backing up any files, all folders withing the C:mr\data folder (or your data folder)
are created on the backup drive if they are not already there. If this fails for some reason it will give a warning message.
21st Oct 2015
It would appear, that when the first item in the stock list is missing (blank), all changes for the next item are ignored. I appreciate that this is a serious bug and it is corrected by this update. Sorry for any problems caused.
When using Reconcile Invoices without Day Payer set with Statements gives an error for amount paid. This update corrects this. It also ensures Day Payer is set when Reconcile Invoices is set.
12th Oct 2015
Dairy Name and Address are nolong checked for case.
All hotsync files (from hh->pc) are now timestamped with (_MMDD_hhmmss) and saved in the C:\mr\data\phone\user folder, where they are saved there for 3 weeks. Also added is the new Check for Changes in Saved File button so you can see what changes were contained in the saved hotsync file.
The roll forward now aborts if the download fails. You must try again.
6th Sept 2015
Problem new screen scaling reverted to old. - Thanks Andy
4th Sept 2015
Problem with links starting with the ";" character not accepted by browsers. Problem fixed by using special url character.
2nd Sept 2015
A warning has been added to the exit button on the front screen when the backup device/folder has not been setup properly and the always backup on exit ticked. WARNING - if you don't Exit the system your data doesn't get backed up!
The Backup Week File and Restore Weekfile have been removed since in the wrong hands may have caused data loss. There is a new menu Define Backup Folders where you can define a Primary and a Secondary backup destination. The folder \data\ is automatically added to the backup destinations. I suggest the cloud service Google Drive or Dropbox for secondary destinations. I know its a pain but too many users have been stung! Do tread with caution and check that it is all working correctly.
Invoice options form did not allow the editing of the blank flag " ," (space comma) Other Terms text does now!
Most screens will allow you to change their position and some to resize. Non True Fonts have been replaced by Arial to allow proper scaling. If you find a form that I have missed please let me know.
3rd Aug 2015
This was present in the old Dos system but omitted in the Windows system - until now!. Thank you Gareth!
30th July 2015
The problem was that if the last customer had all settings Bfwd , This Week, and Total equal to zero, the program ignored this customer,. Unfortunately, the printing of the totals and the rest of that page relied on it being printed. Fixed - thank you Roger!
23th July 2015
Problem effecting only one customer after a long time with no updates - Ignore if your not that customer.
20th July 2015
The downloaded filename (fromWeb Change/Update) has changed to c:\mr\data\ .
When printing, ducuments are started with a Startdoc command and must be ended with an Enddoc command. Another document cannot issue a Startdoc before the outstanding one has finished with an Enddoc. I was assuming that the Startdoc would be actioned immediately and then disabled the window for further input. Alas, the Startdoc takes quite a long time allowing time for the selection of another menu resulting in the issuing of another Startdoc, resulting a system crash. I think this bug is now fixed! Bug reports do work - in this case evertually!
7th July 2015
New menus added to Edit Customer Details - MR8-Cloud to send SMS Invite to the /Phones/SMS_Text.txt file. From where your android phone can send by SMS (from the front page) using Menu - SMS Invoicing - Get SMS Invoices from PC. Then click Send SMS Invoices.
4th July 2015
The previous system had this set to 30 seconds. In general this would suffice but some people with a large number of customers (or a slow machine) the bug report system would kick in even though the system was not looping. This has now been increased to 90 seconds so if the system appears to be doing nothing - wait!
I have had many requests for the emailing of Group Invoices. For this you need an Ordered Collection List where the first customer has no orders but is used to supply the Company Name and Address and Email Address. Please give it a try let me know what you think.
25th June 2015
The Email Invoices message in web changes listing has been removed.
The number of characters in the Bank Details - Account Name has been increaded to 30.
14th June 2015
The problem of typing in a search string only to find the system thinks you are entering a goto customer number - Now Solved.
From now on the system recognises that the string is not a number and automatical does a search for the text. - Crash reports do work!
When print invoices from the Scrolling List or the Edit Screen there was an interaction between the autobackup system and invoice printing! Now auto backups are disabled whilst invoice printing from these forms.. - Crash reports do work!
Website can now be customised to your corporate colours and Logo in header.
In an attempt to save the Item Type definitions within the weekfile, a bug was introduced that will cause some users weekfiles to fail the Weekfile Integrity Check. The attempt was abandoned this update applies a fix for the bug.
Due to people not taking file corruption seriously and waiting till they cannot they cannot print invoices, the time before files are deleted has now been extended to 2 months rather than 2 weeks.
11-13th June 2015
The Item Type definitions have changed slightly to come into line with changes to make for MR8-Cloud
8th June 2015
The Item Type definitions only auto-update when in the actual current week. - thanks Andy
The creation of files required for MR8-Cloud online editing has been much simplified.
Link button reinstated in DD_Leter after code changes.
5th June 2015
Check for new customer improved.
The speed of hot sync improved significantly.
New checkbox in Round Data. (not sure where to put it!) Print item (milk) colours on Delivery Notes and Single Day Delivery List - please try out and send feedback.
23rd May 2015
Inviting customer to use MR8-Cloud web operations in Customer Details has been changed to use the standard letter WedEdit_Letter.htm which can edited to incorporate local bespoke requirements.
Added two new columns Cutoff - 0..3 - for use when items have a different cut-off to the general round cutoff, and onWeb Y/N which allows the item not to be displayed on the web.
19th May 2015
In MR8-Cloud web operations, a lockout has been introduced so that edits cannot be done during the three hours after the final integoration (at/after Cutoff) by the dairy. - Thanks Ed!
Added warnings to move Standing Order chekbox.
13th May 2015
During the Bring Forward Delivery Day you will now be asked if the day being moved is a public holiday. If it is then customers marked as public holiday takers will have the quantity on the moved day set to zero. Thanks - John!
12th May 2015
On rolling forward a list of customers who cancelled until further notice, by round, is produced.
11th May 2015
This has been shortened and simplified it can be seen here...DD_Letter.html.
This has been extended to 120 characters. If you need to send invoices to more then one address use ; (semi-colon) as a separator.
In some cases this did not find the update - hopefully does now!
1st May 2015
OK I admit I did not understand the lengths required to change the range of a progress bar. I do now! Problem fixed (I think! Thankyou Jayne et al!
2nd April 2015
The rental charge is now 125.00 per annum.
The currency character is set and enabled/disabled via Invoice Options form (at the bottom).
Continuation sheets now start the same distance from the top of the paper.
The system would crash on printing a single invoice after printing invoice by flag set. This problem is fixed (needs confirmation).
The Make Payment by Paypal menu has been replaced by a link to the website Payments page - which now includes new ways of paying.
We are looking at how the Pay by GoCardless buttons can be added automatically to emailed invoices.
19th Mar 2015
Did not print when Sort on Man - No was selected.
Now in production testing - some changes.
17th Mar 2015
Small mod to stop crashing (130).
Now does not print to disabled customers.
15th Mar 2015
System nolonger prints envelopes if Email Invoices is ticked.
On non-XP windows systems a Windows patch is required to enable printing. The system will recognise this and prompt you when it is required. On XP systems the PrintHTML window does not close automatically.
12th Mar 2015
Previous system caused memory leaks - fixed.
11th Mar 2015
System crashed on converting old Cancel UTFN data for Android phone. Thanks John.
These have been properly formatted for the printer and added to the normal Print - Other Lists menu. Thanks Lee.
When setting payment by right clicking UNPAID invoice the day of payment was not set - is now! Thanks Andy.
Column titles not changing when you go back a week - do now! Thanks John.
27th Feb 2015
The printer now uses the same print font as the Results page. So if you use monospaced fonts everything should line up.
The old DOS system used to do this and I promised myself that I would do this 15years ago. At last!
Added new button to Hot Sync page - useful when things get desperate!
System crashed if no invoices are outstanding. Fixed - thanks Margaret!
Hotsync crashed due to errors during item change/deletion - thanks Mark!
17th Feb 2015
Some people were have problems with this function especially with DR8. The system has been completely rewritten. It should download a bit quicker as well.
The updown buttons were not showing - are now!
From the front screen click on Milk Round Utilities - Debt Management - added more useful information.
The Enable Type/Subtype Items List checkbox is automatically set if it is in use when selecting/adding items.
13th Feb 2015
From the front screen click on Milk Round Utilities - Debt Management - Long Term Debts - You may get a surprise!
10th Feb 2015
In the edit screen the column titles now include the date! So now 12/Wed - thanks Damien!
5th Feb 2015
Opening Stock Level after Roll Forward in error if adjustments were present in the last day of the week the carried forward - fixed! - thanks Damien!
Enabling Web Transfers is only usable if you have gotten a cloud "bucket" from steve. So it now asks that question! No bucket - No Web transfers!
30th Jan 2015
You can now view the demo on the front page click - MR8-Cloud - View Demo
The total of the Bacs Payment Column was twice the correct total.
The PC hotsync code for this has been rewritten.
Changes show SO for Standing Order, TWk for This Week, and AOr for changes to Alternate Orders. Comments are welcome.
Small change to code to ensure data file stays with correct format.
To avoid confusion all processed ".html" letters have been moved to the C:\mr\data\temp folder. Standard letter ".htm" remain in the C:\mr\data\Letters folder.
Edit Letter buttons direct you to download the Amaya free Html editor. Once Amaya is installed the button will open the file in the Amaya editor. Enjoy!
25th Jan 2015
Printing single invoices/delivery notes was failing due to Progress Bar position out of range. This should nolonger happen.
.Was showing Card Payments as Cash. Card payments now have their own column.
10th Jan 2015
The debugging code to find the Hotsync bug below was left in. This showed a message when customer 663 was hotsynced. The offending code has been removed.
When coming forward to the current week.The system now detects if the last customer is different to the next. (Sometimes occurrs when customers have been deleted or added in past weeks ILLEGAL!) if so then the system does NOT do a Mini Roll Forward.
8th Jan 2015
The problem showed up as error during hotsync. Which has now been fixed.
17th Dec 2014
The update is reported.This means that we get to know who has updated their system - If we need to contact you we can.
15th Dec 2014
Moving second daynext week to first day next week had problems. Have tested change but do check it works correctly. Call me if any further problems - fixed thanks Tim!
12th Dec 2014
Due to recent changes printing on Dotmatrix Printers had problems - fixed.
Once the Flag terms text was defined you could not not print it - fixed. Thanks Jacob!
8th Dec 2014
Crashing on front page Exit in SaveSettings.
Crashing whilst printing Invoice while amending Payment Details.
These only occurred on one users machine!
Fix to check for un-reconciled payments - Thanks Lee.
3th Dec 2014
At last we found and fixed it - Thanks Stuart S.
Appeared mainly on Bank Giro Credits and DD customers who had a payment. Due to recent mods. - Thanks Lee.
28th NOV 2014
System Crashing when Dairy Name is blank and not sending an accompanying letter - fixed Thanks S and T.
14th NOV 2014
Fix to allow ex DD customers payments to show on tablets - Thanks Lee.
8th NOV 2014
More checking of DD customers and Payments Modifications.
Now shows time to timeout (increased to 120secs for hotsyncing via web).
4th NOV 2014
Modifications due to experience.
30th Oct 2014
Was showing Last Week With Changes when not changes were present
29th Oct 2014
Some minor error on my part resulted in all email invoices coming to ME! Sorry.
28th Oct 2014
If you try to hot-sync a HH on the wrong week it won't let you.
When using Android Devices the system lists each phone and the time of the last Hotsync. This makes checking which phones have been hotsynced much easier.
The system had a bug which has been corrected.
13th Oct 2014
The billing process has been rewritten and is working well.
You can now get a Business Report for a flag set. If you don't need is for a specific flag set "Include all/exclude non" work well.
Waste is now only shown on a whole business report.
The system nolonger prints customers with a zero or negative totals.
Mainly affecting users who are updating from the old Dos System.
The system allows the transfer of data from the old name standard of WEEKnn to WEEKyyyynn.
It allowed you to reselect the Use old MR Filenames menu item which
has led to some confusion and difficulty when trying to print invoices from files of the old file standard.
The system has been modified to not allow reversion back to the old file standard when a file of the new naming standard exists.
Printing of invoices has been disabled when looking at files in the old file standard.
12th Sept 2014
This screen is now disabled whilst printing is in progress. Any problems let me know.
This has now been extended to include four days of next week. Important if your Start Day is Saturday.
Fix withdrawn!
4th Sept 2014
It appears that some printing results in a printer fault. This is usually the result of a missing enddoc statement. The system now tests for "printing in progress" before starting a new print. If true an enddoc is issued.
Now does not show Direct Debit Payments.
You can now have a delay between invoices to allow virus checking and sending to take place.
18th Aug 2014
Several Function have been disabled in Milk Round Utilites when the Last Week button pressed on Front Page.
Bug in create history files - didn't work - now forces creation of needed folders!
16th Aug 2014
The code that processes the Check All DD Customers have been modified to prevent non-DD customers being added to the DD List.
14th Aug 2014
A recent mod MAY have messed up a customers Full Address where this is present - Please check all customers with a full address. Thankyou Ray Griffin for bringing this to my attention!
13th Aug 2014
Bug in create history files - didn't work if you had a weekfile extension such as ".dat", ".wed" or ".thu" does now!
Hotsync crashed when hotsyncing more than once - fixed!
31st July 2014
Bug in transfer of Cheese Weight item from HH to PC - works now.
30th July 2014
Code designed to remove bad items from a customers stock list during HotSyncing did not work - does now.
Items with an item number above 250 caused BAD ITEM to be displayed during HotSyncing - in error.
Bad items which had got themselves on to a customers HH data were copied back to the PC during HotSyncing in error.
Hot Syncing now times-out after 40seconds and then automatically sends files to Steve.
If an error is detected then it gives you the option to send an error by email was not working in all systems.
29th July 2014
Bug introduced by 140722 mod now fixed.
Android now knows if customer pays by DD so as not to collect.
Android now knows if a cancellation expired at end of last week.
Memory Leak in Hotsync fixed.
Hot Sync screen now shows all HHs and last hot sync date/time.
Hot Syncing does not time-out gracefully so if it does not come out of the Syncing loop I want to know about it!
Files older than three weeks are automatically deleted from the /Phones folders.
Hot Sync screen now shows all HHs and last hot sync date/time.
Added - All Androids HotSynced?
Send error report by email now enabled.
21st July 2014
You cannot post more DD's until the last lot have been processed and PAID.
DD customers are only set to PAID once so you can Check DD Payments more than once and in different weeks.
Check DD Customers now only shows new additions.
You can nolonger setup customer accounts with Gocardless but can send email to ask CG to do it for you.
GoCardless have offered to canvas customers without an email address so have added Prepare/Update Canvas List to GoCardless menu.
Standard Letters will be sent to the Printer if no email address is present.
If an error is detected then it gives you the option to send an error by email..
When printing a number of invoices at once you should now see the progress bar at the bottom of the Invoice Prining Page.
1st July 2014
Due to not wanting to change code, the incorporation of Maximum Pay-off Amounts into the original Direct Debit Processing data, caused to reading of DD_Ref to be in error. This only showed on customers who have had their DD data modified since the change. Now working correctly.
Note - customers with large debts can "pay them off" by setting the maximum monthly (or invoice period) payment amount.
30th June 2014
Due to a mis-understanding about accounts and passwords after my installation of High Speed Broad Band Check for Updates may not work after 1st July! Click - Check for Update ASAP to update to the new version.
27th June 2014
Help not displaying due to filename change - does now!"
This was suggested by Andy Challoner. Well done Andy!"
Another suggestion from Andy. If you need another catagory please let me know.
Emails Standard Letters are nolonger sent as an attachment but as the body of the email - at last I figured out how to do it!.
The day totals did not include Day Payers who paid by cheque! (After 14 years) Does now! (Thanks Eli).
You can now save upto 200 characters of notes with the customers data. Please keep notes small especially if you have more than 2000 customers. (Thanks Margret!).
22th June 2014
The system had a problem when items had been added to orders and then deleted. This caused the system to hang with the message "Hotsyncing..."
21th June 2014
If you downloaded version 140619 , please click on Help - Check for Updates as this feature will fail to work after 1st July 2014 due to website changes.
19th June 2014
On the front page you can now click Help - Check for Updates.This compares the web version of the system to the one currently being used. If an update is needed the new system will be downloaded to the C:\mr\downloads folder and then run loading the new program into C:\mr. The current program there will be over written by the new one. No data will be lost.
17th June 2014
Now removes DD details from customers who have cancelled their authorisations.
SMS Inoices to the same phone number are automatically collected together and sent as one SMS.
The Blank listing page displayed before the SMS message text file has been removed.
I think I might have fixed this please let me know.
From now DD Invoices will include an estimate of when funds will be withdrawn from the customers account. They will not include your bank details or the remitance slip.
6th June 2014
Now produces a list of payments collected and sets the customers payment status.
Get Edongle now uses one piece of code - the one that was in the old Android Hotsyncer. Thanks John!
3rd June 2014
The Backup system has been rewritten and should now include files in subfolders. Subfolders "Temp", "Backup" and "Phones" are not backed-up. The destination folder for Backup is now "\data"
Backup on Exit - backs up files that are less than 1.5 days old.
An additional menu item "Full Backup to F:\data\" has been added to the System menu on the front page.
31st May 2014 Direct Debiting has been integrated into the system. It will only work where the customer has an email address, but many customers will have someone in the family with an email address (only use this if they are fully trusted). The charges are a flat rate of 1.25%. Some users charge their customers (say 5 pense ) for payment by DD.
6th April 2014
Added Help Menu. Text Sizes have been increased so that HotSyncers don't need to be in the office.
New Help Message. Added Buttons to select standard letter and email same. Standard Letters will be added to the email invoice, and, a facility email them to all customers, shortly.
Problems of AccessViolation whilst creating an emailed Invoice for a single customer should now have been resolved!
You can now choose to send a standard letter with emailed invoices!
You can now choose to send a standard letter from either the Customer Details screen or select Invoice Printing - Send Standard Letter in the Scrolling List or the Customer Edit Screen!
This will be added shortly. You will see a new Menu added to Milk Round Utilities, and a new Button in Edit Customer Details.
17th Mar 2014
This change should allow most users to run the system on any computer using just one username and interface number.
Added facility to email these to me.
6th Mar 2014
Problems with spaces in Android User Names has been solved - Thanks Colin!
A Help menu has been added and instuctions rewritten.
The problem involved timeout of a old Android Phone on trial - Fixed thanks Colin!
3rd Mar 2014
Updated the help details so that it is clearer for new users.
Useful when debugging some user problems over the phone.
All the functions of the Android Hotsyncer have been added to MR8.
17th Feb 2014
Last change seems to have also changed these - not showing amount brought forward. Please check any invoices sent out. Also please check all types of invoice you use that they now have to correct format.
5th Feb 2014
Help now works as does Web Retail List - Make in the edit Type/Subtype screen of Edit Stock Dats!
A long standing bug when printed with detailed Remitance Slip has been found and corrected! - Thanks Eli.
31st Jan 2014
This has been missing from the system for some time (due to a typo). It has returned!
The layout has changed to exclude amounts Bfwd and payments when printed as a Period Invoice with no amounts Bfwd requested.
22nd Jan 2014
At last a fix for text sizes in Edi-Stock and W=Check Price screens.
Single Day Delivery List (type 3) has been modiifed to make less confusing!
In the Full Invoice Address tab there is a tick box Show Delivery Address on Invoice this had stopped saving/working. It shouldnow work!
20th Jan 2014
You may have noticed that the Help function does not work properly with these systems. Microsoft decided that the .CHM Help function had vulnerabilities that could be exploited by the unscrupulous and so disabled all document styling and images. The MR8 Documentation 2007.CHM has therefore been replaced by MR8_Help.exe in this release. Remember this program needs to be put inside the firewall as it will be using help files from the website where required.
On the first day or your week you now have a button to update your starting stock levels after changes to last week.
17th Jan 2014
This problem affected high resolution screens - fixed (I think!).
13th Jan 2014
These have been moved to Authorise menu on the front page. Also they have been modified to show when a different email address has been entered.
29th Oct 2013
For people who have multiple data bases can now get loading lists from all databases.
When searching for customers in the scrolling list - highlight customer then press ED button returns to full list but stays on that customer.
The web interface file has been changed to allow multiple (three) cutoff times for different item groups. The help file has been updated to show typical web screens.
12th Oct 2013
Terms text can be saved against a Flag start with Flag,(Comma) the click Flag Save the terms text will be used for invoices with that Flag!
Total to Date text wrongly positioned on invoices after terms text.!
30th Sept 2013
Used in connection with Paper Round Utility to delete all items on day - use with care - do backup before use!
Testing Only!
9th May 2013
Reverted to old code with some small mods!
8th May 2013
Problem one step forward two back - side effects!
6th May 2013
Problem hanging printing - fixed ??
2nd May 2013
Maximum page length is fixed to A4.
Emailing PDF file title now includes invoice number if set.
Emailing invoices from Scrolling List crash may have been fixed.
4th April 2013
There is now a checkbox to stop printing invoices which are sent by a different method.
21th March 2013
Both the Start of Week and End of Week listings now start each man on a new page - Thanks Dan!
Item 4 - Updated for changing system to new computer.
19th March 2013
This has been added so that locations of customers obtained by a GPS fix from Android Phones. You can also click on a Google Map and take the Lat/Long from there!
This has been added so that locations can be viewed on a map. Now working!
18th March 2013
Text size has been corrected - I think??.
This was not being set. It is now set to the last day of week payments are taken.
This has been added so that locations of customers obtained by a GPS fix from Android Phones can be viewed - needs more work!
This has been added so that locations can be viewed on a map - needs more work!
12th March 2013
Scaling for screen size has been corrected.
Text Search has been extended to include Name - Address - Full Address - both telephone numbers - Delivery Details - Direct Debt details and Email Address!
12th Feb 2013
Listing now has maximum of 500 entries.
17th Jan 2013
After a great deal of effort I believe tokens are now being listed correctly - thanks John!
You should be able to move days from next week to days of this - thanks Tim!
28th Nov 2012
Crashed when moving last day of this week to first day of next - fixed!
22nd Nov 2012
Setting Payments of - system generated a bug - should work now.
You can now generate phone book between customer numbers.
15th Nov 2012
After much cagoling - emails do NOT set the sender name - so it might work with Microsoft OUTLOOK.
A previous mod stopped this working properly - should now!
2nd Nov 2012
You can now send an SMS to all SMS-Invoice customers via Android phone.
26th Oct 2012
This is now set to "today" regardless of start day of week.
The Day Totals and Item Totals have not been totally accurate when customer discounts have been used. These are now correct.
This is now set when payments are entered.
Due to some people saying yes to "Overwrite file lest than 9 months old?" when they really should said no. The file is now backed up before it is over-written.
5th Oct 2012
This was previously limited to 200,000 it has has been increased to 800,000.
20th Sep 2012
Slight mods to make more understandable and robust.
15th Sep 2012
When printing invoices from the scrolling list or from the edit screen, if the customers has an email address and has a tick in email invoice, then the system asks if the invoice is to be sent by email. Click yes to send it.
11th Sep 2012
Now says You may Pay by Bacs to: (Account details). option rather than instruction!
Now includes recent changes to token payment by day payers.
Minimum row height has been increased to 19 and font size from 8 or 9 to 13. Hope you find this better. If you find any screens messed up by these changes please let me know.
3rd Sep 2012
Not showing Header Address - now fixed.
Not being reset on roll forward - now fixed.
2nd Aug 2012
Show only Customers with Delivery (Single Day Only) was added sometime ago but seems to have been deleted - now restored.
System was listing Delivery Man sets - not Collection Man set - now shows correct set.
5th July 2012
22th June 2012
The position and scaling of theLogo on invoices is automatic on List to Screen and to Emailed Invoices. Scaling of the Logo is required when listing to printer as printers often have much higher resolution and different resolution for X and Y. You can set scale of Logo by clicking the Define Logo menu in Invoice Options.
On some systems the setting of the payment cause a file not found error - fixed.
The "This Week" orders of disable customer are deleted in the new week at roll forward.
20th June 2012
Some checkboxes in customer details could not be set with a mouse. They can now. (They could be set with a space bar.)
15th June 2012
Multi Day Payers have been modified to allow tokens to be added on morethan one day.
Do update all copies of the system you have (earlier system will crash).
Do check all listings involving Tokens!
8th June 2012
The scaling of the Icon on Emailed Invoices has been corrected.
24th May 2012
Ask question for just Total on SMS Invoice.
SMS Invoice Check box not saving properly - does now.
22nd May 2012
Reset file each time button pressed. If last invoice paid in full only show Invoice Total.
16th May 2012
Tidy up of some functions and updated help for Email Invoicing and Letter Sending - thanks Andy!
9th May 2012
In Edit Round Data you can now enter your bank details. These can be printed on Invoices - let me knoe what you think.
Be aware that if you are using the system with an Andoid Phone these details will be included in the text message sent by the Send Card button when entering customer phone numbers.
12th Mar 2012
When selecting Email Invoices checkbox in Customer Details message about PDF995 printer driver has been removed
4th Mar 2012
Error in creating email invoices list means that selection worked the first time but not for subsequent selections. Does now!
23rd Feb 2012
The system no longer uses PDF995 printer driver to format the PDF files. The result is emails are created much faster.
You can now email individual invoices.
An Auto Send and Auto Send Test features have been added .
There is a possibility that the system can send Invoices to your customers mobile phone via SMS and you get PayPal to send a request for payment to the same phone. This feature is not fully working. Tell me what you think.
In Customer Details checkboxes have been added for SMS Invoices and SMS PayPal.
30th Jan 2012
You now have an options to print only customers with deliveries.
27th Jan 2012
Auto Send Emails not sending first one or two emails properly then sending to the wrong email address - system now waits until all printing is done before trying to send email! This SHOULD solve the problem!?
25th Jan 2012
The Dairy Name and Address would not always print?? - does now.
Added Auto Send Emails checkbox to Invoice Print screen. Just tick the box and they will all be sent!
New users can now authorise a 12 week testing period.
Added the "Buy One Years Rental" menu to the Authorise menu. Please don't use this before 1st Feb 2012. I am de-registering for Vat so the annual rental is going to be 115.00. You can now pay by Paypal any problems please call.
6th Dec 2011
X6 was used in the printing of Statements (not on dot matrix) but this is not saved in the Invoice_format_5.txt file used for saving the new format information. X6 was replaced by X7 it now works as it should
The flags that control the printing of the invoice/statement header and title are stored withing each weekfile and have been previously read from the oldest file is the invoice period. This ment that if you wished to change this you had to go though the files changing the flags in all interviening file. The current system reads the flags from the youngest file. Do check this is working for you before you have to print invoices for real.
18th November 2011
After pressing the "fl" (FL) button (top left) in Scrolling List and selecting a flag. You can sort the resulting list by pressing Ctrl + Q. This will be useful when entering orders from Cool Milk which are in alphabetical order.
When printing on pre-printed paper you can now start the delivery note printing a distance down the page. From the front page click Print all Cust - Invoice - Invoice Options - Delivery Note Options - Set Y_top for Delivery Note. This sets the distance in mm. from the top of the page to the start of printing. You will also have to disable the printing of the header in Invoice Options.
9th July 2011
If a customer phones in an order for a day next week, we click a week ahead tab and edit as needed. If an edit to the standing order is also needed and one clicks straight onto that tab (from the week ahead tab)- the order for the current week is cancelled. A box pops up to ask if one wants to apply cancellation to this week, but it is not possible to select no or close the pop up box and stop the cancellation in any way. At that point the cancellation is going ahead regardless and unless one knows how the order in THIS week differed to the standing order- the changes are lost, as all the system offers to do is reapply the standing order. This has been fixed but DO CHECK there aren't any side affects lingering about - thanks Caroline!
6th April 2011 – New System
The total was not being set properly so the total of the Bacs column was showing the wrong total.
31th Dec 2010
Vat rate change applies to all invoices produced on or after 4th January 2011. Suggest you do change immediately after rolling forward into next week. Itcan be found in "Secondary Functions - Change Vat Rate 17.5% to 20%". After doing this do check that the changes have taken place. In Stock List - Round Data and Special Prices.
6th Dec 2010
Last character problem on some printers - Added "Brother Printer" to Edit Round Data
6th Dec 2010 – New System
Old version missing the DOCTYPE statement on first line
9th Nov 2010
Sys now give you complete freedom to move days forward or back - TAKE CARE
11th Oct 2010
Long standing bug - system nolonger asks for cheque value confirmation if the By Cheque checkbox is not checked (thanks Keith B)
9th Oct 2010
Show amount paid in week.
21st Sept 2010
It needs testing that it works properly.
19th July 2010
Invoice information was not being saved for these invoices - it is now - thanks Shelley!
Changes to Dairy Name and Address are automatically emailed to Steve (on Get EDongle) to save people having to sort out their emailing problems.
20th April 2010
For those using the Palms mod to stop the hot-sync looping on latest windows systems.
28th November 2009 – New System
14th September 2009
For those using the "No Collect" feature for recording payments against Invoices. If the last invoice in the list was deleted the payment file was also deleted in error. This has now been fixed.(Thanks Margaret Redfearn)
1st September 2009
Since the change in the way multi day payers have been stored the last payment of the type asked for has been repeated under "Other" for all multiday fixed(I think)! (Thanks Will Austin)
3rd August 2009
A very old mod to the database made it impossible to reorder the Stock fixed! (Thanks Victoria Woodall)
Surprisingly no-one has come up with this before. (Thanks Ian Pardy)
9th June 2009
This mod allows more than one business to use the same machine.
This bug has been there since the beginning. It's main effect was that Dairy telephone number became corrupted when stored. Now corrected. (Thanks Oli)
25th May 2009 – New System
Alas mod to list alternative to UCN as a DD account reference caused the listing of UCNs were listed as '000000'. Now corrected. (Thanks Eli)
As a result of changes made. The Last paid date was not being stored. This has now been fixed! (Thanks Mr. Stern)
If you have set a payment then (in the same week) set the customer to being Direct Debit in the same week the payment will be lost...Fixed!! (thanks Mr. Stern)
Pressing Q to check a Cheque value and then pressing Cancel will reset the cheque value...Fixed!
Previously killing payments when only one payment had been received was painful! Now it acts the same as killing other payment types.(Thanks Eli)
The name is now displayed. Use the display name and address in Delivery List Options.(Thanks Brid)
Zero quantities were being printed (lots of zeros). (thanks Brandon)
The wide printer is now the default. You will still have to set the page length to 4inches. (thanks all)
The dairy name and address are now printed on the right-hand-side of bill. (thanks Brandon)
Invoice terms text is now optionally printable on right-hand-side of bill. (thanks Brandon)
3rd Apr 2009
At long last the "CAN"s printed in the days before the start and after the end of the month are now printed as "---". Apologies to those who suggested it years ago but I only recently realised how to do it. (Thanks Eli)
Remittance Slips not printing UCNs when asked. (thanks Teresa Pye)
The problem with the phantom bank credits - was due to the bank transfer values not being reset during roll forward. This did not affect payments but had the effect of reducing receipts in payment lists. (the equivalent of cashing a cheque) Now Fixed! People who record bank transfers should update their systems. (thanks Andrew Davies)
Menus have been added to print Glanbia Bills on wide carriage printers and Glanbia delivery lists (same as type 2 but with no total figure as Glanbia collect in arrears.
The system now produces a .csv address book under the menu Other Lists - Make .csv Address Book File. Import into your email client (Outlook or Outlook Express...etc.) using "Other Address Book" format. Remember to use the "Bcc" (Blind carbon copy) rather than the "To" send method or else everyone will get sent your complete email customer list!!! You may need to manually delete "NoSpam" email address from you Outlook Express Address Book.
This menu item has been removed. We have not abandoned the idea but now understand much better how it has be be organised.
You can now display DD customers in the scrolling list by clicking the Edit Types - Show Direct Debit Customers and then by selecting their current state.
9th Feb 2009
This listing had a problem in it was adding the last customers data on printable rounds to the totals when looping through non-printable rounds. (Thanks Loraine)
Changes done to accommodate the above feature stopped a second listing being printed after the first for the same selected rounds. (Thanks Andrew)
Since the changes done to multi-day payers this list was not showing these customers. (Thanks Andrew)
Error in dates for January 2009 listing.(thanks Edward Wheelwright).
I have one customer who delivers to the local authority establishments so payments may be for any number of addresses on one cheque. In the scrolling list if you press F5 = Search for Invoice Number then you are presented with a list of all numbered invoices. You can then select which to pay. Warning - do check that payments have been added to customer accounts properly. An invoice payment log has been added - see View Log of Payments menu at top of form. Invoice numbers and Reference are also added to the weekly payment log for each entry. (thanks R&A)
9th Jan 2009
A very rare bug. If you are in week 52 or 53 and printed a delivery note two weeks ahead you got an error...Fixed! (thanks Richard Wheelwright).
3rd Jan 2009
By popular demand this has been rewritten. It now has different inclusion criteria for Monthly and non-Monthly customers plus can list in delivery order - give it a whirl!( thanks Eli...)
A user of the system has several rounds which are delivered by a single truck. Wouldn't it be nice if we can get a loading list for those selected rounds added together. From front page you can go to "Print Selected Rounds (then select rounds) in Listing Screen click "Loading Lists - Loading List for All Selected Rounds". Bingo! ( thanks Loraine...)
If the Multi Day Payer flag is reset whilst payments have been entered these payments will be added to the Payment Total each time you edit the customer. Not good! The system has been changed so that if it finds Multi Day Payer data it sets the flag. When resetting the flag (in Customer Details) it asks "Do you wish to delete the payments?" if you answer NO then the flag is not reset! (thanks Ian Pardy)
In Edit Customer Details clicking the "No Collect" checkbox went away to calculate invoice history file but did not set checkbox to ticked. (thanks ..Andrew)
18th Dec 2008
Whilst doing the modifications for the Invoice/ Payment reconciliation it transpires that the multi-day-payer mode is set for each customer whilst printing these invoices. This has now been fixed! Apologies for any inconvenience.( thanks Andy Challoner)
14th Dec 2008
The backing up of these files in some cases did not happen and/or caused error message. ( thanks Margret Redfearn)
12th Dec 2008
Killing payments wasn't too clever - it's better now!.
This code changed to add the Cancel button which cause the payment day not to be displayed correctly...fixed. (many thanks Mike Pratley)!.
One of my new customers wanted to be able to automatically create the file required for direct debit processing. The costs involved are about 275 one off fee to start Direct Debiting. Each Direct Debit run (perhaps once per month) would cost 5 + 50p per customer debited. The system can do it! If you want it please call.
11th Dec 2008
As a result of the ctrl+F mod below a user has also found that Ctrl+F in the Edit screen has equally unexpected results. There is now a warning. (thanks Cornwall Creameries!).
5th Dec 2008
One of my dairy customers wants a delivery note number printing on delivery notes. In order to accommodate this a number is based on the combination of UCN (fixed for the customer) and / System Day Number will be used. So a typical number might be 324/11203. Printed at the right hand side under the date. (thanks John Gregory)
These always showed the customer number regardless as to whether "Always show UCN on invoice" is ticked in Customer Details. From now on it will show either the customer number or the UCN which ever is shown on invoices. (I found this one!)
It is unfortunate that the search for string command is Ctrl+F whilst F sets "paid in full". So if the Ctrl button is pressed then released before pressing F you set the payment when you intended to search for a text string. The system now asks a question if you press Ctrl and F within 2 seconds of each other. (Thanks Jacob Kaufman)
Use this option in cases where you have preprinted paper for Invoice and Delivery Notes etc. and you don't want to print the dairy name on the invoice but you do want to print title "INVOICE".(thanks Andrew Voakes)
Some people have trouble with setting the correct paper size whilst printing labels etc. Click on Other Lists - Show Printer Page Size in Window shows the page size the system has read from windows on next listing.
Since 16th July 2008 backing up to floppy in A: MAY NOT HAVE WORKED PROPERLY. This code has been restored to its original. Do check that any backup you have taken in the interim happen properly!
Backups to memory sticks are unaffected.
Some items were missed off report. Strange bug if you haven't found it - it doesn't affect you. (thanks Edward Wheelwright).
There has been a complete rewriting of the way multi day payers are stored within the system. The reduces the space taken up by the data and allows for the setting of payments from the scrolling list. You can also enter payments for Cheques, Bank Transfers or Credit Cards.
These are customers who typically pay by Cheque, Bank Transfer or Credit Card and are NOT collected by the roundsman.
The problem with these customers is that reconciling the payment against the outstanding invoices, because the payment is for several invoices and/or the amount does not match exactly the amounts owed, is difficult and time consuming and has not been previously addressed by the system.
The NoCollect status (set in Customer Details) allows this reconciliation.
NoCollect customers must also be Multi Day Payers.
When setting NoCollect in Customer Details a scan of the past 20 weeks (this customer only) is done for numbered invoices. These are added to the payments file.
To view or add payments just press the A,F,P,K buttons as before. You can then select which invoice you wish to pay then click Pay Selected! - enjoy!
To make it easy to make the file for an existing customer a system a scan is done on all customers over the last 20 weeks who have had a Numbers Invoice. A payments file is created for each customers which contains the records of his invoices.
These customers are set to Multi Day Payers and NoCollect in the Customer Details
This has been added to complete the changes to multiday payers.
10th Aug 2008 – New System
Advert at top of Invoice - On A5 invoices the scaling and positioning of the advert and the characters within the advert were in error - fixed! (thanks Cwmheidir Farm Dairy)
Intervention Report - You can now reset entries in the Weights and Volumes table. (Thanks Bill Hesketh)
Authorizing HH with Edongle - Now gives message to "Get Edongle Status".
HH Setup User being lost after restart - Some users have been complaining that the HH User Setup was being lost. This has been tracked down to users who's files have an extension (.dat) or (.new) shown on the title bar of the first page. This should not now happen! (thanks Julia)
16th July 2008
NOT AN URGENT UPDATE - It turns out that the problem were dairy name is initialised - is a side effect of an undocumented change some time after 080426 (26th April 2008). The problem arises randomly after a system crash. So if you have problems and Milk Round Utilities / Dairy System Utilities - Edit Round Data shows a blank round name - then download latest version - all will be well. Thanks John Bradley!
11th July 2008 – New System
URGENT UPDATE - I now have had two occurrances of people having the round data record (the one where your dairy name is store) initialised - ie dairy name replaced with spaces. Since I cannot find where, and under what circumstances, this happens I have included a fix to prevent the initialised round data record being written to the file (fail safe) - with a warning message to phone me (or email me) telling me what you did. For your own peace of mind I suggest you update.
Improvement to Backup (on exit etc.) The backup is now of all files less than one (and a half) days old. This includes files of past weeks that have been edited. Since this overwrites good files with potentially bad files you might think about having two backup devices which you use alternately.
TomCatalog has now replaced ZarfCatalog on HH thanks to Andrew Davies
26th June 2008 – (Vista Test8)
URGENT UPDATE - It has been established that a printer problem (rare) whilst printing a delivery note using the DN button can result in the deleting of that customers data. (fixed! thanks to Fylde Dairy.)
This above version has new HH handling for Palm Desktop 6.2 used on Vista machines as well as version 4.1.4 used on XP.
It addresses the start of transfer to Vista. A UAC (User Account Control) manifest has been added so you should not see the warning message on startup.
User setup data has been transferred from .ini files in the windows folder to a .xml file in C:\MR folder therefore different users should not now get different user setups (File Virtualisation).
It works on both of my machines (Xp and Vista).
Import single customer from browsed file now nolonger rolls the data forward if the data is from the same week. (Thanks Fylde Dairy).
16th June 2008 – New System
Advert not printing at correct scale when printing on A5 paper especially noticeable when printing at top of page.
Printing of type 5 Delivery Seven Day Lists with run totals sometimes had errors. (Thanks Dot Young)
Bug in Move Block to position beyond last existing customer - didn't work ...does now.(Thanks Mr. Knowles)
HH Interface with Palm Desktop has been rewritten so that it will work with version 6.2 on Windows Vista. It works on both of my machines (Xp and Vista) but needs testing in the BWW (Big Wide World).
24th May 2008
Change to Statement printing with EscapeCodes (dot-matrix printers). Changes to the maximum number of weeks in invoice ment that the EscapeCodes Statement routinely had 52 entries instead of twenty...fixed! (Thanks Bill Hesketh)
Added Other Lists - Intervention Report to DR8_for_win. (Thanks Bill Hesketh)
Small problem with saving unset Order List Titles in Vista_Test1 ..fixed.
HH Users may have to redo Setup Palm Users.
28th April 2008
Mod DR8 to stop random error in Printing Loading List (thanks Cwmheidir Farm Dairy)
Vista Mod 1 - Several files used by MR8/DR8 were created using the Windows Inifile System. The Vista version introduced changes to the way the system allowed programs to change .ini files (v helpful!!!). Initially I thought the problem was that the files were in the C:\Windows folder - It goes much deeper than that! Entries to .ini files are transferred to the Windows System Registry and non Administrator users are not allowed to change them. This mod does away with all .ini files and instead uses an .xml file stored in the C:\MR\Data folder to store system preferences, Flag Set and Order List Titles, and Palm HH user names. The values stored in the old .ini files are transferred to the new .xml file automatically. Any problems please let me know and then revert back to previous download.(thanks Cwmheidir Farm Dairy)
23rd April 2008
In SMTP Email log you can now delete entries by right clicking then left click "Delete".
In Jersey the Government have introduced a "Goods and Services Tax" ( GST ) the system has been modified to cater for this change. Added Apply Jersey GST Rules tick box to Edit Round Data page.
Small changes to Authorise HH User code. Thanks Richard Pike.
9th April 2008
Bug in Auto Pilot (Print Scheduler) When an item was deleted from auto pilot. It messed up all the entries after the one deleted. Fixed!!! (thanks Andrew) There was a line of code missing - I declare it as Act of God! Steve
Due to problems with Vista not liking ini files being in the Windows folder ini files used by MR8/DR8 system have been copied to C:\MR folder. You may loose some of your setup like "Confirmation on Cancel Day", "Setup Palm Users" & "Define Data and Backup Folders" but it should only be a one off change.
Sending Smtp emails with Dairy Header (see Smtp Mail Sender options menu) did not work if you were also sending an attachment..does now! The code now checks to see the attachment exits.
Small changes to edongle code especially when used with HH terminals (thanks to jon-milk@..).
Pre-printed Weekly Invoices occasionally would miss the total from bottom of page. ...Fixed!(thanks to Andrew).
24th March 2008
Major update to HH program (see HH mod history).
When printing with the print scheduler the system would not print any weeks ahead listings ...will now! (thanks to Andrew).
12th March 2008
The dongle driver returned to old one (parallel port dongles not working on new).
Tidied up SMTP email log, added resend button to SMTP email form and added option to put dairy header on top of email to make a much more professional job. To test it make sure the Option - Send with Dairy Header menu is ticked then send yourself an email. The "Send Mail" time-out has been extended to 20 seconds.
When exiting Customer Details with a tick in Day Payer and a payment was already set the Day Payer tick was removed. Now it works properly only flaging problem if total of daily payments is not equal to money paid.
Added Multi Printer/Bin Printing to Print Scheduler and Flagset Print Plan. You can set a schedule by pressing the "add to next" button in the listings screen. I have also improved the scheduler editing so you can select printer and bin the listing is to go to!
The Use Full Address check boxes in Customer Details will now only be saved if a Full Address has been added!
Modified the layout and data storage of Flagset Print Plan. Any existing print plans will have to be re-entered.
1st March 2008
Added to HH Functions - Download Palm Print Driver. If your printing from HHs then you will need this.
Added to HH Functions - Reload software to all HHs. If you are adding HHs to the system this reloads the program onto all HHs.
A bug notified about missing two lines from an invoice. Over the last eight years I seem to have been over-estimating the length of the paper on printers. On most printers this is not a problem but on some can amount to a good 1/2inch. Hence the loss of two lines from the invoice...fixed!(thanks Andy).
Pre-Printed Weekly Invoices with lots of items these now start on the first page and always have some items on the last page. You should not now have just the total on the last page.
The dongle driver has been updated. On Vista systems the first time the system is run it should be without the dongle in place. Hopefully the new driver should help.
Being shown results when there aren't any? Not any more! If the "Results" page is empty then you will not be shown it. There may be occurrances where this is annoying if so let me know.
In SMTP Email Log the Print and Print Attachment buttons now work.
A new way of printing Invoices
Statement from MR8 user - We have several different types of customer on the round. We have given each type of customer a different flag. Each customer type has a bill for one, two or four weeks and a different message. It is very time consuming as we have to print each flag separately with the right number of weeks and message and then put all the bills in order of the milkman's delivery.
What we need is to have a preset invoice type, message and number of weeks for each flag so that we can print all together in one go.
Have a look at the Print Listings - Invoices Menu you will find two new menus - Setup Flagset Print Plan and Print using Flagset Print Plan. Their operation should be obvious they do need testing but should save a lot of time. Sorry it has been a very long time coming! (thanks morefresh)
11th February 2008
Single Day Payers on the Payments on Day list. When customer paid by cheque - the payment was not added to the total payments column... It is now! (Thanks willythemower)
Added Stock Weights and Volumes to the Utilities Menu. I have tested it but it needs using to see if it really works. ( Thanks Andrew Davies and John Bradley )
Added HH licensing to Edongle code.
Import single customer from last week did not work following mods (way back) now does.
The default button on Insert and Delete Customer has been changed from Yes to No (this may explain some deleted customers).
Deletions from the system are now logged in the payment logs.
Again after along time after doing the mod the Use and Display Collection Man Set is found to set the delivery man set...Now Fixed!
Multi customer setting of flags and delivery/collection man. You can now highlight a group of customers and make these changes.
If the system decides no invoice is required (no delivery or in credit) when emailing invoices a blank invoice was emailed to the customer...Fixed! (thanks Andrew Davies).
Sending Emails from system
Emails can now be sent via SMTP protocol.
See Secondary Functions - SMTP Emailing. Not ticking Enable SMTP Emailing will continue to send emails via Outlook Express.
You need to get your smtp host server address.
The best way to get this is to send yourself an email then look at the header info.
An example:-
Received: from ([])
by with smtp (Exim 4.42)
In this example the smtp server was - yours will be different!
Smtp emails are not sent through your normal email software so can be sent directly from the system.
Out going emails will be logged in a separate email log.
You must be online (connected) to send emails.
30th December 2007
The system now produces a .csv address book under the menu MyMilkBill - Make .csv Address Book File. Import into your email client (Outlook or Outlook Express...etc.) using "Other Address Book" format. Remember to use the "Bcc" (Blind carbon copy) rather than the "To" send method or else everyone will get sent your complete email customer list!!! You may need to manually delete "NoSpam" email address from you Outlook Express Address Book.
In the Customer details you will notice a No Spam tick box. No spam customers are not included in the Address Book. On customers with existing email addresses you will see the nospam tick box is set randomly. I don't know where that came from but you will have to check and reset it where necessary.
Under the Edit Types menu in scrolling list I have added Show Email Customers or more correctly "customers with email addresses".
The system now supports eDongles which allow access to the system without having a device which plugs into your computer. Edongles will only work on one computer and only on your authorised data file. You can purchase an additional edongle for your system for 75+vat or 20+vat p.a. rental
20th December 2007
Will Austin has found the message 'Did You Know you can type 1..20 to add items 1 to 20' particularly annoying! It now shows only on the FIRST time you enter two items with sequential items numbers. (thanks Will)
Added Disable Web Transfers to the Mymilkbill menu. The default is "disabled". Web transfers are now enabled by the transfer of data to your website. They can be disabled at any time.
Total rewrite of the F5 = Search for Invoice No. suggested by Middletons dairy. The system nolonger crashes when it cannot find the invoice number, and gives you a progress bar whilst you are waiting for the search to complete! (thanks Tim!)
16th December 2007
In Editing Customer Data - Edit Options added Confirm ( Yes / No ) Delete Alternate Order. Click to enable/disable. (I met someone in mortal dread of deleting an Alternate Order for Week by accident especially at Christmas!) (thanks lady at Middletons Dairy).
8th December 2007
In Editing Customer Data when using the left/right buttons on the tabs to change week number - it was possible to have two weeks with the same number. It now isn't! (thanks Andrew).
The new mods to include the internet handling routines for eDongles and have bumped the size of the system up to 5Mbytes Sorry to all you non-broadband downloaders!
28th November 2007
In Editing Customer Data - Edit Options added Confirm ( Yes / No ) C = Cancel Day and Confirm ( Yes / No ) F4 = Cancel Week Click to enable/disable. (thanks - all!) has been launched allbeit on a trial basis see the documentation about setting up an account.
For new users we are trialing edongles.
Stange bug whilst getting loading list and having Credit Charge enabled. Don't understand why other people havn't found this?? (thanks Ian Wood!).
3rdNovember 2007
If you have a tick in "Use Escape Codes for Speed" and a non-dotmatrix printer is being used the command is ignored.
Printing of price list based on Supplier screwed up long lists because it was set of 2 columns per page. Fixed! (thanks andy@hopewall).
Printing of Labels and Envelopes now offers UCNs (Unchanging Customer Numbers) or Customer numbers.(thanks Edward Goodall)
28thOctober 2007
Mod to HH conduit - see HH Mods.
Pence that don't add up? One or two or you have noticed that sometimes on statements 11+11=21. This is especially true when prices are given in fractions of a penny (It was actually 10.5 + 10.5 = 21). The system now rounds the weekly totals to the nearest whole penny. So from now on 11+11 should equal 22! If you find any examples of this not being the case please let me know! The same mod has been done to HHs.
In Editing Customer Data if you press C it cancels the day and F4 (now only in Alternate Order for Week) sets week to zero deliveries. The system now asks for an acknowledgment. ie. Do you want to... Yes/No! (thanks Andy@hopewall)
Added 4 Weekly printing to the Print Scheduler. This allows printing of one set of flags for one fortnightly list and a different set of flags for the next fortnight.
12thOctober 2007
System not longer prints a zero invoice if printing Pre-printed Weekly Invoices not showing amount brought forward. (Thanks R & A)
Printing of W=Check Price list had a bug which limited list to Customers Name and Address fixed! (thanks both Andys).
Printing of the Run Totals on Seven Day Delivery List did not throw to new page if too long ...does now! (thanks Ivor).
27thSeptember 2007
In Edit Stock Data in Organise Data you can now Define Supplier List which works the same way as Item Types / Subtypes. Having set up the Supplier List you can now print a Managment Price List ordered against suppliers. These two mods are intended to aid the checking of buyin prices against supplier price lists.
The same user who wanted that also wanted to Change Special Prices of customers in a Flag Set. You can now do this.
Function button F3 in the Edit Stock Data now deletes a stock item.
Due a number of people failing to get started and wanting to start again with old data and people importing data from other milk rounds, in the Scrolling List, we have added an Option to Set Amount BFwd and Payments to Zero the system asks for the Office Password to allow this function to work. You can find Office under Secondary Functions on the front page.
24thSeptember 2007
Added two new menus to the system menu (top left on front page) to allow quick access to data and backup folders. Mainly to save me time explaining to people how to do it through "My Computer".
Define Data and Backup Folders you could not exit properly after pressing reset (fixed).
Edit Round Data - now has entries for Website and Email addresses these are now added to the dairy address on invoices.
The W=Check Price can now be listed to a file or printed.
In "Other Lists" you can produce a list of customers Names and Addresses
The "Customer Count" In "Other Lists" has been tided up and the number of directions added to aid the merging of two databases.
When editing daily quantities if you entered 58000 the system generated an overflow error - it now just beeps.
Added Price Management List to Edit Stock Data - Print menu which shows Buyin, Normal Selling and High and Low Special Prices together with the number of customers having the special price.
Whilst checking the above mod I was looking at a users data. They had 33 price bands for 189 customers. Which in my estimation makes the management of a pricing system very difficult if not impossible! To this end the List Customers using Special Prices list in Edit Stock Data has been modified to a)List the price bands and b)The customers within each band and their volume of the order for the current week (when printed and the end of the week).
27thJuly 2007
Removed the storage of Credit Card data from system.
When emailing Invoices that are usually printed on pre-printed paper that use a non-standard "Invoice Top" value, the emailed invoice nolonger starts at that value down the page.
Dongles can now be properly initialised (note for steve).
Invoice options has been changed to allow the choice as to whether a window envelope return address is printed, or not. The printing of customer name and address has been improved. ( Thanks all who commented! )
2ndJuly 2007
Got the context dependant help system slightly wrong for existing users. It now shows once. Once you close it down and leave the system it should not show again.
29thJune 2007
A new reorganised and extended version of the MR8 Documentation 2007.chm has been created.
All internal help messages which used the old WinHelp system have been replaced with calls to the new help file. If you find any Help function that do not work then let me know.
For new users still working on week199001 there is a new context dependent help system to help with the first few days of using the system.
1stJune 2007
When printing Delivery Notes for days in next week. If you edit the order, it prints if you don't, it doesn't! (fixed ...thanks Fylde Dairy).
23rdMay 2007
MR_070510_HH - System Options added Don't Show Payment Totals as one user was having serious problems with a collector.
MR_070510_HH - System Options the options Protect Past Days and Don't Show Payment Totals are both not shown on the options list when they are selected (so unauthorised people won't know what options there are working against them). You can get them to show by entering password.
Completely reformatted the documentation and added some more explanations.
Added a new speed button ‹‹‹=Move to Previous Day to the customer edit screen. It does what it says. It moves all the items from the day it is on to the previous day. I am not sure whether this needs a yes/no confirmation each time it is pressed what do you think?
Also added Bring Forward Selected Customers to the Options menu in the Scrolling List. Best used at start of week after rolling forward.
Added buttons so that users can modify the font and row height of string grids in Scrolling List and Edit Screens. Controls are to the left of the string grid.
Item Types are now updated when the Item description is modified or deleted (thanks Andy @ Hopewall)
The system should now work better with windows themes that have wide borders without showing scrollbars.
Modified Remittance Slips to include Dairy address for use with window envelopes. The three lines are delineated by first and last comma. (thanks Mr. Kaufman)
10thApr 2007
Modified Business Report to produce a separate Waste Report after one user entered sales in the waste column. Also corrected the printing of Cheese Weight items. (thanks Andy @ Hopewall)
29thMar 2007
800 x 600 screen user unhappy with new format returned to old scaling for that screen size...thanks all!
Changes to HH print-outs added Vat No. and Tel. No.
25thMar 2007
Bring Forward Delivery Day from a day next week to another day next week DID NOT WORK..does now (thanks Mr. Stern)
High resolution screens of aspect ration of less (squarer) than 3 : 4 are now catered for.
21st Mar 2007
The library file WDRVR.DLL which resides in the “C:\mr” folder has been modified by the dongle manufacturers to stop some strange side effects happening to USB dongles.
Editing of Amount Brought Forward can be disabled in Office functions.
Whist editing customer data the cancel dates shown at the top of the screen used to be clickable so you could redo dates or edit orders on return. This has been restored.
A comprehensive overhaul of all forms has been undertaken to make the system usable on high resolution screens. When working at high resolution some fonts are scaled as bold whilst other aren't ( I haven't quite work out why ). If you find any unexpected scrollbars or bad screen formats please let me know.
8th Feb 2007
After editing in new Y_top value and Printing Invoices without header it appears the y value for the top of the invoice is reset after the first invoice i.e. Only works with print single...fixed (thanks Linda Jenkinson).
3rd Feb 2007
After Printing Invoices without header it appears a header would only print when a logo was defined...fixed (thanks Duncan Atkinson).
1st Feb 2007
System no longer uses Winexecute or Createprocess commands that do not work on Vista machines...fixed. The side-effect of this is the Format Floppy and Calculator buttons should now work regardless of the version of windows.
When Printing Invoices without header (on preprinted paper) the Edit Format form now has a Y_top value which allows you to set the y value at which invoice print starts. You must remember to press “Always use these Values” before exiting the form.
30th Jan 2007
HH Code – Cash Items not being added to total on HH....fixed.
The MR8 & DR8_Installer programs crashing on some PCs...fixed!
29th Jan 2007
Delete and Payment of multi-selected “Unpaid Invoices” not working properly ...fixed.
14th Jan 2007
Added new documentation system please try it out let me know of any shortcomings.
8th Jan 2007
Edits done whilst the dongle was removed (or a HH was not authorised) would not be written to the HH. The system now displays warning message.
Sage Transfer file generated the wrong date for end of week52...fixed (thanks Andy@hopewall)
30th Dec 2006
URGENT All HH Users – A fault affecting the use of forward orders and HH terminals. On PC if after entering an order in an “alternate order for week” tab - you go back to the This Week tab and then on to the next customer without doing a further edit the data will be written to the week file on the PC but NOT the HH (no HH Updated message). This is corrected in this update. To check if you are affected by this bug please check the daily Loading Lists on HH against that on the PC over the holiday period.
16th Dec 2006
In Bring Forward found one reason for the error message “Warning from Steve:- The system is reading data for customer 123 whilst data is waiting to be written to customer 122 etc”. Turns out that the first customer (122) had zero items so loop terminated prematurely you should no longer get this message during Bring Forward.
15th Dec 2006
Right clicking on customers in the scrolling list brings up “Reprint Past Invoices”. If you tried printing a past invoice the system crashed. This has now been fixed (I think!).
Addition of choice size,style and font for Delivery Notes Customer address and items. See Invoice Options – Set Invoice Fonts. (thanks Mike Madeley).
Addition of F4=Remove all quantities in Alternative week. The default is with Yes/No confirmation this can be removed by clicking the F4 = Delete quantities on Alt Page (Unconfirmed) menu under Keyboard commands. (thanks ).
The system no longer stores unpaid invoices of zero value.
Invoices with zero total, zero for this week and zero paid (no activity) are now not printed.
Some invoices switched to a new page unnecessarily they no longer do this.
6th Dec 2006
For those who use Unpaid Invoices – On the Scrolling List form you have a new “unp” button (top left) which only displays those customers with unpaid invoices. Position cursor on a customer then click right button – highlight the invoices you wish to pay/delete then right click. Let me know what you think!
30th Nov 2006
For those using Item Types the file “ItemStruct.ext” did reside the root folder ( “C:\” ). It has now been moved to the Datasource folder ( usually “C:\mr\data” ) . Unfortunately the editing of the Item structure was on the new file whilst the rest of the program was reading the old...thanks Andy@Hopewall.
For those using the Printing Scheduler and having more than one database there have been slight changes. Data files having either no extension or “.dat” extension will continue to have scheduling data stored in file “Autopilot.dat”. For other extensions the file name will be “Autopilot.ext” where the ext is the week file extension. If you wish to retain scheduling data you will have to copy file “Autopilot.dat” to “Autopilot.ext” manually.
12th Nov 2006
Slight change to emailing of invoices (Initial Directory and increased wait time to 1 sec). If printing without invoice headers (pre-printed paper) is the default option then this is automatically reversed while emailing invoices. Similarly with dot matrix printing this is automatically reversed while emailing invoices. You should not have to press any buttons using the unpaid for PDF995 driver.
11th Nov 2006
On HH Function 1 – Transfer Data to HH (Start of Week) now checks for file not properly deleted from previous weeks and deletes them. These files slow down hot syncs and the opening of the Milk program on the HH. If files are found you will have to delete them on the HH using Zcatalog.
Single Day Delivery lists with Delivery List type of 1 or 2 now print lines and adds mm distance between items – between customers if selected in Delivery List Options.
Small mods to Mod_HH_Record memory leak affects all HH users – ref John Towers
7th Nov 2006
Small mods to Check_HH_Status memory leak affects all users – ref John Towers
Small mods to Select_Invoice_Advert memory leak affects all users – ref John Towers
Emailing of invoices now should work without having to click message boxes. You must have Outlook Express as your default mail client. You also need this to use the Email Customer in Customer Details.
2nd Nov 2006
Added emailing of invoices. There is now a tick box in Customer Data to allow the invoice to be emailed. List to printer first (to set invoice numbers which are used in the emails title and Subject) then send the emails – new button. You will need to download then printer driver from
Modified Paper Round Utility – Selected Item List to allow editing of selected items.
Invoice Numbers - It appears that if you play with the Datasource folder (or move computers) usually C:\MR\DATA and a copy of Invoice.dat is not there then the invoice number is reset to a number used by the original system (ie the wrong number). The number is now reset to 1000 and is signaled it with a message. The invoice number is no longer reset when it gets to 65000. When moving computers best copy the whole of the C:\MR\DATA folder. You don't need the Backup folder therein.
Writing to customer 3500 – at last I have found one mechanism that caused this to happen and fixed it. It was spurious!
18th Oct 2006
If when selecting the UCN button in Scrolling List it tells you that some UCNs are duplicated then select Repair UCNs in Options Menu. This repair function has been modified.
17th Oct 2006
Slight changes to Print Autopilot.
You should now get the program group “Milk Round Software” in the Start – All Programs menu.
11th Oct 2006
On front page “Exit” is now operative when back weeks are selected. Pressing it now brings you forward one week until you are back to he current week then it exits.
In printing receipt forms if the Dairy Name was too big system looped whilst trying to reduce text size.
When printing “Preprinted Monthly” invoices with vat content on the vat summary the total sales figures were incorrect when cash & cheese weight items were present.
23rd Sept 2006
After 4th Sept Update
In Scrolling List - Import Customer (any) allowed the added customers to duplicate UCN numbers. Also if the data file from which the import was coming had a different number of rounds the system might crash. System moded so these problems do not happen.
8th Sept 2006
After 4th Sept Update ( we ain't doing too well here )
Insert / Delete / Move/ “Import from file” - customer falling into trap set on 4th September ...fixed. Sorry it is the price of progress!
6th Sept 2006
After 4th Sept Update ( we ain't doing too well here )
In Dairy System max allowed item value of 250 fixed ( thanks John Gregory )
The traps set in last update had some serious side effects I hope I have solved these.
4th Sept 2006
After 24th July Update - System not saving changes done to Invoice Number and Vat Rates in Edit Round Data.
There has also been some major internal changes so keep your eyes peeled for things that don’t appear to be working properly.
Added customer email address to customer details.
Null entries are no longer shown in “ucn” list.
Two or three people have experienced the occasional (rare) duplication of customers. I have now set a trap so the system will no longer allow this to happen. ( Thanks Mike Pratley and others ).
14th Aug 2006
When going to past week from the UCN list of customers you often went to the wrong customer...fixed (thanks Robert Walker).
When using Cheese Weights and Cash Items in single day delivery list often caused an overflow error which terminated the list...fixed (thanks Robert Walker).
After returning to the “ed” list from “ucn” list the next round button did not work... does now.
10th Aug 2006
URGENT UPDATE – Invoice numbers not being read correctly after 24th July Update.
URGENT UPDATE – Receipt Forms only printing one per page.
Adverts not printing on Invoices – do now!
Added No CAN/Zeros on Single Day Lists to Delivery List Options. Only shows customers who have deliveries.
Dot-matrix Delivery Note printed the day before have the wrong date on them...fixed (thanks Phil Wood).
Problems with unwanted form feeds at end of Dot-matrix listings are caused by XP printer driver the Win98 printer drivers did not have this problem (I am advised). Find yourself a Win98 Printer driver.
24th July 2006 – New System - There may be bugs let me know if you find any!
Zero priced items not adding to totals in Stock Management they do now!!
( thanks Douglas Campbell ).
Added Vat Report to Other Lists.
System now automatically creates Backup Folder if one does not exist.
On Roll Forward when backing up to non-floppy devices the "backup to" caption is now correct.
For Numbered Invoices created by using this update you can now Reprint Past Invoices.
For non dotmatrix printers only – The edit screen now has a Weekly Order Number which is printed on Numbered Invoices.
For non dotmatrix printers only – Modified Statement Printing so that you can print
a give number of weeks.
back to when customer was last in credit.
Only if overdue by N weeks.
Modified format ( tidied up ) of Middlestons Invoices slightly added Weekly Order Number if present.
Increased the weeks you can go back in the system to 52.
Added buttons to make it easier to Insert and Delete Rounds in round data. ( thanks Phil Bramall )
17th May 2006
Format Floppy now working (again) those nice people at Microsoft moved it!
2nd May 2006
In Edit Round Data the editing of round names was screwed by mods on 7th May now restored to former glory (thanks Douglas Campbell)
Start date in Credit Card Numbers not dispalying correctly...does now( thanks Mr. Stern ).
30th May 2006
Edit Customer Details and Edit Round Data have been modified to enable better editing particularly of Full Addresses and Credit Card Numbers!! ( thanks Mr. Stern ).
28th May 2006
Move Block in scrolling list screws Ordered Collections Lists... doesn’t now!! ( thanks John Barker ).
22th May 2006
Added Duplicate Item to the pop-up menu (right click) on Add Item when editing customer orders. This makes adding cheese weights on a new day a lot easier.
10th May 2006
Tidy Customer List had problems when little tidying needed doing ...fixed!
7th May 2006
Added Tidy Customer List to Options menu in the Edit Customers scrolling list. This moves all customers to top of each round, deletes rounds with no customers, whilst maintaining ordered collection lists. Not available whilst data is on HHs.
Round Names are now more distinctive in the Edit Customers scrolling list.
The current round is saved whilst inserting / deleting customers in the Edit Customers scrolling list.
Palm User Name file is now saved when leaving the HH authorisation form which will allow easier deleting of unwanted HHs.
Edit Round Data modified to show round numbers on round names and fail safe & easy (not to be so picky) when ends at figures are entered wrongly.
8th Apr 2006
Some users had complained that in certain cases invoices with remittance slip showed “For Information only – DO NOT PAY” in error...fixed.
5th Apr 2006
Some Palm operations have been setting the back week counter so screen turned blue whilst editing this week after a hotsync...fixed!
Reallocation of HH license was half working now works.
The View Milk Folder is List HH Users was half working now works
Added Check Dongle Type to Secondary Functions just in case I sent out the wrong type of dongle.
29th Mar 2006
Printing of Statements from from List to Screen page printed the wrong size after first printed OK fixed ( thanks Sheila Konig )
9th Mar 2006
Simple Collection List in error showing wrong totals with delivery list 2 set. Mod may cause other errors please let me know if you find any. ( thanks Mike Pratley )
18th Feb 2006
Other Lists – Payments By – Cheque List, Cheques on Day, and Cash Payers List have been modified to work with Day Payers. The code change may cause other errors please let me know if you find any. ( thanks Will Austin )
18th Feb 2006
Payments on Day listing prints payments for day-payers in error (not the day & wrong amount ) This has been fixed but the code change may cause other errors please let me know if you find any.
9th Feb 2006
Three per page receipts are being draw with lines – leftover from debugging. They don’t draw lines now! Thanks Mr. Nash.
2nd Feb 2006
Statements not showing correct amount in total owing column payment should be deducted. (thanks Douglas Campbell).
If Check Price Profit error flag is set then it is not reset until the program is restarted. Fixed! (thanks Douglas Campbell).
1st Feb 2006
Remittance Slips printing "For Information Only" when this invoice is zero but there is still money owed from previous periods. This is now fixed (I think)!
17th Jan 2006
Ordered Collection List / Delivery Style Listing not print correct totals when payment made. (thanks Mike Pratley) This is now fixed (I think)!
8th Jan 2006
Ordered Collection List / Delivery Style Listing not print correct totals when payment made. (thanks Mike Pratley) This fix messed up other collection lists so fix withdrawn until we have time to look at it!
4th Jan 2006
Ordered Collection List / Delivery Style Listing not print correct totals when payment made. (thanks Mike Pratley)
19th Dec 2005
Delivery Note occasionally printing with Remitance Slip (thanks John Towers)
13th Dec 2005
Column added to Sage Transfer Listing. (thanks Hopewall)
4th Dec 2005
HH Functions 4 & 5 displayed the HH’s folder name not the User Name ...does now. (thanks Callum McQueen)
Email Steve Week File – Now sends all HH info as well. As a bi-product it creates folder C:\junk on hard disk.
Sometimes doing HH function 1 generated message DO NOT EDIT IN PAST WEEKS’ now should not.
20th Nov 2005
On some systems the UCN (Unchanging Customer Numbers) have become screwed (Two customers have the same number). In scrolling list press the UCN button (if you get error messages) hold down Enter button on keyboard until error messages are finished then select Options – Repair Bad UCNs. This should solve problem.
7th Oct 2005
John Gregory found system crashing when rolling forward. InvoiceNo had become greater that 32767 which is the largest number that can be held in a 16 bit signed integer. The maximum invoice number has been increased to 65535 and will now automatically reset to 1000 beyond that.
24th Sept 2005
Delivery Notes - Preprinted Weekly Invoice displayed the vat content (in error) now it doesn’t.
Statements are now printed in a three column format as in Bank Statments. Extra form feeds removed.
16th July 2005
The last customer on the “Add Item” list not displaying properly.
10th July 2005
A side effect to adding “print adverts on delivery notes” was that the plain old pressing of DN when editing customers crashed with error message... this is now fixed (thanks Andrew).
Some of the buttons on the Define Data and Backup Folders window did not now!
4th July 2005
The Datasource parameter has been lengthened to allow longer network addresses.
Deleted some menus from front page but added Define Data and Backup Folders.
Now offers Define Data and Backup Folders when data source cannot be found.
1st July 2005
If you pay a customer "by token" and tick the pay by cheque box for extra payment the handheld crashes…fixed (thanks Andrew)
Unable to kill payments entered to a Day Payer…fixed (thanks Andrew)
Modified system so that the most used items are at the top if the items list when adding items.
Items added to the loading list without any quantity delivered are now saved.
28th June 2005
You are now able to print adverts on delivery notes. (thanks Mike Madley)
When I added a check for existence of logo file they stopped printing on Delivery Notes…fixed
Phone Number has been increased to 16 character and Second number added.
You can now browse for Data Source handy when using the system on a network.
A check has been added to ensure Data Sources are valid folders.
Updated Escape Code Printing of Simple Collection Lists
10th June 2005 – New System
In Scrolling List modified Options menu to make it easier to set/use delivery / collection man sets.
In Scrolling List Added ALT+1..6 to set delivery/ collection manning as in old DOS system.
Added Select Man when printing simple collection list.
Added ‘Sort in Man Order’ to Edit Flag Set in Scrolling List – to aide in entering payments from multiman collection lists.
4th June 2005
Modified Collection List - Show History printing of weekly totals was in error - hopefully now fixed...(thanks Marion@Wisemans).
Modified Collection List Options moded “Print Arrears still owing” and added “Print Paidsome still owing” . Please test ASAP I might have made a complete mess of things!
28th May 2005
Sage transfer file moded to calculate Vat correctly (thanks Hopewall)
Setup of HH’s moded to user the proper Palm User code. The system is now distributed with CondMgr.dll. This means that integration with Palm software is so much simpler see HH Function – Help.
16th May 2005
Modified Collection List Options added “Print Arrears” customers on End of week collection lists as an option. Show History now allows printing of weekly totals or amounts brought forward.
2nd May 2005
Added Print UCN on delivery lists to Delivery List Options (blame Stanley Dairy).
26th Apr 2005
The system now prints “Paid in Arrears” customers on End of week collection lists (Blame Ray Watkins).
7th Apr 2005
When printing all Invoices - Single Day Delivery Notes you can now select the first two days from next week.
6th Apr 2005
Account List now has totals in every column. (thanks Ray Watkins)
Apparently when data is transferred to HH during editing on PC their inclusion in an Ordered Collection List is deleted....fixed I think! (thanks Andrew Davies)
4th Apr 2005
Font Scaling not working on Ordered Collection Lists ... is now! (thanks Ray Watkins)
If printing collection Ordered Lists and first list ends on RHS column the next starts in RHS column. (thanks Ray Watkins)
2nd Apr 2005
The system used to not print “Paid in Arrears” customers only on start of week collection lists. The system now extends this to end of week lists. (Blame Ray Watkins).
1st Apr 2005 – (Not an April Fool – still it may yet be!)
Added Font Scaling to Delivery Lists and Collection Lists... look in Options (thanks Ray Watkins) Let me know if it screws up any other lists.
28th Mar 2005
Added Customers not in any list to Select Ordered Collection List ( [Or] button ) in Scrolling List.(Thanks Andrew Davies).
15th Mar 2005
Added Sage Customer file to aid creation of customers on Sage.(Thanks Andy@Hopewall).
6th Mar 2005
The format of the Sage Transfer file has been changed to a more useful form. (Thanks Andy@Hopewall).
17th Feb 2005
When printing delivery style collection lists with delivery type 5 the RH column started at top of page. (doesn’t now thanks Ray Watkins)
12th Feb 2005
MR_050212_HH latest HH program.
When you created an Alternative Order for Week ahead by pressing blank tabs and editing order, then pressed another blank tab but did not edit order the changed order was lost. (isn’t now thanks).
When printing a delivery note for next week from Alternative Order for Week the date printed on delivery note is wrong. . (isn’t now thanks).
Alas browsing for HH terminal folders required a large dll file so that mod has been removed.
10th Feb 2005
MR_050210_HH latest HH program.
Not printing day payer cheques in cheque list correctly fixed! Also day names in error. (thanks Richard Dunn)
Due to changes in Palm Desktop Installation - Defective Selection of HH terminal in HH Functions - Set Up Palm Users ... System now uses presence of "HotSync.log" file to identify HH terminal names. If that fails then you can now browse for HH terminal folders.
HH – Help Installation Notes have been updated.
24th Jan 2005
In HH ccc file changed the value stored for Customer Discount.
Added Flags to be disabled by Office system.
Stopped user changing Flags when disabled by Office system.
HH mods Customer Discounts and Cheese Weights.
16th Jan 2005
Mods to Bring Forward Delivery Days.
Automatically produce the alternative standing order for next week when bringing forward a day from next week.
Added message to this effect and disable the Set All Alt Order function
Restricted days to move so that users dont do silly things.
Disable Bring Forward when data is on HH
Modified edit screen so that when moving to next customer whilst in Alternate Order the system stays in that order if one present for next customer.
If you click on an Alternate Order Tab but don't change the order then the Alternate Order is deleted - it is no different to the standing order (with cancellations).
Warn of data loss when setting Alternative Orders (left-right buttons).
Set up dll for data access to MR8 data files call if you want details.
9th Dec 2004
HH mods to Token Payments.
Escape Code Printing of delivery lists still print Alternate Order for Week... doesn’t now (thanks Peter Francis)
Run Totals not printing correctly on type 5 delivery lists...does now.
4 th Dec 2004
HH mods Printing of cash items and cheese weight items now take place on correct day
Printing of Results now print in the correct font! (thanks Mike Pratley).
21st Nov 2004
Earlier changes to UNPAID Invoice system can cause Index Out of Range error on opening week file (Only happens when you have unpaid invoices and no weekly data)...fixed (thanks Ian Pardy)
18th Oct 2004
Reset cash item if data screwed by setting C in Stock List.
Added “Show delivery address on Invoice” in customer details.
Modified receipt format to get more in!!
8th Oct 2004
Slight changes to Edit Special Prices – Hanging Up after application of 1st edit.
12th Sept 2004
Now if you want item totals on delivery note you must display column totals in edit screen.
Mods to HH program.
Added warning to system of "killed" payment on HH.
6th Sept 2004
Printing delivery notes had a total items printed. Alas this included all items since starting printing delivery notes. What a duffer!!.. now fixed.
2nd Sept 2004
After so long... it appears that Printing of Invoices by calendar dates using escape codes was in error ... fixed. (thanks Ailsa)!
21st August 2004
Paying UNPAID Invoice by Bacs results in item in item list being deleted Now Fixed...Sorry!
15th August 2004
Printer Setup added to Invoice Printing menu in scrolling list (thanks Andrew Davies).
Tokens can now have Special Prices press F7 in Edit Data.
14th August 2004
Adverts on Receipt forms now centred on form.
Problem of Ordered Lists getting screwed when deleting customers ... Code changed let me know of any further problems (thanks Andrew Davies).
Office system now can prevent office personnel setting payments. (andy@hopewall farm).
Typed Loading List is OK but needs to list all non-typed items at end...does now (andy@hopewall farm).
Some printing did not work after printing receipt forms does now (thanks Linda Jenkinson)
The system now checks for broken links within the database. These are caused by the program terminating (perhaps by power failure). Upon finding these broken links the system automatically checks for lost customers which can easily be recovered. (thanks STEVE DAVIES)
The system can now be changed optionally to swap unused customers to stock items. However, I foresee this feature requiring more support than the basic system for this reason I intend to charge £100+vat per year for support above the original purchase price. For the moment opting for this means you cannot use Hand Held terminals.
Typical Configurations might be
3500 cust 500 Stock Items or
3000 cust 1000 Stock Items or
2500 cust 1500 Stock Items or
2000 cust 2000 Stock Items
UNPAID INVOICE these have needed work for sometime! People have complained that their presence in the item list was a pain especially as ADD ITEM was below them. They have been taken out of the items list and given a new button to display them. Right clicking displays the old popup menu but you can now multi-select the rows. After selection a hint showing the total value of highlighted invoices is shown. A warning is given if evidence of your not using the Unpaid Invoices properly....Let me know what you think!
Payments on Day treated Bacs payments as cash now there is a seperate Bacs column.
14th July 2004
Listing Cheques on Day not printing properly when page is full (does now) Thanks Richard.
4th July 2004
Three per Page Adverts not printing properly (does now) Thanks Rachel.
25th June 2004
The Dairy System would not transfer Cash and Cheese Weight Items to and from HH… Does now! (Thanks Robert Walker).
Added “Office System” to Secondary Functions Menu. If you want to limit the information seen by “Office Users” then set the password. Tick what you don’t want them to see. To disable Office System delete password. Please let me know of any additions.
11th May 2004
Some people have reported the system not writing some payments to the payments log. Not quite sure what the problem was but I have improved the format and added the Log button so you can view the file from within the scrolling list. Keep me posted if problem persists.
Cash values not being correctly transferred from the HH (Dairy System only) now corrected (thanks Robert Walker).
Bank Giro Credit payment not setting the last payment date …does now. (Thanks Linda J).
You can now select required Flag Groups within an Ordered Collection List for printing labels. (Thanks Linda J).
26th Apr 2004
Milk Round Utilities - Stock Management - Print Stock List was printing wrong values for some items value …fixed (thanks Andy)
The Other Lists – Payment By – Cheque List sometime did not deal with end of page correctly resulting in some missing cheques and most importantly the total…fixed (thanks Dave et al).
If the event of an Invoice Logo being defined but the file cannot be found the system generated errors … it now does not!!! (thanks Linda)
The correct version of MR_Installer.exe (Palm Conduit Installer) has now been installed for Palm systems install at C:\Program Files\Palm\ (sorry and thanks Steve Challoner)
10th Mar 2004
New Milk1 Program for HHs MR040310_HH.
Other Listings – Product Usage did not return to correct week after printing…fixed! (thanks Graham)
Names and Addresses now show when editing Ordered Collection Lists.
2nd Mar 2004
New Milk1 Program for HHs MR040302_HH.
26th Feb 2004
Other Listings – Product Usage chose wrong year for some users in January - fixed. (thanks Graham)
8th Feb 2004
You can now transfer Flag Group collection lists to more than one HH.
Added View Milk Folder button to the Authorise Users window so it is easier to check if files are present.
Number if items (and special prices) per customer raised from 50 to 70.
Error message on too many stock items (31) corrected.
Special price items sorted on W = Show Prices list.
Added Vat Summary to Delivery Lists where customer is “show vat” ( DO CHECK that it is giving correct results).
Added Item Total to Delivery Lists ( DO CHECK that it is giving correct results).
Other Lists – Payment By… only listed all customers. It now lists by round, between customers etc.
Cash Payment totals added to Payment List (thanks Andy)
29th Jan 2004
You can now transfer Ordered collection lists to more than one HH. (thanks Alf)
20th Jan 2004
You can now transfer HH licenses to other HH’s. Solves problem of replacement HH have slightly different name not being licensed.
20th Jan 2004
27th May 2003 Mod - Define Palm Directory will automatically find Palm system if loaded to “C:\Program Files\Palm” as well as “C:\Palm”. The wise installer also looks for the “C:\Program Files\Palm” when loading the HH system.
(This did not work because conduit loader had not been changed).
The correct change has now been made so that you can used the default when loading Palm system. But you must select Define Palm Directory before Setup Palm Users.
Rewritten instructions for load Palm HH’s onto PC and Milk Round Software
(about time!!!) HH Functions - Help
9th Jan 2004
Oops - When Setting Payments in Edit Screen payment is not displayed in scrolling
list. Does not affect actual data but worries users....fixed! This fix caused problems when setting payments in back weeks…now fixed!!!
Mini Roll Forward did not update in scrolling list… does now.
4th Jan 2004 – New System
Data edits lost when in edit screen click on Customer Details then click Cancel. If you went onto another customer (or exited) at this point prior edits are lost ...fixed! (thanks Andy Sawyer).
When changing customers in Edit Screen after editing order for weeks ahead the weeks total displayed in scrolling list is in error. Does not affect actual data but worries users....fixed! (thanks Andy Sawyer).
When Setting Payments in Edit Screen payment is not displayed in scrolling
list. Does not affect actual data but worries users....fixed! (thanks all who pointed it out).
Cycle Items not deleting with F3...fixed.
Cycle items not showing on difference lists...fixed.
Vat totals not showing correctly on Escape code Endofweek summary...fixed! (thanks Andy Sawyer et al).
Total Carried Forward on the End of Week Summary of Deliverys list did not include discounts on cheese and cash items. This accounted for the difference in the carried forward figure from the old week (in error) to the brought forward figure for the new week (correct) after roll forward.
You can now choose to display a simple remittance slip on invoices.
You can print a credit card input form on invoices.
26th Nov 2003
Payments entered HH not being transferred to Last Payment Amount/Date fixed. (thanks Andrew Davies).
You can now disable Last Payment Date showing on Invoice (look in Invoice Options)
7th Oct 2003
Setting payments in the edit screen not being transferred to HH fixed. (thanks Andrew Davies).
See Mod to HH Conduit – improved data integrity checking.
Bring Forward has been changed! It now reflects any holidays already input and does not complain when customer has UTFN cancellations. Please Check!!!
4th Sept 2003
Not showing amounts and correct last payment date on bottom of invoices for BACS payers. (Linda Jenkinson)
28th Aug 2003
Updated the dairy name heading to invoice standard (thanks Mike Madeley).
Added name to receipt slips.
Added single A5 cut sheet as paper for receipt forms (thanks Andrew Davies).
15th Aug 2003
Scroll bar showing on edit screen when name & address too long. Fixed!! (thanks Mike Pratley)
29th July 2003
System crashed on roll forward if the value of the CYC item were left at zero (fixed).
Payments on Day list would list all days when amount paid was zero. Doesn’t now. (thanks Andrew Davies)
Payment input for Day-Payers and not added into Payment List on Exit from Scrolling List.
23rd July 2003
Added Dash between quan and abrev on delivery sheet.
Oppps!!!! The adjustments made to prevent the entry of payments on day payers from within the scrolling list went awry so you could not enter payments. (fixed)
22nd July 2003
In Edit Screen show cost price in set Special price input (Andy@Hopewall).
20th July 2003
Added Error message if trying to Authorise HH User having not installed HH programs. (Which prevents the authorising).
When printing labels the address was printed before name.(not now).
Other Terms Text now has been extended to 255 characters. The “\” character is now the new line character. The text is still centre justified. ON invoices this text is printed before the invoice total.
Adjusted some forms for XP standard window title bars (slightly deep than the original windows). This will get rid of some scroll bars. Think I got them all!
Store Credit Card Info in customer details. Added! Data stored in week file in a coded way. So that it is not available to people looking at data during transmission via internet.
Added in scrolling list F8 = Swap Name & Address.
When a payment was entered for a Multi Day Payer on the scrolling list it was lost if further payments where added that week (in edit screen). Fixed
Added the Cyc button this adds a delivery cycle item to items in the standing order data. The Cycle Data should be added immediately after the item to be cycled. Set Cycle to the number of weeks in the cycle, and set Wks2Go to the number of weeks before delivery is to be made. Data it transfered to this Week when Wks2Go = 0 after roll forward.
Added an automatic update from HH when entering Listings Page (Lewis Metcalf??). Lewis was seeing a difference in loading lists between HH & Main System.
BUG WARNING - There appears to be a low incidence bug with HH’s which involves corruption of CCC file. The system automatically sends CCC file to me via email (you must log on). On getting this bug, you should go into edit screen on PC and press PgDn button until you get the end of the customers. Check week data of all where data is updated from HH.
Added Printer Reset (which includes 6 lines per inch) to all Escape Code printing lists. (A&A Fowler).
Added Date and Value of last Payment Printed on receipts/invoices. (Mr. Stern)
Added Escape Code Printing to Delivery List “All using Stock Items” (A&A Fowler).
24th June 2003
If you entered orders for upto six weeks ahead then the list all who get stock item would crash doesn’t now (thanks A&A Fowler).
20th June 2003
HH - Grafiti input now works on delivery list. Reload Milk1 or Dairy1 to HH!
9th June 2003
Apologies to all who told me about printing zero and negative balances on collecting lists. Oops! There was a bug now fixed. You need to reset the tick box in Collection Options (Thanks Chris Corbally).
27th May 2003
Define Palm Directory will automatically find Palm system if loaded to “C:\Program Files\Palm” as well as “C:\Palm”. The wise installer also looks for the “C:\Program Files\Palm” when loading the HH system. (small change but hope it helps!)
Wise MR8_Documentation installation not putting shortcut on XP Desktop (does now).
The F12 = Calculator button now works in Windows XP (they moved the program!).
Rolled Forward Twice by accident?? Turns out is was not an accident. If you had rolled forward once then pressed the button again by accident you could not Cancel out, the system automatically rolled forward. (Fixed)
Vat Summary on invoices must shown prices Net of Vat. (thanks Barry Maloney.)
(Any thoughts from anyone?)
Font size of Results window printing. You can now set the font details for the results window. (Mr. Stern).
Added Append Payment List to log file in scrolling list Options Menu. Log files are stored in folder C:\MR\Payment Logs\. (Mr. Stern).
28th Feb 2003
Second Telephone Number sometimes gets screwed-up and prints rubbish characters on invoices. Fixed (I think?) thanks all.
Print Scheduler – Next Day radio button position not being saved (thanks Mike Pratley).
UCN numbers getting changed on deleting and inserting customers. Fixed I think?? (thanks Mr. Stern)
23rd Feb 2003
Single Day Delivery Notes by Selected Round did not print cash for those with the “Show Cash on Delivery Notes” ticked. Does now!
Single Day Delivery Listings (types 1 & 2) – earlier mod to cancelled items changed back (thanks Mike Pratley et al).
Add two black lines after full address in Invoice Printing. (thanks Mr. Stern).
6th Feb 2003
On some printers (HP in particular) the normal printing of receipt forms seems impossibly close to the RH side of the paper. (Yes, it should be possible to adjust unprintable areas but…) To fix this two buttons have been added to the Edit Format screen so that once the format has been adjusted it can be used from then on without having to adjust it every time. It can also be reset back to the defaults.
In”Listing all Invoices for last n Weeks” you can now save this to file or print results. (thanks Robert Meadows, Riverford Farm Dairies).
3rd Feb 2003
The checking of integrity of ccc files (HH users only) was in error after changes to introduce 2nd mod on 14th Jan. Fixed now no longer generating error. (thanks Andy et al)
2nd Feb 2003
If Hampers were left with zero price attempts to print error message caused crash. (Fixed). Andy@Hopewall
Labels and Envelope printing when printing with full name and address system would print first line of address instead of name. Fixed!! (thanks Mr. Stern).
Added a check box “[ ] Print UCN's on Invoices” to “Invoice Options”. You can now print an “Unchanging Customer Number” on invoices. Please let me know if I’ve missed anything?
Paper Round Utility – Delete all items on day now allows you to select customers by rounds.
When Using Old Filenames (see Secondary functions) and printing multi week invoices system appeared to freeze…fixed! ( thanks Alan Blackhurst)
14th Jan 2003
Horizontal lines between customers on Delivery list not drawing properly when not showing cash. Fixed!! (Mr. Stern).
A new feature to list all changes since the last roll forward (See Delivery Lists Menu) has been added. (Mr. Stern). DO CHECK that it works in all cases!
7th Jan 2003 –
To Scrolling List Options Menu added Show Payment List on Exit if this item is checked a list of payments with a total will be displayed. (good suggestion Mr. Stern) Let me know what you think!
To Delivery List Options added check box so that horizontal lines can be draw between customers. (Mr. Stern).
To Delivery List Options added Non-delivery Day which is not printed on 7 day Delivery Lists and Invoices. Let me know if I have missed any tricks. (Mr. Stern).
Added Discount per Item to Other Lists menu. System first runs End of Week Summary then shows the value of any discounts attributable to each item.
GoTo Customer in scrolling list (by pressing 1 to 9) now works in UCN list.
3rd Jan 2003
BUG found in the application of a Period Cancel to an Alternative Week in coming (next) year. (thanks Graham Collicut).
See changes to HH code in HH Mod History.
Have now protected against writing of bad data (caused by power surges etc…) to the week file. It is believed that this was responsible for the Multiple Entries in Page list bug. I know after 10 years that penny should have dropped… it has now.
UNPAID Invoice payment not setting Last Payment Date. Does now.
Due to a longstanding bug in Edit Invoice Advert (for Escape Code Printing only) only the first advert could be saved…fixed.
Added Download Update and Connect to Website to front page Help menu.
Stopped multiple copies of system running at the same time.
12th Dec 2002
Changed format of receipts resulted in the Receipt Form Total on Short Form Monthly being printed over the items. Fixed! (thanks Mike)
Each customer has been given a UCN (Unchanging Customer Number) these are generated automatically. Soon these will be printable on invoices. However, if you are using these please be aware that you need to check that two customers do not have the same number. You can do this by clicking the UCN button at LHS of scrolling list. Please let me know of any unwanted side effects.
8th Dec 2002
The new last paid date on Simple Collections Lists has been reduced from “Paid – 8th Dec 2002 to (8th Dec) so it now takes up less space. It can also be disabled by checking the “No Last Paid Date (on Simple List)” box in Collection List Options. (thanks all)
28th Nov 2002
Changed format of receipts to allow more space for adverts and items. Let me know what you think.
New three per page receipts having too big a margin at bottom causing printing on next page (thanks Den Williams).
20th Nov 2002
The system now stores an Unchanging Customer Number which you can edit customers by clicking the ucn speed button top left on the scrolling list. It can also be seen in the Customer Details Screen – top left. This is not fully worked up yet but coming – at long last! (thanks Mr. Stern)
The UCN is now created automatically when first editing a customer. If you do not have any customers with a UCN all will automatically be given one when you first enter the scrolling list. UCN is going to be optionally displayed on invoices.
The font size used for “Please Detach and Return with Payment” was set to 14 in error now reset to 12.
DO CHECK – If you downloaded since 7th October do check your vat sales reports End of Week Summary of Deliveries & Product Usage they have been giving the wrong answer (thanks Mr. Mott).
16th Nov 2002
Slight mods to three per page receipt layout. (thanks Mike)
System now saves the date of the last payment. Printed out on edit data screen and simple collections lists with no history. Not yet available on delivery type collection lists (not Escape code printing), or HHs. (thanks Andy@Hopewall) Is reset by killing payment.
15th Nov 2002
A bug has come to light if a HH has run out of authorization but is continued in use. Under HH Function 3 – Delete HH files at End of Week the system will delete files and data will be lost. This is now fixed … warning message plus exit from function. you cannot do this if a HH has run out of authorization.
Messages if HH is not authorized have been strengthened.
A countdown message has been added to roll-forward if HH’s are in testing mode.
5th Nov 2002 -
Range check error sometimes whilst rolling forward if Stock Management was enabled…fixed!
Print Scheduler – Appeared to be listing by Ordered Collection List (List Z) when it was not.
Print Scheduler – Search for items cannot be added to schedule – message added.
3 Per Page Receipt not printing LHS slips correctly (thanks Mike Pratley).
21st Oct 2002
In Delivery Note Output window ( where you choose day) OK now has focus so you can just press Enter.
In scrolling list two new commands F5 = Find Invoice No. & F6 = List All Invoice Numbers in ‘n’ Weeks. Only works with numbered invoices. (from and idea by Douglas Campbell).
17th Oct 2002
Other Lists – Payments by Cash also listed BACs payment (thanks Andy@Hopewall)
Cheese Weights – if the number of cheese weight items exceeded 100 system would crash in end of week summary. This has been changed to 1000 with warning message. (thanks Andy@Hopewall)
Listing of Customers Who Get Stock Items had layout format errors (layout was not defined) and would skip to new page unnecessarily. (fixed)
Vat Summary on invoices had been improved – apart from getting wrong total on 1st invoice printed and missing the cheese weight and cash values from untaxed totals! (thanks Andy Challoner).
Added checkbox to Edit Customer Details screen to differentiate between Use Full Address on Invoice and Use Full Address on Del Notes. (thanks Douglas Campbell)
Added F9 = Print Del Note to edit customer data screen and yes! If you press the F9 key it prints del note. (much loved by MR6 dos-ers).
Important Change - Invoice numbers are no-longer stored in the week file! Instead they are stored in a file C:\mr\data\Invoice.num. This has two implications:- a) You can print invoices in a week after rolling forward and still get sequential invoice numbers. b) If you are using two computers to print invoices you will have to transfer the next invoice number by hand.
The next invoice number is still editable within Edit Round Data. (let me know what you think!)
7th Oct 2002
Side effects again!!! With delivery list type set to 4 or 5 the Ordered Collection simple list printed two pages on a simple page (thanks Linda).
Small change to ordered collection list to stop array bound error (thanks Gordon).
Sorry folks! A small mod to the filename in which your current week number is stored means the current week number will be reset to 01. DO NOT ROLL FORWARD! You will have to use Secondary Functions – Select Current Week File.
Vat Summary on invoices has been improved. (thanks John Doorly)
Attempt to use Z or z commands in scrolling list or editing customers details when using old filename standard results in message. (thanks Dave)
5th Sept 2002
Print Scheduler now prints correct day when printing single day prints. (thanks Mike)
When printing Pre-printed Weekly Invoices with Escape Codes (when days were cancelled) spurious numbers appear in column totals….fixed ( thanks Denham Williams).
26th Aug 2002
Conduit MR020826 for HH terminals.
Print Scheduler now works when printing single day print - next day on last day of week. (thanks Mike)
24th Aug 2002
Added View Documentation Button to front page as the shortcut on the desktop sometimes did not show.
The date of single day loading lists on Escape Code printing was not set therefore did not print – a leftover from conversion to Windows.
Added 3 receipts per page to invoice options for preprinted receipt forms and short form monthlys. Let me know what you think!!
At last! Added Email week file to Steve in Secondary Functions please use sparingly and only when asked. Probably will not work with Hotmail type systems.
16th Aug 2002
Moving a Block of Customers did not cause rebuild of Ordered Collection Lists (does now).
Sometime when pressing F3 on an UNPAID Invoice item the popup menu appeared off the bottom of the screen. Doesn’t now! (thanks Andy)
Full address on Delivery Lists now has name as well as address (thanks Andy@Hopewall).
Printing of Cheese on End of Week Summary is now sorted on item number and day .
7th Aug 2002
Print schedule not printing Ordered Collection List Start of Week/End of Week properly …is now. Also you can now edit in more lists and include/exclude flags (thanks Mike Pratley).
6th Aug 2002
Full address added to Delivery Lists (thanks Andy@Hopewall).
Added Enable Print Log menu to Other Lists in Listings Screen to help debug printing problems. Log is reset every time through so save to file if you want to keep it.
Oops!!! Please check the balances of customers paying by Token. The token value has been added to total instead of subtracting during roll-forward. (thanks Andy@Hopewall & Ian Mott).
Carmel in Ireland wanted to increase spaces between lines on delivery list. See Delivery List Options – mm between list Items. Let me know of any problems. If you don’t want it leave it set to zero.
Print schedule not printing Collection List Start of Week/End of Week properly …is now. Sorry, current schedules will be lost. This (loss of schedules) should not happen again as have built in spare data for future use. (thanks Mike Pratley).
I a few cases multi-page listings were being printed on one page. This was due to program setting a Y value to 11.00 inches as a signal to get a new page. However on some printers the bottom and top margin settings made the page length greater than 11 inches (for A4) hence the problem. Internally these 11 inch settings have been changed to 12 inches so that problem can no longer occur. (thanks Steve Davies).
Saving of Results Form to a file sometimes did not work properly. This now has been rewritten and now works.
27th July 2002
One step forward two back ..again!. The new Print Scheduler had a few side effects:-
When moving from Listing Screen to front page the dongle was re-interogated causing Demonstration System to be displayed and garbage to be printed (thanks Dave).
When I tested the roll forward a Print Schedule file was present. If one had not been created then the system displayed “File not Found” and would not roll forward (thanks Chris).
View Print Schedule displayed wrong day title and crashed on some days. (Andy & Mike).
Hope Print Scheduler proves useful!
26th July 2002
Since June UNPAID Invoice entries have been deleted by HH Function - 2 Read all HH Databases. Sorry for this oversight.
25th July 2002
Bug in 4 per Page Receipts printing due to earlier changes. Sorry to all affected.
Small mod in Print Scheduler had caused changes to Use Escape Codes/A5 Printing & Default to Screen tick boxes not to be saved.
Moved View full Schedule button from front page menu item to Listings page.
Printing Autopilot is now called Print Scheduler.
22nd July 2002
I think Printing Autopilot is now working BUT I may not have included all the various flags which make printing work! Do let me know if you aren’t getting the correct result.
If you specify Advert at Top in Invoice Options but don’t define which advert then you got a blank advert ...fixed.
An Observation when using adverts. Dave Clark was finding the font of the advert would charge without warning after a number of invoices were printed. He fixed this by making sure he selected all the adverts text and then set the font! (thanks Dave).
19th July 2002
Full Name and Address has been added to Labels and Envelopes with a slight change to layout. (thanks Carmel)
18th July 2002
Deleting of credit charges not working (Mr. Appleton) This was due to payments input on HH not being deleted from credit charge.
Printing AutoPilot – You will notice a new button Add Next Print to AutoPilot in the listing screen. The basic idea is that you create a list of listings you print regularly and the system presents these on the day required. You tick the ones you want then press the Print button. Please try it with the following proviso’s:-
The system is not yet working properly.
You may loose the list of listings at your next update.
Let me know what you think.
Let me know what isn’t working – by email!.
Last Invoice Value may not be clearing due to rounding errors. Now if payment is within 0.5p of the last invoice value (provided this is not equal to the new total i.e. just paid last months invoice) is cleared during roll forward. Any other value it is not.
Statements are now printed with Full Address if one is available. Useful if posting Statements! (thanks Andy@Hopewall)
Error generated on way into Stock Management and in Shuffling Stock especially after printing…fixed!
Added cash items (Cheese Weights) to Stock Management (thanks Andy@ Hopewall)
Modified Cheque/Bacs Lists to include Cash and Tokens (thanks Andy@ Hopewall)
Credit Charges (cash items) not showing up on Business Report. Also correction to how cheese weights are listed (was two lines now one). (thanks Mr. Appleton)
30th June 2002
Have done mods to HH code suggest you reload the Milk1 program to all HH’s (see HH Mod History).
29th June 2002
Remittance Slip this invoice total in error when invoice is between dates …fixed. (thanks Ian Shaw)
Multi Account list – not printing Amount Bfwd. Since adding of Middletons Invoice (thanks Ian Shaw)
Headings not being displayed on Multi Account List.
20th June 2002
Remittance Slip this invoice total in error …fixed. (thanks Graham Collicut)
Payments List and End of Week Summary List - Vat Totals and Total Vatable Sales on Escape Code printing was showing double the actual amounts (bug dates back to 1st December 2001)…(thanks Den Williams).
19th June 2002
The changes for networked system to stop more than one user accessing data files had a side effect that stopped user working…fixed (thanks John Gregory).
Recent changes stopped printing Vat totals at bottom of some invoices for “Show Vat” customers.
Some printing on A5 not in right position corrected (thanks Andy).
15th June 2002
HH Conduit MR020615 Seems a line in code got deleted. Anyway Ordered collection lists now get transferred correctly! (thanks Mr. Muscroft) If you reinstall system then restart Hotsync the new conduit will work.
14th June 2002
Bug in Escape Code printing of Loading Lists and End of Week Summary when printing cheese weights. Also corrected day headings.
13th June 2002
When customers are added if ordered collection lists are present a check is made to see if the customer is in any list if not a message is displayed.
Raising and Lowering of customers works properly when encountering beginning of round title.
Raising. Lowering and Reversing of customers is now only possible after checking the Enable Customer Raise/Lower in the Options menu. This is to stop inadvertent moving of customers.
Added test for printing with Escape Codes to Other lists – If you are printing with Escape codes you must set unprintable areas to zero on Printer Setup!!
10th June 2002
When using delivery list type 5 and printing standing order data this weeks data was printed not the standing order (fixed… thanks Neil Parsons).
Debt Charge not deleting when payment is made …fixed (thanks Mr. Appleton).
Loading data on Single Day and Seven Day Delivery Lists not printing Cash Items and Cheese Weights on both Windows and Escape Code printing (fixed I think).
Changes to or additions of Cash Items and Cheese Weights now cause differences.
8th June 2002 - New System
Have done mods to HH code suggest you reload the Milk1 program to all HH’s (see HH Mod History).
Small mod to Chk button function giving wrong totals (in some instances) to amount Cfwd & Bfwd.(thanks Den Williams)
Added ‘The totals in the Loading List appear incorrect’ to Frequent User Problems help.
Added explanation of Token Items and Credit Charge Items to Help in Edit Round Data.
Bacs LIST same as cheque list (thanks Andy Hopewall Farm)
Added Middleton's A5 Invoice to Scrolling List & Edit Cust Data Menus + some mods.
When deleting Unpaid Invoices system now asks for how the invoice was paid cash / cheque / bacs (thanks Andy Hopewall Farm).
18th May 2002
Added Middleton’s A5 Invoice to Invoice List.
Several small changes to invoice printing.
15th May 2002
Add Chk button to scrolling list. This allows user to check the brought forward totals with the carried forward totals from the previous week for each customer.
Add Find “LOST” Customers to Import Data menu in scrolling list. This allows user to find lost customers (a very rare condition). The database management system has been changed to recognize when a customer has been lost and displays a message.
Added FILE IN USE interlock for people using the system over a network or where Data Source is not C:\MR\DATA.
Last Invoice value is now transferred to HH. See HH mods.
Escape Code Printing not printing –ve or zero balance invoices (thanks Den Williams)
You need to reload the Milk1 program to all HH’s (see HH Mod History).
Debt Charge Dates in error …fixed (thanks Mr. Appleton).
Modified Results form so that the scroll window size changes when form is resized.
6th May 2002
More Side Effects – Some people have been finding that the week number changed back a few weeks without any user action. This has been tracked down to the autobackup function recording the backup count in the same file as the current weekno and yearno. If the auto-backup happened whilst looking at back weeks or during the printing of invoices then the wrong weekno could be written in the file… fixed at last!
Added protection against overwriting old files whilst Rolling Forward. You are now warned if you are in danger of overwriting old files!
3rd May 2002
Oops! Side Effects!!!!
For all people who down loaded since 26th April and all who are using Credit Charges who print monthly (between dates) invoices. The first days in the new month will be cancelled in the customers order…fixed (Thanks Mike Pratley)
2nd May 2002
Customer Discounts (as set in Customer Details) applied to all items sold were no printing properly on invoices although the invoice total was correct. (thanks Mrs. Thomas).
Unfortunately I added the hint for the z & Z speed buttons to the whole edit screen which had the result of unwanted hints poping up all the time …sorry! (thanks Mike Pratley)
Previous changes to Multi Account List caused some lists to have wrong total depending on what invoice type had been selected. Hopefully this has been fixed. (thanks Mike Pratley)
28th April 2002
Cash Items/Cheese Weights/Tokens now print properly on Escape Code Printing of loading lists and End of Week Summaries.
26th April 2002
Check for Page written flags on auto-backup. Just in case.
On Delivery Charges with zero buyin price putting the abbreviation to 3 spaces will make profit calculation work on W=Check Price calculation.
Stopped Unpaid Invoice data being transferred to the HH.
Stopped ability to set payment whilst in “Standing Order”. It generates the wrong payment total. (thanks Dave Clark)
Added Help menu to Select Day/Man window because I had forgotten the rules for producing multi man listings.
Fixed bug in printing of multi-man lists when using Escape Codes (thanks Mr. Dews).
Added Last Invoice Amount carried forward when an invoice is printed (not to screen). Add commands ‘z’ and ‘Z’ for payments of last invoice amount in cash and by cheque. The last invoice amount is set to zero at the next roll forward if the payment is equal to or greater than the last amount. Tell me what you think. (thanks to Mr. Appleton and Dave Clark).
Added Long Edit Form option in edit customers data screen for those customers who want to see more of lines of the customers data displayed – try it you might like it!
Found a bug usually affecting new users. If you entered a quantity when editing customers data screen on the keyboard DID NOT PRESS ENTER then pressed a button to say set a payment when you tried to move the cursor the system would generate and error! …curious bug fixed at long last!
Put VAT flags ‘v’,’w’,’x’ on End of Week Summary list. Also on Product Usage list.
Period in Product Usage list being overwritten (thanks Mike Pratley).
12th April 2002
Small mod to HH Function 1 due to changes involved in adding credit charges.
11th April 2002
Invoice period on Short Form Monthly invoices printing too big. Font reduced from 11 to 10. …thanks Mrs. Thomas.
Added Credit Charges to the system. Look in Edit Round Data to see Credit Charge Enabled enables the addition of a credit charge interest of x% after y weeks if the debt is not paid. A warning is displayed on all invoices for customers who are so enabled (see Edit Customer Details – Help). A Cash Stock Item “Credit Charge” is created in the next week (after y weeks) equal to the value of x% of the outstanding invoiced debt. The invoices have to printed on paper to activate the credit charge.
Added Apply Credit Charge in Edit Customer Details enables the application of credit charge interest to this customer. See help in Edit Round Data. WARNING – Only enable customers who have an invoicing period which is greater than the After Weeks number set in Edit Round Data, Otherwise the new invoice will reset the credit charge data from the last invoice. (thanks Mr. Appleton - who only has monthly accounts and charges people for their credit – good man)
Preprinted Weekly/Monthly Invoices with large text font were printing INVOICE in the wrong place…doesn’t now. (thanks Andy @ Hopewall Farm).
Added Stock Check List to Stock Management. Also added Show Value of Stock on List as a checkable menu item in the option menu. (thanks Andy @ Hopewall Farm).
4th April 2002
Moved Import Data to a menu item. Added Import Single Cust from Last Week.
Which allows data to be reconstructed with the backward links in face of accidental data loss.
Improved the HH Help function to include Installation of MRS programs onto the Palm HH.
29th Mar 2002
Found a bug that allows the HH file to be updated when editing back weeks. Doesn’t now! (thanks Malcolm Scott)
21st Mar 2002
The flag that signaled Escape Code Printing was stored in the week file is now stored in system initialization file. This is because if you are printing last weeks invoices then last weeks copy of flag is used even if it was reset for this week. You will need to reset the Use Escape Code tick box.
Changes to HH code to make more robust DO RELOAD ON TO HH.
19th Mar 2002
Added Import Data to scrolling list as per same function in dos versions MR6 & MR8 to allow transfer of data between different MR8_for_Win databases.
Payment by Token with Cheque now registers cheque value!
In some circumstances people who had previously used dos system could have Punt equivalent = 0.00 printed at the bottom of their invoices (This was introduced for Irish users for use after the Euro conversion). This has been fixed.
When printing Multi Account List when the invoice type selected was either Preprinted Weekly or Preprinted Monthly the total was in error. DO PLEASE CHECK. (thanks Mr. Singh)
Added column totals to Multi Account List.
Last page of Multi Account List not printing (it is now).
Loading Lists now added to Escape Code Printing (for old style dot matrix printers).
Dairy Delivery Notes now added to Escape Code Printing (for old style dot matrix printers).
Some users are complaining about problems with entering items / quantities when the number of items is more than 15ish??? Windows changes this behind my back so I have forced the default row height to 20 and the font size to 9 I believe this will help.
6th Mar 2002
HH Record ID was lost after HH Functions – 2 Read all HH Databases. Isn’t now! (thanks Andy). See changes to HH Mod History.
5th Mar 2002
AFFECTS ALL HH USERS – So that HH users with more than one database can use the HH terminals properly, the table which cross references the Palm Users to the database round has been stored in a different place. HH users will need to “Set up Palm Users” again for each of their terminals. A button Delete User has been added to HH Function “Authorize User”. This only deletes the HH from this database. It does not affect the HH’s authorization status, which is held on the dongle.
At last for all those people who are using Escape Code Printing of Invoices. You can now edit adverts for use on the invoices. To select the required advert click on Get Next Advert after clicking on the invoice type required. (Thanks to Neil Parsons)
27th Feb 2002
Stopped null Ordered Collection List entries being downloaded to HH.
Other small changes to HH code see HH mods.
19th Feb 2002
When editing customers data go back into a past week with the <? Speed button and then used the “/” keyboard command to find the next customer with a “??” (dial/ indicator /lots of changes) quantity. This should have been disabled it was not! Is now! (thanks Dave Clark)
When entering a floating point value/price/payment etc. it would appear a blank space will cause execution error! Won’t now! (thanks Margaret Redfearn)
Current week number being randomly changed has been fixed! When printing product usage the last week of the dates input became the current week! Does’nt now!
When in past weeks auto-backup is now disabled.
5th Feb 2002
System generated an Error when entering stock data in the TYP of VAT columns also the quantity 251 appeared when entering quantities in customer data. I DID NOT EXPECT PEOPLE TO PRESS THE BACKSPACE KEY MORE THAN THE REQUIRED NUMBER OF TIMES. ALSO I EXPECTED YOU TO TYPE ZERO INSTEAD OF BACKSPACE to change a quantity to zero. I think my expectations are too high! Fixed (thanks for getting me on the right road Angela Walters).
When listing column totals and printing Pre-Printed Weekly Invoices between dates the system would print a line of zeros before the first week. (fixed thanks John Doorly).
2nd Feb 2002
Single Day Delivery Lists now show end of week totals after day 3 of week and amount brought forward for days 1-3 of week. The old Dos system had this feature. (thanks to Dave Miles).
Define Logo in Invoice Options asked for a *.gif file should have been a *.bmp file…is now!
31st Jan 2002
When printing Simple Collection List when Delivery list type is 4 or 5 the whole collection list is printed on one page… utter rubbish! Fixed now! thanks Alf Woodcock.
Simple Collection List when printing to screen could not be Exited (on Menu) properly. Can now.
Print All Rounds – Dairy Delivery Notes…first round printed OK then each rounds notes printed on a single page… utter rubbish again! Fixed now!
Stopped the printing of a blank page at the end of a list…I think!
26th Jan 2002
Telephone number is now printed on Receipt Forms and Short Form Monthlies…(thanks Mike Pratley).
Added Define Logo and Help to Invoice Options (thanks Mrs. Tyrie).
11th Jan 2002
Delete files before Backup is now optional for A:. A separate warning is now issued if the files are to be deleted. (Chris Wragg & Margaret Redfearn)
Invoice Terms Text is now printed out above the value input in Invoice Options. So you can now say print “EARLY SETTLEMENT WOULD BE APPRECIATED” on all invoices above say £100. By setting the value to zero the terms text will appear on all invoices.(thanks Chris Wragg)
Cash Items not showing on loading lists …do now!(Graham Collicutt).
6th Jan 2002
I have been battling with printing of invoices in past weeks from the Edit Customers Data screen in the face of addition or deleting customers having changed the customers number. I thought I had it…I did not! I now believe I have cracked it! (thanks Mr. Shepherd)
IMPORTANT NOTICE – ON ALL SYSTEMS DOWN LOADED SINCE 1st DECEMBER. Vat Totals in End of Week Summary and Product Usage are precisely twice the correct amount. Please re-download system and reprint End of Week Summaries. …(thanks Chris Wragg).
3rd Jan 2002
When editing customer data … If the cursor is in the item field and you press ‘c’ for cancel day you get an error … not any more (thanks Mr. Shepherd).
When editing customer data if you changed a quality by typing but doing only one change then clicked on Add Item the change you entered would be lost…(thanks Mary Crean).
2nd Jan 2002
Changes to HH system code (see HH mods).
30th Dec 2001
How hard can it be???? Dec 1st added health warning to Use Escape Codes check box. Problem was you got the health warning but then you could not disable Escape Codes. You can now. (thanks Chris Wragg).
Dec 15th Unpaid Invoice now listed on Weekly Invoices as they were on Monthly Invoices. There is now a switch Print UNPAID Invoices in Invoice Options to allow printing. SO you can now have UNPAID invoices show when editing customer data and choose not to have them printed. (thanks Andy – Hopewall Farm).
21st Dec 2001
Small change in database to prevent zero free space in pages.
Change to transfer of info from HH now works with cash items not already entered in customers order. (thanks Graham Collicutt).
Put list of updated customers from HH into results list rather than OK each one in turn.
Mods to Manage Stock Data – total column now works in Buying before delivery. Transfer of data to next week during roll forward should now work even if you haven’t set buyin prices.
See HH mods
15th Dec 2001
In the Scrolling List pressing ‘D’ now gets you into the correct customers details. (thanks Mr. Singh).
When using Full Address get rid of Customer Name and move full address to left hand border (thanks John Gregory).
Unpaid Invoice now listed on Weekly Invoices as they were on Monthly Invoices (blame Mike Madeley).
IMPORTANT NOTICE - Oops! Yes another one! During the addition of Product Usage code the Cancellation Input Data was not stored. So you entered the cancellation and if that was all you did then the cancellation was not stored!!!
1st Dec 2001
Other lists now has Telephone Directory. If a name is present it is used otherwise the address is used. The list is simply sorted into alphabetical order so ‘A Smith’ is listed in the A’s and ‘Mrs. Smith’ in the M’s. There has to be a phone number to be included. …(thanks Andy at HopeWallFarm and others)
Other lists now has Product Usage in Period + Vat. A number of people have asked for this so here it is. I am interested in people who want intervention board reports creating, please call. I need some input!
1st Dec 2001
Added health warning to Use Escape Codes check box. A number of people have been ticking when using none dot matrix printers. Which then don’t work!!!
IMPORTANT NOTICE - Work on Sage Interface caused Vat Totals in End of Week Summary to be zero. Please re-download system. …(thanks Andy at HopeWallFarm)
28th Nov 2001
It appears that the Print –ve (negative) Invoice Option has not been working since the windows version started…Does Now!
Invoice Number now has upper limit of 65534.
Started work on Sage Interface list …see other lists. Requires numbers invoices.
27th Nov 2001
Added Dial Customer button on Edit Data screen. Use the Milk Round Utilities – Dial out Setup to set modem comms port and add number to dial in front of phone number.
Let me know what you think!
When printing Dairy Delivery Notes you can now choose either to print dial?? items or not. See Invoice Options (thanks Mike Madeley).
After editing data then pressing DN to print Dairy Delivery Notes missed off any edit you had done….doesn’t now (thanks Mike Madeley).
Added HH functions 4 and 5 (not properly tested yet).
21st Nov 2001
In Invoice Options there is now a Remittance Slip option. This still needs a bit of work. Let me know what you think.
I/O Error 32 in Ordered Collection Lists – End of Week – with Escape Codes….fixed. (thanks Linda).
20th Nov 2001
When printing Dairy Delivery Notes for all customers (all rounds…etc) all would be printed even if they did not get anything on that day. From now on only none zero delivery note will be printed! (thanks Mike Madeley).
18th Nov 2001
I have a customer that tells me that the you are loosing money messages are driving them to distraction especially on newspaper vouchers with a negative price! Chances are that if your feeling aggrieved others are too. You could
a)call me
b)send me an email
c)put a message on the Milk Round Forum so that other users can share your beefs.
From now on all negative priced items will NOT generate the You are Loosing Money message.
Added Help menu to Listings screen.
15th Nov 2001
Minor bug in conversion to Euro. Found and Fixed. Many thanks to Carmel!!!
11th Nov 2001
Some complained about customer count not working…does now.
Some small changes to print invoices:-
Aborting print (receipt forms) to screen now works properly.
Restarting printing print (receipt forms) after abort now does not produce error.
You can now save Results form into a file.
Some people were finding the resetting of Vat flag in Edit Stock items confusing. Now any character other than ‘1’,’2’ or ‘3’ resets the Vat flag.
Stock Management has had a makeover. You can now enter quantities by keyboard in Brought Forward column (on first day of week only), Returns, Adjustments and Boughtin columns. You can also decide where the Boughtin column occurs before or after delivery.
Have a play….then give me some FEEDBACK!!!
31st Oct 2001
Another Oops! The solution to the blank customer 1 was to initialise the customer data when opening a new database this had serious side effect on editing HH data…fixed (Thanks Andy)
For our Irish (Republic of) Customers who have been waiting with a cross between bated breath and horror at the forthcoming conversion to the euro. Please checkout the new button Convert to Euro Pricing in the Edit Round Data. You can trial this button immediately after Roll-Forward. After playing you MUST select the previous week file to be current and Roll-Forward again over-writing the file you just played with. If unsure call Steve.
27th Oct 2001
Prevented system trying to update customer data in past weeks from HH. (thanks Malcolm)
If Customer 1 was blank then the system would crash after opening database file…fixed.
24th Oct 2001
Oops!!! the new Cancel 3 button seemed to want to set Cancel 1… doesn’t now (thanks Mr. Wills).
Moving items in stock list caused data to be created for all blank customers increasing data size un-necessarily...fixed (thanks Andy).
When in Edit Customer Details clicking the Directions Title or New Page Title tabs when on a live customer caused the customer name and address to be overwritten… not any more!
20th Oct 2001
DOCUMENTATION is now available as a down load.
Several cosmetic changes to forms moving Select Current Week File up list.
Reset Reconciliation Day becomes Reset Pay Day.
In Customer Details added Full Invoice Address with tick box to enable use on Invoices. You can now use window envelopes for your invoices.
In Edit Data screen I have changed Cancel 1, Cancel 2 & Cancel 3 from selectable labels to buttons and moved the dc1,dc2 & dc2 speed-buttons to reside near their respective Cancel buttons. I hope no one has any strong objections but it was not obvious that the Cancel labels were selectable.
One more “Tell Steve” bug finally laid to rest. When selecting to print invoices from Edit Data screen the final cleanup for printing invoices (due to the vagaries of Windows processing) was taking place after the screen input (and the database was) back with the user. This meant that any subsequent edit cause the fault.
“Tell Steve” bugs no-longer loose your data or appear to hang system! But I still need to find the little blighters!
Cancel button now works every where in Get Flag Set it didn’t in F4= Set MultPay in Scrolling List.
When editing Ordered Collection lists if the only mod you did involved double clicking RH Form to set entry in LH Form then mod was not saved is now.
2nd Oct 2001
Oops bug in reading special price data from database
27th Sep 2001
Special prices if you are using the new files names i.e. Week200139 then you can now have 50 special prices per customer.
To make life easier for people setting up the system when adding items you can type 21..27 to add items 21 thro 27 to a customers order.
Second Dairy telephone number has been added so invoices printed with new phone number below first.
Print problem with Top Debtors when approximate number of weeks becomes large - fixed.
After reorganization of invoices receipt forms & short form monthlies were not printing correctly on A4 paper. (Thanks Stan Murray)
Whilst answering a new user’s problem found another bug. If you were in Print all Customers then Print Invoices then Print Delivery Lists you got a range check error…you don’t now.
22nd Sep 2001
Hand held (HH) terminals now operational (see HH Mod History). If you are having problems installing or using please call.
Problem parsing HH databases (*.ccc files) when the number of special prices exceeds 25 now fixed.
Problem transferring changed cash values (cash items / cheese weights) from HH to PC now fixed.
By popular demand Define Block and Move Block has been added to scrolling list. I hope they do what is required. Round boundaries should be maintained.
13th Sep 2001
Inserting Customers Range Check Error… I could not reproduce it because I didn’t expect the cursor not to be on a customer. It was on a round separator.
Oops! Printing A5 invoices did not work too well as calculated page length in error working now!…(thanks Stan Murray)
8th Sep 2001 - New System
Just bought myself a high resolution screen. I think 1024 x 768 now works. Please call if you find anything that is less that startling.
Access to Stock List whilst data out on HH is now allowed for the checking of prices etc. still no editing allowed!
From 3rd August - Statements - if a new customer had been added then the end date of statements changed during print run…fixed!
4th Sep 2001
Two small but important mods to database handling routines. A) when a page is intialised it is now immediately written to the disk. B) If the page header is corrupt then page is initialised.
3rd Sep 2001
Sunday Papers no dates on lists…fixed.
Ordered Collection List occasionally screwing up why??? If after inserting/deleteing shuffling etc you went into edit data by flag or ordered collection list (which is highly likely) you inadvertently disabled the auto rebuild of the ordered collection list….result screwed up data…these functions have now been disabled!.
Exit in Edit Customer Details changed to Save.
Disabled the Loosing Money message on tokens.
2nd Sep 2001
Delete Files before Backup could not be disabled if the Backup destination was A:\. However Margret Redfearn bought a 100Mb drive which replaces A:\ upon which she wishes to Backup all files….she can now disable Delete Files before Backup.
Sunday Papers reprinting last customer many times…fixed.
Printing of Ordered Collection List did not include spans from high number to low number.
List Z printed as title of round after printing of ordered collection list ….fixed at last!
18th Aug 2001
Four per page + Escape code printing – printed garbage page at end of good listing…fixed
Two receipts per page was not printing properly… is now.
18th Aug 2001 - New System
As a consequence of Searching for Text String or Editing in Flag Set or Editing in Ordered Collection List and then immediately followed by printing by round the system would produce an array bound error…fixed (thanks Acorn Dairy).
It appears that some people have been going back a week in edit customer data then trying to print invoices. This route to printing invoice in back weeks has now been disabled. However the up to week number counter previously grayed out has been reinstated….(thanks all).
Due introduction of printing invoice adverts at top printing (option) of Pre-printed Receipt Forms & Short Form Monthly invoice have not been printing properly especially 4 per page. You can only print adverts at bottom of these two types.
Bank Giro Credits had been added as buttons but not as key presses …fixed.
Added ctrl+F (windows standard for Find Text) = Search For Text String keyboard command in scrolling list.
You can now print a list of ordered collections lists see Milk Round Utilities - Edit Ordered Collection Lists. And if you hadn’t realized you can now multi select this list.
Cheese weights have been added to run totals on non-Escape code delivery lists.
Cheese weights have been added to Escape code pre-printed receipt forms.
8th Aug 2001
When printing Collection Lists - All Customers with Escape codes – Error Generated … fixed.
Day Payers have been re-jigged to allow update by HH terminal. DO CHECK that all day payer totals are correct.
End of Week Summary changes to spacing of Day Payers totals messed up spacing of subsequent lists…fixed (thanks Acorn dairy).
When editing customer data if data edited and Print Invoice selected then “Tell Steve Error” …fixed (thanks Acorn Dairy).
Improved the HH Function – Set Up Palm Users so it finds HH user directories only.
3rd Aug 2001 - New System
When change item was pressed and you had two entries of the same and you answered yes to “change standing order data?” the screen was not redrawn leading to a little confusion…fixed.
Printing of Statements on a new customer erroneous data was printed for the period before the customer started.
HH System is now distributed with MR8_Installer and loaded automatically. Changes to conduit Milk.dll will work with no other action required. Changes to the HH system code require you to load this each time you down load from the system from the website.
Euro Equivalent of TOTAL TO DATE = printed with wrong amount…fixed (thanks Carmel)
Sub totals of cheese weights and cash items not showing correctly on period invoices. (thanks Carmel).
July 25th 2001
Added Multi Day Payer tick box (also In Edit Customer Data – Edit Options) and Show Cash on Delivery Note tick box (also used by HH) to Edit Customer Details.
When selected rounds (as in Bring Forward) used repeatedly the second time may include all customers (thanks Andy).
System showed error message when you edited customer data then went back one week… fixed (thanks Andy).
Collection lists with Escape codes crash … should work now.(thanks Alan).
July 22nd 2001
Added Colour to Advert text. Previously did not print in colour.
Added equivalent Euro Values to invoices you need to set rate and tick box in Edit Round Data.
Added help menus Get Flag, Get Order List & Edit Order List screens.
Added day payer payments to plain paper invoices.
Allowed invoices up to a week in the past from scrolling list.
Previously disabled (but much requested)
This seems to work if you find it does not let me know.
Added lockouts to prevent changes that are not transferable to HH suggestion came at just the right time.
Added Delete all HH Databases hope this makes life simpler.
Added Advert at TOP within Invoice Options
You can now set your own Font types for invoices see Invoice Options
This allows you to make your invoices much more Individualistic
Try Giving the fist line of the dairy name a larger and bolder font
than the second line.
Handle with care - let me know what you think.
If you find any undesirable interactions let me know.
It started by Adding (the printing of) Plain Paper Invoice on A5 paper you can now print all listings on A5 paper.
Cheese weighted items added to end of week summary & loading lists.
Added Frequent User Problems to Help menu on front page. If you can think of any useful additions please email.
Stopped new users rolling forward whilst still in week199001.
Made Order Collection List listings print list title rather than the rather uninformative List B.
Made Collection Lists print with escape codes (needs testing).
Improved Order Collection List selection for Sunday Papers.
21st June 2001
Payments on main system not being sent to HH on Hotsync … fixed.
19th June 2001
I thinkl I have found problem with shuffling item data Edit Stock Data.
Data format in cheese weights and cash items changed in transfer to HH .ccc file.
Error found in updating records on HH involving special prices – error in data base format checker.
15th June 2001
You can now only raise or lower one item in Edit Stock Data. Previously you could select more than one item.
Auto Backup before reading data from HH’s.
12th June 2001 - New System
Changes to HH conduit.
9th June 2001
In form Select Ordered Lists you could only enter a List Title for the first list. I have now made it a double click to select a list and the Enter Title String button now works for all lists. (thanks Dave Simms)
8th June 2001
Added Don't Print Invoice Headers tick box to Invoice Options for those people who want to pre-print their own stationary with Dairy Name & Address, Telephone and Vat Numbers and Invoice/Receipt preprinted at the top of the forms.
Dates on Invoices using Escape codes were positioned wrongly due to names not being padded to 30 chars. As in old DOS system
7th June 2001
General improvement of editing Ordered Collection lists – please test.
If Telephone numbers and Vat numbers start with a “*” character then they are NOT printed on invoices.
Added Bank Giro Credit Payment type as in old DOS system.
Added subtotal of Total Book Sales less Customer Discounts to End of Week Summary list.
Added Forum to web site so use it!
31st May 2001
Token Payment on Receipt Forms – was subtracting token payment twice – Fixed at last… sorry for the delay. (thanks to Messrs Tweddle & Young)
30th May 2001
Slight changes to authorising of HHs.
29th May 2001
Amazing how simple bugs survive – re Dave Coultards start! When a new user initialises the data base then goes into Your First Customer the Standing Order tab is showing but the customers data is this week ie blank instead of Pasteurised 2 per day… fixed!!!
Added Authorise HH to HH Functions menu.
Made the system check HH authorisation state before reading back info from file C:\Palm\User\ Weekyyyynn.ccc. This means you can trial the HH system without any authorisation (you still need the palm files – these will be downloadable soon) up to to the point of reading the data back into the main system.
If you cancel out of a Cheque Payment the system defaulted to setting payment anyway… it now asks you if you want to set the payment anyway.
Payday is now reset when rolling forward on day payers only.
28th May 2001
Apologies to all who downloaded since 12th May. I inadvertently placed a command in the wrong place and when ever you tried to do just about anything in Edit Stock Data the system went back to the front menu. Thanks for your help!
Help – currently the payday is not reset when rolling forward. What do you want the system to do? Let me know!
13th May 2001
Changes to allow transfer of payment data from Hand Held (HH).
Increased number of items per customer to 50.
12th May 2001
On Cheque List if using Daily Reconciliation sort cheques into days.
Tab key now works properly in Edit Stock Data.
At last I have found the bug in Edit Stock Data .. you have done a lot of edits… you click the Display Shows box … you’ve lost them all… fixed. If you clicked the X button at the TRH corner you got the same result… fixed (thanks all).
System now displays Fatal Error if data source is not accessible (as on networked machines set up wrongly) previously it did not fail with grace!!!
27th April 2001
Made changes to customer editing code to embody any changes to data from last HH Hotsync.
20th April 2001
System initialization (for new users) is now working again after a negative improvement.
Max default delivery type was set to three in error now five.
When printing delivery list type 5 “All Rounds” to printer using Escape Codes would fail and only print last round …fixed.
Warning to all! I spent several hours looking for rogue “line feeds” while fixing the above item. It had to be the program! Turned out to be associated with having set custom paper size (associated with my previously testing labels). When I reset the paper size to Letter FA (11” fanfold) the problem went away. Thank you Micro Soft!
17th April 2001
At Last much demanded fix to statements. Now defaults to last 19 weeks.
Printing Invoices from edit customer data screen. You can now go back through the weeks and then print an invoice from there. Check it out and report bugs please!
Found bug which occasionally caused the current week number to be reset back a few weeks. This happened when the buttons on the front page were used to go back into the past and then print an ivoice which involved several weeks data…fixed.
When using Daily Reconciliation and Token Payments the payment day was not asked for and therefore not set properly.. fixed.
Added Payment on Day and Cheque on Day listings to Other Lists menu for use when using Daily Reconciliation. Check these out and report bugs please!
10th April 2001
After compilation with new compiler the Grid showing item quantities was being drawn with the wrong height when more than 12 items displayed…fixed.
2nd April 2001
Added Change Start Day of Week and Print Calendar menu items to Edit Round Data Window (Just for you Martin).
1st April 2001
The system previously gave the impression that cheques paid by day payers where taken to be part of the payment. However when calculating totals in End of Week Summaries, Rolling Forward these values are ignored!
Now in common with the cheque value set for ordinary payers the day payers cheque value is for your reference only. (thanks to Martin!!!)
Day payers cheques not being itemised on cheque list. (thanks to Martin!!!)
The MR8 installation process has been changed. You will down load MR8_Installer.exe which will unzip and install the system correctly.
30th March 2001
Changes to Ordered Collection Lists :-
Can only extend list by one line by clicking off end of list.
Customers not now in list are positively removed and will not be put back in by auto-rebuild code.
You cannot add single entries to the "to" column whilst "from" column =0 (unless in list Z - used in future by proxy payers).
29th March 2001
System error If you tried to enter title for non-existent Ordered Collection List fixed.
Changes to way system deletes lines in Ordered Collection Lists.
Truncated customer names in Del list type 5 so that they do not cross into next column.
Delivery Notes do not go onto next page when first page is full - does now.
Internally all customers that do not exist in last weeks data are set to have a -ve customer no. This is used on restoration of of HandHeld data back into the main database. Please check that all uses of last weeks data - may be a cause of bugs.
One of my "Slight Irritations" Fixed at Last!!!!
When editing customer data you press left "Last Week" UPDOWN control to go back to last week (screen turns blue). If you then did an edit which caused the amount carried forward to be changed and then went forward to the current week (mini roll forward form comes up you answer Yes/No) Screen turns white. At this point if you pressed any key
one of the LastWeek/NextWeek keys would depress (in error)....not any more!
Delivery List type 4 when next week's order contained items not in this week then del-list printed 'CAN' not 'C' ...fixed (thanks Ian Kelloway).
When editing customer data you could not set customer to UNPAID you can now - (thanks Mr. Skilbeck)
ADDED HH menus to HH Functions Menu.
6th March 2001
On print Receipt Forms using Escape codes the name carried over characters from the previous receipt – fixed at last!
When printing the Pre-Printed Monthly between dates and pressing the Multi Account List button the window title changed to Print Statements – fixed.
Day Payer’s not showing up on daily payment list when Daily Reconciliation is selected. They do now!
Day Payer’s not resetting properly on roll forward. They do now!
Single Day Delivery List when printing with Escape Codes stop with I/O Error 32 – Fixed (I hope).
28th February 2001
Delivery List type 5 – thought I’d fixed (I hadn’t) I have now!! (thanks Mr. Blackwood).
Due to a vast oversight on my part Cash items could not be input as negative – fixed!
(thanks Mr. Blackwood).
From Mike Pratley an annoyance – if you delete (or change) an item from the weekly order and the standing order then the change is not registered in single day differences – should be now (also works if you change the standing order item)!!!!
Multi Account List not printing correctly when printing correctly when printing short form monthlys or pre-printed monthly invoices – fixed (I think) – Mike Pratley.
24th February 2001
Delivery List type 5 – failed with I/O Error when printed with “Escape Codes” – fixed.
When standing order contains data for alternate weeks delivery (ntw or twk) pressing the Reset Order button when back in This Week copied the (ntw or twk) data as well – this in turn added 252 or 253 to loading lists. – fixed (Thanks Martin).
18th February 2001 -
Single day papers – Mr. Paton wants it to print in a double column to save paper. Done!
Added Sunday Papers to the delivery lists. It sounds strange but Sunday papers are delivered against an “Ordered Collection List” ( which is really an Ordered Delivery List ). Since people who do not get papers are not listed in paper delivery lists, the Ordered Delivery List can use from-to lists which include people who do not get Sunday papers this makes setting up and maintenance of the list easier.
Added to Delivery List Options switch to make Cancels text read "No Del" not "No MIlk" this is for people using the system for paper rounds only.
31st January 2001
If the start year and end year of a period invoice are different then the system prints only one week. Thanks to Mary Norris in Ireland we have found another one! Fixed!
18th January 2001
Stopped fault when trying to set “Flag Set Title” on flag group that does not exist – fixed.
Daily Reconciliation flag is now written back to database previously it was not.
16th January 2001
Labels on up-down buttons in Delivery List Options not displayed correctly.
Potential bug found if more than 31 special prices present this is now prevented.
When editing customer data Change Item now also deletes special prices for old item if you answer “yes” to change item in standing orders…etc. Please check that this works properly and report any bugs!
Single Day delivery list delivery details being printed in wrong place - fixed.
13th January 2001
When deleting an item from the stock list you put * in the first char of item name – but item was not deleted … it is now!
When editing customer data Change Item now asks if you want to change the standing order + Alternate orders + Orders on Return as well.
8th January 2001
If you don’t enter security codes whilst in the count down period - when this lapses you can’t enter them at all!…fixed.
2nd January 2001
Funny how code that has been working for just about ever suddenly is found wanting! Carmel in Ireland was printing Pre-Printed Monthly Invoices - between dates! When I built the system I never really expected this. Anyway you can now print these and get the correct totals!
2nd January 2001
Problem when selecting Between Dates in Print Invoices fixed I think! Also people with a Week53 and using old type filenames will have to reset year weekno back to 200053 look out for this.
Modified Bring Forward so that you cannot choose the same day.
Stopped fault if item or quantities input too high in edit customer data.
List Special Prices starting at top of page on right hand side column fixed (thanks Mike).
18th December 2000
In Edit Customer screen when Alternate Order Tab pressed and no data was changed the alternate order was not saved (Reasonable???) however if an alternative order was present then you go in and delete it by pressing the LH arrow button (to delete it) the alternative order is not deleted (UNReasonable!!!). Modified behavior in short -> if you press the tab button to create an Alternative Order for a customer or press the left-right buttons to change the week number the data will be saved in the state you leave it in. I hope this works a bit better and is a bit more understandable.
Fixed problem with the Go To Cust button in Edit Customer Data.
17th December 2000
Added date to Edit Customer screen when Alternate Order Tab pressed.
WARNING - After setting a tab to a given week do not touch the left-right buttons underneath as this will reset the customers data.
16th December 2000
Single day papers – some people want to see cancellations other don’t so put option in delivery list options. (Stephenson)
Added Open Advert button to Select Advert window on way into printing invoices.
Added F10 go to next numbered customer in edit customer data.
Stopped Alternate order for Week being printed on delivery lists. (Lots)
Single day papers list did not work properly when printed with weeks ahead. (Paton)
Added “Order on Return” message to cancel data (if present) in edit customer.
If the “Secondary Functions - Use old MR Filenames” menu item is checked then storage of round data is in the old format i.e. usable by older DOS programs. You will not be able to use the new 30 rounds.
1st December 2000 (2nd try)
Thanks to Carmel in Ireland:-
Collection and Account Lists did not Sort in Flag order ..they do now.
Edit Stock Data - Change Special Price not working beyond item 30 ….Fixed!!
Results Print Customers that get special price – last customer on not printing…fixed
Amount Brought Forward not present on Preprinted Monthly Invoices by calendar month.
Single column by request on Single Day Papers – Delivery Type 3. (for Craig Paton)
Multi Accnt List not printing properly with Preprinted Monthly Invoices by calendar month. Best to print invoices then Multi Accnt List.
ReDo Dates in set Cancel by dates or Invoice by dates did not work…does now.
1st December 2000 (1st try)
Modified system to give all MRS users a maximum of 30 rounds instead of 10. This will update old databases without problem – from this point on all data opened by the MR8_for_Win will not be usable by “old” DOS systems.
Put warning in Edit Stock Data if entries start with * this means delete item Are You Sure?
Labels were not printing properly on custom paper sizes this is due to not picking up correct paper size. (fixed thanks to Dave Clark).
20th November 2000
Substantial changes to List Single Day Papers now works with type 2 & 3 listings.
Do make sure all papers have a type set to something except ‘space’, ’H’ (hamper) & ‘C’ (cash item). Does not list cancelled items. Does not list items with abbreviation set to ‘ ‘ (space space space) for use with delivery charges.
Added Set Cancel Day for Papers Only Operation option to menu in edit customer data. This will allow the ‘C’ command to cancel all items on the selected day. Only of use if system is being used to to delivery only papers. So you don’t get into the bind when milk is cancelled but papers are not. Remember that Period Cancel when you set dates - cancels stock items with types set to ' ' (space) or 'D' (daily) or 'W' (weekly) but not other types.
List Stock List by abbreviation now works is was printing whole list on one page.
4th November 2000 (for Andy Challoner to test)
After many requests you can now shuffle stock data. Added “Organise Data” to edit stock data window. Your data is backed up using auto backup and all customers data is updated. If you find any faults please let me known.
When editing stock data the system now defaults to show cost prices.
When stock Types & Subtypes are being set the right hand list shows *** next to items already in type/subtype list. This is not reset when items are deleted from list but exiting and re-entering will fix.
19th October 2000
Single Day Papers list does not now list quantities if equal to 1.
Added reminder to set “special price” if entering a cheese weight.
Added menu item to reset payment day if using Daily Reconciliation.
Strange how a modification can be years old and it takes a new user to trip up over it. However, Carmel from Ireland found it! If you were printing pre-printed weekly or monthly invoices by calendar dates (printing an Invoice Number) having an end date within the current week the days at the end of the current week (this weeks data) were cancelled….fixed now. Thanks Carmel!!!
If receipt forms are printed when working with UNPAID INVOICES after a few weeks receipts start a new page in the middle due to the unpaid invoices being added into the lines to print count…fixed.
Due to a fix issued on 18th June 2000 where continuation sheets of invoices started 0.5” from top of page preprinted receipts also were alternately starting 0.5” from top of form …fixed. (Thanks Dave)
Warning added to business report together with vertical scroll bar added to results form.
Security codes on dairy system not working properly…fixed.
16th October 2000
Display of day of payment (set when using Daily Reconciliation) when editing customer data caused Array Bound Error when using OLD MR6 data. fixed... (Thanks John Barker who has been using the system since 1989)
Multi-Man Delivery listings now working (thanks Marion in Eire)
Added Multi-Man Delivery lists to Items on Day list as in DOS MR6.
Stock Management would randomly work on either the standing order data or This Weeks data. Fixed... (thanks Marion in Eire)
Added "Set All Men"/"Clear Men" button to get Day/Man form.
Modified Tab order in Edit Customer Details – now moves down on pressing Tab key making it easier to use.
Fixed bug with Use Last Address in Edit Customer Details – you can not press it as many time as you like
Found the Zero divide usually encounted by new users.
Fixed errors associated with ADD NEW ITEM button in Select Item form.
6th October 2000
Added Daily Reconciliation to System to work as on old MR6 & MR8 systems.
Made Dairy System (DR8_for _Windows) so it can be run on same machine as
MR8_for _Windows.
Added ADD NEW ITEM button to Select Item form.
Removed an occasional error (array bound in Spaces) when using W=CheckPrice
Changed rules for cheese prices see below.
Made cheese weights be displayed in single day listings.
Sorted bug in search for customers who use stock items if you are using UNPAID INVOICES.
30th August 2000
Added warning message to Change Weekno buttons on front page. Also disabled
Secondary Function menu whilst in back weeks - it was possible to exit with the week number set to a back week resulting in having to reset the week number before being able access current week again.
Added saving of data file extension because some early systems inadvertently had ".dat" as file extension. These can be selected by "Select Current Week File" but until now the extension was not saved.
Added menu item to "Milk Round System" to "Define Data Source". I have one customer who wants to run the system on a networked computer so C: is not the data he can define where the data sits.
Period total in Pre-Printed Monthly Invoice was printing as Total+Amount Bfwd...fixed.
Added Cheese Weights - how to use:-
Set "C" in item stock type (in Edit Stock Data)
DONOT put price in price field
Add item to customer
Set special price per kg. By press F5
Set weight in kgs under day
Set wholesale price per kg in stock data
Let me known what you think
Occasionally adverts would appear at bottom of invoices when there is not enough space for them ... fixed - was calculating advert height in screen units not printer units.
In some circumstances when a customer gets more than 12 items the width of the grid when editing customer data was set wrongly... fixed at last (for Mike Pratley ????).
List of customers that get special prices in Edit Stock Data only worked if stock item number was less than 30.
When moving from one customer to the next in Edit Cust Data if the data was scrolled then the next customer appeared scrolled to the same position. Now scrolling is reset with the new customer.
Four receipts per page now works.
Added Sage Reference to customer details record. To use this PLEASE CALL STEVE HALL. Invoice type Pre-Printed Weekly and Pre-Printed Monthly invoices which print an invoice number are the only ones transferred to Sage. WARNING if you put data into Sage Reference the database will no longer be compatible with old DOS based MR6&MR8 systems. Sage transfer files are created at roll-forward.
Disabled printing of invoices on Standing Order Data - yes I know… why was it possible in the first place!!!
Added Password protection see Secondary Functions menu.
Profit show in W = Check Price was shown as twice actual.
30th August 2000
When producing invoices between other dates the system would display “Tell Steve” message – fixed (thanks to Mike Pratley!).
ALT+F3 Change item now works from keyboard – try right mouse click on stock item as well.
8th August 2000
Invoices option added to allow receipts to be printed two to a page on A4 paper.
Send out message if screen not setup properly 800x600 …etc.
System would loop with “Range Check Error” if 0 (Zero) was input as item number in edit customers data. Fixed! - Used F3 to delete item.
Four receipts per page printing properly with escape codes printing.
18th July 2000
When having set a cancellation with an Order On Return if you then used the Alternate Order tabs to check to see if the system had the right data the system would a)put the order on return order data into the current weeks data and b) display CAN on the day of the week when the order was due. The correct data was however posted on both delivery lists and in the correct day after roll forward. If you do use the Alternate Order tabs to check on the correct application of cancel data DONOT leave them THERE!!! As you will generate lots of Cancels Overlap warnings. Fixed (thanks Ann Wilson)
Calculation of Cancels Overlapping data was in error when an Alternate Order for Week was present – fixed.
Added “Default Print to Screen” check box to listings menu page.
Delivery list type 4 “C” changed to “C” (in bold) also fixed the next week on right hand side to do same.
Show “??” items on Dairy Delivery Note.
10th July 2000
When you delete alternate order for week (2nd & 3rd alternate orders only) using the left arrow button on tab control the items of the first alternate order are deleted – fixed. (thanks Dave C.)
Made “WKnn/” appear on customer name when editing back weeks.
When editing Stock Data in “Sort on Abbreviation” if abbreviation cursor was at top of list after sort then error was generated – fixed (thanks to Andy C.)
18th June 2000
If last 3 lines of Plain Paper invoice could just be printed on current page then printer hung on next page – fixed!.
Continuation sheets for invoices started at the very top of page – fixed!
Delivery list type 4 Sunday’s “CAN” printing over item abbreviation. Changed to “C” as for type 5.
Recover auto-backed-up files whilst using old filenames not working – fixed.
Modified auto-backup to work without closing the file so there is no danger from loss of data. Count-down to next backup shows at bottom left hand corner of scrolling list.
Added invoice base number to edit round data (as DOS version).
Cancel out of Roll Forward not working.
Limited number of weeks on Pre-Printed Monthly Invoice to 5.
Added Save to file in Print to Screen form. Screen is saved to a .BMP file (typically 1000k in size). To use this for WEB page content Edit file with MSPaint - save as 1 colour depth .BMP file (typically 15k in size). Add this to your page web page!
9th June 2000
Envelopes now have print dairy name option.
Editing Order Lists generated “Tell Steve” message due to zero entries at end of list – fixed.
When printing invoices if you had recently shuffled (RAISE/LOWERED) customers you could not used upto week number to define a past end date and get the correct customer data (right address – wrong data). This is now fixed. For the same kind of reason when printing invoices from the scrolling list you can now only print upto the end of the current week.
When printing invoices from the scrolling list when sorted into anything oher than delivery order you could only print one set of invoices then (strange things happened) you would have to come out of scrolling list and go back in again. – fixed.
Fix problem with restoring for floppy. Added warning to remove floppy after restore.
Fixed editing of round data setting round names & saving of Vat rates.
In scrolling list if you pressed number (goto customer number) then pressed cancel error message was displayed.
IO Error 103 when exiting Edit Ordered Collection Lists error handling customers in multiple lists message – Thanks Mrs. Ann Wilson & Sheri.
When (Editing Customer Data) AND (in back weeks) AND (when shuffling of customers had taken place) pressing Esc produced wrong data for mini-roll forward also Edit Customer Details – fixed.
Edit Customer String Search ‘stx’ produced range check error if it did not find string.
27th May 2000
When system is started on a new computer it automatically initializes the database.
System now prints labels and envelopes as requested.
Delivery notes created by pressing the DN button whilst editing customer data now does not throw an extra page.
If you press Alt+F4 or pressed the X box in top right hand corner of Edit Customer Details window after doing edit then you got the message to call Steve etc. – fixed. Thanks Mrs Wilson.
If you enter of Edit Customer Details window from edit customer data window you can nolonger page up or down – less confusion.
Pressing ‘?’ when editing customers data 1st time worked 2nd time didn’t because lastrow & lastcol weren’t updated. This was also true when arrow keys were used to position cursor prior to keyboard input. – fixed.
Added new Help message when in Edit Customer Data (Mon, Tues, Wed screen)
17th May 2000
Found another reason for tell Steve message - if you had edited customer then set a system option. - Fixed.
Changed wk.dat file name to YRWK.DAT to stop DOS version corrupting windows file of same name. This file holds year/week numbers plus backup count. You will need to reset year week number.
Force entry to standing order data after initialising data - only lasts until golive. New users where finding it confusing to go into This Weeks delivery. Mrs. Wilson.
Modified scrolling list during setting up data phase to show standing order sub-totals.
You can now golive when using old MR file names.
When transferring data to the current week (after setup phase) if standing order is not present the THIS WEEK’s data is used instead, all payments are set to zero.
I think I have found the occasional FILE NOT FOUND error when setting YearWEEK number.
Added popup menu (right button click) for DELETE ITEM/ CHANGE ITEM/ SET SPECIAL PRICE when editing customer data.
If listing was produced for a week ahead then when subsequently editing customer data (in same session) dates shown for special orders for week were out by the number of weeks set in weeks ahead box - no data was lost/changed - fixed (thanks to Mike Pratley).
Added facility to bring forward days of next week into days of next week. Bring forward now also works for selected rounds.
Page down in customer data when on alternate order for week - stays in same week if one is present.
Tokens – At Last I hear you cry – added commands for payment by tokens
a) Add Token to stock items with a new price equal minus value (£-2.66).
b) Go to Edit Round Data and set the Token Item Number (in stock list).
c) When setting payment use command ‘t’ or ‘T’.
Deleting of UNPaid Invoice not being saved - fixed.
12th May 2000
This release was not uploaded correctly.
At LAST WE HAVE FOUND IT !!!! The problem bug was due to autobackup closing file with edits outstanding (to be written back to file). Fixed!!! Many thanks to all who called – it was not due to any keys you pressed – that why I couldn’t repeat it.
7th May 2000
Added Esc key to exit when listing to screen.
Single Day printing wrongly on customer data overflowing page
Single Day run totals (grossly) in error.
If no changes had been done to standing orders the F6 in edit customers scrolling list caused error.
System default for new users set auto-backup to every 10 minutes (recommended)
Support for UNPaid Invoice added. (Works with numbered Invoices – Pre-printed Weekly & Pre-printed Monthly)
Payment flags not printing properly on simple collection list.
5th May 2000
Keyboard commands “a,A,f,F,p,P,K” for setting payment when editing customer data - changed customer. Speed buttons & Menu Commands where OK – Fixed.
Printing of receipts via [+ Esc] dot matrix escape code item quantities do not line up with days – fixed.
Raising and Lowering of a group of customers added to scrolling list editing.
You can now add an item by clicking the zz under the required day.
20th Apr 2000
Crashing in printing invoices from Scrolling list – fixed
Added Single Day and Single Day Differences to +Esc Dot Matrix escape code printing.
You now cannot exit whilst back weeks selected on front page – changed current week number.
Added type & subtype structure to Stock List let me know what you think!!! This can be accessed via Edit Stock Data – Define Type/Sub-types and by used of check box in Select Item. Printing of stock data using types & sub-types to follow…
Selection of customers from right hand list in edit Order Collection List now works after error in prevention of selection of blank customers.
15th Apr 2000
Added to Invoice Options for “Pre Printed Receipt Forms” :-
Invoice/Receipt and
Received with Thanks/ Detach & Return with Payment.
Use Epson Escape [Esc] Codes checked that is was on website!!!!
F4 Multi Pay implemented as in Dos version.
2nd Apr 2000
Set codes on previous system was not writing the codes back to the dongle to much consternation of users who had paid for the system….now working.
To allow users to designate which items they wish to manage stock on the ‘marked’ items flag in the stock list has been moved to a single bit also freeing space up for type & subtype allocations at a later date. This will be seen as previous marked set as being lost or corrupted - sorry.
Flag set and Order list names can now be entered and saved by system.
Edit Stock Data only sets Cost Prices of other items with same abrev only if not default abreviation ‘---‘ (3 minus signs) or ‘ ‘ (3 spaces).
For Mr. Davidson with 2000 customers taking a long time to print on Epson FX880 printer support for Use Epson Escape [Esc] Codes in Listings Screen (YES IT DOES!!! At last).
27th Mar 2000
For Mr. Davidson with 2000 customers taking a long time to print on Epson FX880 printer support for Generic printer seven day delivery list only (as yet) now prints as mr8_4Dos. (NOT YET IS DOESN’T)
Modified search for items (listings as well as edit customers) to include the various types of cancellation.
Modified business reports show items delivered at zero price in separate list and are not included in profit figures.
Added Select Current Week File from list to Secondary Functions menu.
Improved help when file not found displayed + Added Select Current File.
Stopped users starting more than one copy of the system.
Payment List was not including or Excluding flags
21th Mar 2000
Spare page on single selected rounds – found it fixed it.
Made sure that any changes in position due to raising/lowering or reverse ordering in edit in delivery order results in order lists being preserved. Either when simply exiting or editing customer in any of the other ways.
18th Mar 2000
Added checking for multiple entries in database.
Auto-rebuild of order lists not configured for more than 3500 customers – fixed.
ZAP bad customer – delete reference now deletes only reference.
Added search for customers using stock item in edit customers.
16th Mar 2000
AT last found and fixed bug preventing deletion of UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE cancellations.
Made the use of top row numbers when typing customer number – we now go into edit customers data as MR8 for Dos.
Made SPACE delete Type and Vat Rate entries in Edit Stock Data.
12th Mar 2000
Added Payment List.
Added Change Special Prices to edit stock data enabling all special prices to be changed by percentages or simple change.
Added List Customer with Special Prices for Item to edit stock data.
Added Business Report to Other Lists.
Changed the way the system reports findings now to memo window instead of printer as with DOS system.
11th Mar 2000
Added listing stock items to file.
Modified delete item to ask if you wish to delete special price if present.
Show special price items not in Standing Order or This Weeks Deliveries in the W = Check Price list and allow editing of special prices.
8th Mar 2000
Added security support for New Dongle. If new users sent a dongle before we have received payment the system gives 90 days to pay. It then becomes the Demonstration system. If you have paid then call Steve and he will give you a code which is specific to your dongle which converts system to fully paidup.
Added Raise & Lower items in customer data.
Added ALT+F3 = change item (eg. from Past to Semi).
Spare page on single selected rounds – SJH still can’t reproduce it !!!?
Plain Paper Invoice tidy up (reduce font size) and was printing off end of form.
Removed Consol Screen (black screen which came up first). I may have missed some debug writes to this screen (I have checked very thoroughly) – the system will crash if I have – Let me know if you find any!
Enabled the printing of Direction Instructions in delivery lists.
27th Feb 2000
Added type (go to) customer number to scrolling list – note you need to type first number twice – (I don’t have total control).
Make only one warning of no items in standing order.
Add warning if special price below buyin price!
Type 3 delivery list not printing properly when ‘don’t show cash enabled’.
Altered edit stock data show lowest & highest special prices.
Modified Paid figure in edit customer data to always show cheque value so don’t need ‘Q’ view cheque value. P,p did not seem to work in edit customer data - Fixed
Added F9=Print Delivery Note DN speed button.
Adjustment of position of advert on receipts.
Edit in flag order did not work for subsequent lists (speed up xform list not getting initialised).
Invoice for months (Feb in leapyears) now correct no of days.
Some customers (of old MR systems) report crashing – cannot get into system this is due to a longstanding bug in MR database system to do with update to stock management system - FIXED.
20th Feb 2000 issue mods:-
Now use pageup/down buttons in list to screen function two pagedowns = get next page.
Edit Ordered Collection Lists not setting list membership in customer data so auto-rebuild removed new entries from list. Also customers from previous edit mode show at bottom of list in edit customers in order list order. Added list membership and flag to right hand scrolling list.
Added to Edit Type menu “List All not in Ordered List” and “List All in multiple List” (not allowed).
Setting payments in back weeks changed customer.
Fixed trailing zeros in short names on receipt forms and total printing off rhs of page.
Added options form (amounts brought forward …etc) on intro to print pre-printed weekly & monthly invoices.
Edit Stock Data when sorted on abbreviation jumbling up entries.
Added Past week dates when editing customers data in past weeks.
Cancellations Until Further Notice (*defined in new system) must be re-entered – they did not work – they do now.
Disable Roll Forward speed button when using past week buttons.
Repositioned up/down buttons on Alternate Week tab.
Definite - Things to Come
Stock Management
Possible - Wish List
Cheese weights input in kg. or lb. times price defined in special price